
Greatest Ability Looting System

A glitch? anomaly? a gift? a result of gacha game addiction? or last hope? Jacob Faust had finally received his system, but rather than living life as a normal dweller of the city, he found himself with a unique form of power, becoming a glitch of the system. The ability to steal and use the abilities of others for himself. --- Unbound by the light that shone on his city, instead by something else entire that promised to help accomplish his dreams, from wealth to vengeance for the ones who killed his family and friends in the war. But he isn't the only one born with this power, can he survive against them? SETTING SYNOPSIS Humanity had reached their peak centuries ago, creating the universal system for all to use, but their celebration was cut short as the beams of light broke through the earth and wiped out nearly all of humanity, leaving the survivors cursed and bound to the light, turning their gift of systems into a curse as the light controlled it fully. --- As time went on, wars erupted for power and territory. But a miracle happened, people unbound by the light were born, but bound by something else, one that promises great strength and wealth.

Razemaker · Fantasía
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34 Chs

The Creator

At full force, Jacob rammed Zeph on the side, saving Ella from getting hit. But in the process, Zeph managed to react fast and stabbed Jacob's back before the two fell to the ground.

'Disarm or stun him again!' Jacob hastily got on top of Zeph before he could escape.

He beat Zeph's face with the shield, pushing his sword aside while doing so.

After a few hits, he stopped, and Zeph remained motionless for a few moments.

Ella and Rin both ran up to the two, both with concerned faces.

"Wait, did you just- kill him?" Ella questioned, now concerned and looking down at the beaten and bleeding Zeph.

"Ok maybe i took the revenge for the pillow thing too far," Unexpectedly, Zeph laughed while spitting out some blood.

"That was an excellent sparring session," He muttered.

After getting healed by Rin, he brushed the dirt from his clothes and grabbed his sword. A smirk could be seen on his face.

"Although I lost, it was an exciting fight, and you managed to overwhelm me." He laughed. But while they talked about their fight, a slow but loud clap began from behind them.

An elderly man entered the chamber through a recently opened door, shutting and disappearing behind him.

He wore the clothing of a City H scientist with a glowing sickle on his side.

"So you were the one that wielded my prototype, I am honored that it is being wielded by a glitch as well." The man laughed.

"And who are you?" Jacob asked.

"That is senior researcher Allen Grayvon. He created your weapon along with many more, Jacob. And led other experiments for systems and energy." Clara responded, her voice echoing throughout the chamber again.

A loud buzz signaled the end of the battle, and the window of the observation room was visible to the team.

Clara stepped out along with a group of city I researchers, all busy typing away on their tablets and phones.

"He also reached an evacuation point before the drones flooded the rest of the facility." Clara explained. Researcher Allen looked at Jacob's scythe intently, smiling as he stared at it longer.

"I thought they sent it to be scrapped already," He took out his sickle, comparing it with the scythe.

Unlike the scythe, the sickle glowed bright yellow like gold.

"It still holds some problems I see," Allen remarked.

"I expect that you heard of the new drones that were being sent out by City G?"

"Yes, what about them?"

"Well, that is kind of the reason I made these 2 weapons," He held up the sickle again, showing it to Jacob.

"They use armor and steel heavily so we needed a way to break through it fast, and thus I developed these melter weapons,"He sighed.

"The scythe was one of my early creations, too unstable compared to this sickle. However," Allen grabbed the scythe and examined it closely, dragging his finger along the malfunctioning top blade of the scythe.

"I can help make this function correctly and even enhance it," Allen concluded after a minute of inspection.

"How so?" Jacob asked. Allen snapped his fingers, ordering a nearby researcher inside the room to start a simulation.

"When I was ordered to make weapons,I needed an efficient way to take out the armored enemy, thus I handled melter technology. Something the mining city uses," After speaking, two drones appeared in the chamber.

One was the familiar drone they always fought while the other resembled more of a box of metal with extra thrusters and guns, a much more horrible threat.

"They change their tactics and technology at a rapid pace, making what we have useless after just a week or so. But one thing remains the same, we can always find a way to break them," Allen approached the two drones, still holding onto his sickle.

"Right now they use a wide variety of armor. From melee armor to ranged armor. Both are strong against specific weapons, but neither can resist powerful heat," After talking, Allen slashed at the smaller drone, cutting it clean in half with no problem.

He turned to the next drone and slashed at it. Unlike earlier though, it did not die, only heavily injured. He slashed at it a few times before it fell to the ground.

"Right now this melter technology is still a work in progress for me, but this sickle was the first stable one i managed to make,"

"So can I have that one first and give this one to you?" Jacob asked, extending the scythe to Allen. He laughed in response.

"I could, but it is better if a glitch wields it, and i would like to make a deal with you,"

'How many deals have I made at this point?'

"They won't let me out of this place due to my importance, and I need some resources from the outside to fix and experiment with the melter tech." He explained.

"You want me to fetch you those things huh?" Jacob asked.

"Precisely," Allen snapped his fingers, "I have a list of things, from metals to parts that may help in making the scythe stronger and perhaps melt things better while still being stable." He finished explaining, extending his hand out to Jacob.

"Do we have a deal?" Jacob pondered for a moment.

'So apart from handling these scientists, that system glitch, and doing my own thing. I have to fetch stuff as well when I go out fighting? What kind of rpg campaign am I in right now!?' With no other reason to reject it, Jacob shook his hand.

"You will not regret this, especially with the new threat that City G is giving," He started walking away.

"I will get back to you soon!" He stepped out of the door, leaving the chamber and heading off through the hallway of the facility.

After a while, Clara walked up to them.

"We have what we need, for now we will plan our next operation along with providing some more privileges to aid you. You may head back to your quarters."

Hope you enjoyed! sorry for the sudden 2 day stop. please leave a stone and comment if you enjoyed!

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