
Greatest Ability Looting System

A glitch? anomaly? a gift? a result of gacha game addiction? or last hope? Jacob Faust had finally received his system, but rather than living life as a normal dweller of the city, he found himself with a unique form of power, becoming a glitch of the system. The ability to steal and use the abilities of others for himself. --- Unbound by the light that shone on his city, instead by something else entire that promised to help accomplish his dreams, from wealth to vengeance for the ones who killed his family and friends in the war. But he isn't the only one born with this power, can he survive against them? SETTING SYNOPSIS Humanity had reached their peak centuries ago, creating the universal system for all to use, but their celebration was cut short as the beams of light broke through the earth and wiped out nearly all of humanity, leaving the survivors cursed and bound to the light, turning their gift of systems into a curse as the light controlled it fully. --- As time went on, wars erupted for power and territory. But a miracle happened, people unbound by the light were born, but bound by something else, one that promises great strength and wealth.

Razemaker · Fantasía
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34 Chs


"Is this really necessary? I mean we already fought those guys," Ella remarked.

The training chamber was larger with white plates covering the walls and floor, small round drones floated all around them, recording every move with no window in sight for anyone to watch them.

Rin and Zeph stood across Ella and Jacob, wondering what new order they will get now.

"If you read the reports Miss Clara gave, you would see that we need more experience in combat and defending." Zeph replied, pulling out his sword.

"I mean we already fought those gun and saw drones before. Do we need a recap lesson on it?" While standing around, Clara's voice echoed through the speakers of the drones.

"This is to see how the glitch of Jacob uses the new shield ability, and if it shares similar properties to a normal City P defender's shield. Along with providing some more experience."

Ella sighed, activating her shield.

"I guess this is where your deal about teaching me comes into play, Ella." Jacob spoke, activating his own shield. Ella laughed.

"I guess so, now where is the simulation of drones?"

"Oh there is none for now, we wish for you to fight. Rin is there to provide healing when needed." Clara explained.

"I will use a more defensive and training style for this." He snapped his fingers, tapping his speed ability.

"Oh well, it's two of us against you, this should be kind of easy," Ella playfully tossed her pillow at Zeph, but instead of catching it, he sliced the pillow clean in half.

"My pillow!" Ella yelled, taking out her mace and now mad.

"Comfort is not a requirement for a warrior," Zeph coldly replied.

Following Clara's orders, and with the drones watching intently, and Rin standing off to the side, they prepared to spar.

"Alright Jacob, for basics make sure to focus on their weapon and where it may go, once you block, bash them with the shield and you have a chance to strike." Ella explained. Her tone was more fierce than normal, speaking like a hardened trainer rather than a playful defender.

Jacob held his shield in front of him, seeing Zeph's face through it.

At this point the only knowledge he had was from sword shield builds he placed for his game characters, and even then it was rare.

"First, let us see your skills first Jacob." He pointed the tip of his blade towards his direction.

Jacob stepped forward while Ella continued staying in position with her mace and shield ready.

"Make him pay for my pillow!" Jacob stood in front of Zeph, nervousness flowed through his body, along with a small feeling of fear.

'Follow what Ella said, follow what Ella said,' Jacob repeated over and over.

After a few seconds of silence, Zeph lunged forward, the tip of his sword aimed at Jacob's chest.

Jacob stepped back, just in time to put the shield im fromt of the blade. Jacob was pished back, but alive wothout a scratch.

But before he could respond, Zeph rushed at him in inhuman speed, slicing his arm and smacking his head with the bottom of his sword.

"Speed and stamina are the main weapoms for victory," Zeph lectured.

"React faster and this time try using your shield as a weapon." Ella added, giving more tips to Jacob as he got up from the ground. Her instructions were stern and precise, a complete opposite of her more joyful personality.

Jacob walked back, standing in front of Zeph, clearing his mind and focusing on his arm, seeing where it will go.

'So this is what City B soldiers are good at,' He thought. With what he saw, and recallinf the camp attack, Jacob formed up a plan on what to do next.

'I need to protect myself faster and find a gap in his attacks'

After a while of catching his breath, the battle resumed. Zeph charged forward with the same attack, but just like earlier, Jacob blocked it.

As he steppdd back, Zeph rushed forward, and Jacob managed to spot his arm just in time as it was rushing down at his head.

The shield and sword collided once more, sending sparks and a loud bang echoing through the chamber. Zeph was stunned for a moment, seeing his swift attack had failed.

'Now's my chance!' In a split second, Jacob thrust his shield forward, slamming it into Zeph's face.

As he staggered back, Jacob placed the scythe behind his legs and pulled, causing Zeph to fall.

Jacob pointed the scythe at Zeph's face, beating a swordsman of City B.

"Well done, now let us try a more intense fight," Zeph kicked Jacob back and began attacking him once more.

Jacob tried his best to block each strike, but as time went on his arms became more covered in cuts, and his shield became mode cracked. Until.

Bits of yellow erupted as his shield shattered from the constant blows, sending glass-like shards across the room.

Jacob fell to the ground with Zeph rushing towards him with his sword ready.

As he swung it at Jacob, Ella rushed in just in time, taking the entire hit and shoving Zeph back.

"Get up and prepare another shield," Ella ordered with a hasty but firm voice.

Jackb got up, activating another shield, and prepared for another fight.

"You attack, I distract," Ella whispered. After a few moments of rest, Ella rushed forward, swinging her mace at Zeph, moving around, and forcing him to concentrate purely on her.

'I need to get behind him,' Jacob rushed to the rear of Zeph, preparing his scythe. But as he prepared, Zeph unexpectedly turned around and slashed across Jacob's body, kicking Ella back.

"What the!?" He regained his focus, just in time for Zeph to begin slashing away at Jacob.

'We cannot flank him, we just need to find a gap again, but how can I right now?' Jacob thought, his shield was starting to crack again, only a few strikes left before completely breaking.

From behind Ella joined the fight once more, swinging her mace and striking at Zeph's sword, trying her best to not let Zeph begin his attacks again.

Looking on, Jacob had an idea.

'Get up close and try holding him down or knocking him down and disarming,' His thoughts were interrupted as Ella was thrown to the ground, her shield finally giving up and Zeph was on top of her, raising his sword.

Hope you enjoyed! a little late on publishing i know. leave a stone or comment if you liked it!

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