
Greatest Ability Looting System

A glitch? anomaly? a gift? a result of gacha game addiction? or last hope? Jacob Faust had finally received his system, but rather than living life as a normal dweller of the city, he found himself with a unique form of power, becoming a glitch of the system. The ability to steal and use the abilities of others for himself. --- Unbound by the light that shone on his city, instead by something else entire that promised to help accomplish his dreams, from wealth to vengeance for the ones who killed his family and friends in the war. But he isn't the only one born with this power, can he survive against them? SETTING SYNOPSIS Humanity had reached their peak centuries ago, creating the universal system for all to use, but their celebration was cut short as the beams of light broke through the earth and wiped out nearly all of humanity, leaving the survivors cursed and bound to the light, turning their gift of systems into a curse as the light controlled it fully. --- As time went on, wars erupted for power and territory. But a miracle happened, people unbound by the light were born, but bound by something else, one that promises great strength and wealth.

Razemaker · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Tower and Patrol

"The wheat is helping us stay hidden, but the light of the towers will spot us," Ella remarked.

"Please don't jinx us," Jacob begged. 

Through the wheat, they crept up on one of the towers, with Zeph and the others having infiltrated the inside of the camp.

'They made large camps in such a short time, I don't know if I should be horrified or impressed,' He thought, chuckling for a moment before moving onward again.

Patrols walked around the wheat, observing the area with different weapons, old and new weaponry, a few Jacob had never seen before.

Ahead of them was one of the metal towers, standing far taller than the camp it was protecting, with a ladder being the only way up to it.

'We need to move up there quickly to make sure nobody spots us," He thought. The climb would take a while, and they would be open to attacks, even with this in mind, they had the order to finish.

Once the nearby patrol left, Jacob immediately rushed up the ladder, climbing up with as little noise as possible. 

Ella moved away, hoping to take out the other guard tower and speed up their task while avoiding multiple patrols.

As he climbed on, he heard a noise, a noise of engines in the distance.

'More of them?!' From the outside, a small convoy of hovertrucks drove to the entrance, quickly getting into the camp and shutting it off.

'I wonder what they have in those things,' Jacob wondered but returned to climbing the ladder.


At the top, he spotted a single soldier, wearing lighter armor than his allies.

"Where is that scout team? Jeez, it's been a while since they left, hope they weren't killed or got lost." The guard groaned. The light in the tower was less bright than the spotlight, barely illuminating the area. Next to him was a turret and table with communication equipment on it.

Jacob slowly got up, taking up his scythe at the man, looking out at the dark field.

"Guarding this wheat field makes me wish for an artillery bombardment here, so boring," The man groaned again, clutching his rifle.

'Won't be boring now,' In a single swing, Jacob swung his scythe, slashing across the man's body, silently taking him out. 

Jacob snapped his fingers, making sure he had enough for this camp. 

[Incoming call from Clara]

'Call?' A tab opened next to them, showing Clara's face.

"We are near what may be the power source of the camp, finish your tasks quickly before we shut down the power." She gave her order with a quiet tone before the call ended.

'We need to pick up the pace,' Looking at the nearby tower, Jacob could see Ella killing the guard stationed there, shutting off the spotlight and light on it. Jacob quickly followed before heading back down.

'Two down, two more to go,'


"Now it's just the patrols," Ella whispered. Nearby, a patrol was talking to their system communications.

"Check the towers, can't get a response and the power seems to be cut off for them," An older man's voice ordered.

"Understood sir," One of the soldiers responded.

"Do your jobs right, don't make us think letting you runts into the city was a bad idea." 

The soldiers now made their way towards one of the towers.

"Crap, we need to take them out, but make it fast and quiet," Ella advised, looking at the patrol.

The two followed them, getting closer and closer, preparing their weapons. 

As the patrol went on, they came across another patrol.

"Check the other one, we can handle this one," The soldier spoke.

"How about you do it, and who are you to give orders to a pureblood City G soldier?" A soldier from the other patrol responded in a spiteful tone.

"Be lucky we turned to join your kind, without us this attack would have taken far longer!" 

"Man these guys don't get along with the traitors," Ella commented.

"I can see why," Jacob replied.

Tried to hear their argument escalating, the two approached the patrol from the darkness and cover of wheat.

"Take them out as fast as possible ok?" They were slowly filled with adrenaline, hoping to accomplish this without causing an alarm.

Jacob prepared his scythe, hoping to take out multiple at once with a single swing.

Taking a minute to calm down and attack, they leaped forward. Ella immediately slammed her mace on a soldier's head, breaking through his helmet.

Jacob rushed alongside her, swinging his scythe with as much strength as possible. Multiple soldiers fell, while the others moved back, raising their weapons.

'Oh no you don't!' Ignoring the downed and wounded soldiers, Jacob ran to the remaining soldiers, swinging as fast as he could before any of them could fire at them. Jacob struggled as the armor was tougher, taking more than just a single swing to kill them. His scythe was not strong enough, just managing to injure them heavily, but still left alive and ready to fight back.

With the last of the patrol on the ground, Jacob wasted no time in slamming down his scythe on the wounded soldiers, like a pickaxe hitting ore, desperately trying to take them out before someone gave away their position with a gunshot. The two worked together, running around and killing whoever was left.

The last remaining armored soldier raised his rifle at Jacob, but Ella rushed up, beating him repeatedly with his mace until the man was dead.

The two were breathing heavily, relieved that none of the soldiers were able to shoot.

"Alright, now for the remaining ones."


"Clara, we did it, the patrols and towers are gone," Ella announced, standing with Jacob, surrounded by the last patrol of guards.

"Very well, we will begin the second part of the plan," A few seconds after she finished talking, the lights of the camp went out all at once.

"Zeph will get you two so we can attack them efficiently."

Hope you enjoyed! leave a stone or comment if you liked the story!

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