
Greatest Ability Looting System

A glitch? anomaly? a gift? a result of gacha game addiction? or last hope? Jacob Faust had finally received his system, but rather than living life as a normal dweller of the city, he found himself with a unique form of power, becoming a glitch of the system. The ability to steal and use the abilities of others for himself. --- Unbound by the light that shone on his city, instead by something else entire that promised to help accomplish his dreams, from wealth to vengeance for the ones who killed his family and friends in the war. But he isn't the only one born with this power, can he survive against them? SETTING SYNOPSIS Humanity had reached their peak centuries ago, creating the universal system for all to use, but their celebration was cut short as the beams of light broke through the earth and wiped out nearly all of humanity, leaving the survivors cursed and bound to the light, turning their gift of systems into a curse as the light controlled it fully. --- As time went on, wars erupted for power and territory. But a miracle happened, people unbound by the light were born, but bound by something else, one that promises great strength and wealth.

Razemaker · Fantasía
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34 Chs

Rip Ability

"Excellent plan Jacob, perhaps I should note that down for future assaults," Clara complimented as the two fought off the remaining soldiers. 

Ella stood in front of the team, trying to take in as many bullets as possible, activating her shield ability over and over every time it broke. Hails of gunfire rained down upon the team while they fought, but in the middle of battle, Jacob noticed.

"Where is Rin?"

"Unsure," She turned back for a moment, "Perhaps he is hiding in the wheat field, bring him here. We need healing support," Jacob rushed away from the fight, covered by Ella and the others.

Zeph rushed around with inhuman speed, slashing through soldiers, but getting pierced by a few bullets in the process, but he did not seem to react much to it.


After scouring the field of wheat near the camp, Jacob found Rin, crouched down while staring blankly at the team fighting, holding onto his staff.

"Rin, get up and join them!" Rin snapped his head to Jacob, surprised to hear him.

"I don't know if I can, i-i'm sorry!" He yelled back, Jacob realized he was breathing fast, afraid, and simply wanting to hide.

"Just stay behind them, Ella and the others will protect you. We need your healing!" Jacob yelled. Inside the camp, the remaining soldiers continued firing at the team, hiding under cover and moving around.

Trying to motivate Rin to get up and join, an enemy rushed behind Jacob, ramming him to the ground with an axe and shield in hand.

"Damn farmers!" Jacob pushed the man back, holding up his scythe. Glancing at the shield, he realized that the man was another City P soldier, just like Ella.

"Why are you with the enemy!?" Jacob yelled out in anger, remembering how many like the man protected his people and the farms.

"Your kind is not worth protecting, I should have sided with City G a long time ago!" Jacob rushed forward, swinging his scythe with great speed, hacking away at the wheat around him and quickly making an open empty field around them.

The man slammed his shield at Jacob's scythe, and raising his axe, cleaved at his shoulder. Jacob let out a cry of pain as the man ripped it off him. Rin continued watching in horror from behind, unsure of what to do, his breathing became faster, watching his teammate about to be killed in front of him.

'I am not dying like this!' Jacob fought with all he had left, trying to push the man off him while the pain seared in his shoulder. 

"Hold still!" The man beat Jacob's face with his shield repeatedly, stunning him and ending the struggle. He raised his axe, this time aiming for Jacob's head.

A beam of blue light flew past at the speed of light, piercing the man's chest and stopping his attack. He turned to the side, grabbing at his chest. 

Turning to where the shot came from, Jacob saw Rin emerge from the wheat, although afraid and still breathing heavily. The top of his staff smoked from the shot. 

"Are you okay, Jacob?." He rushed to get Jacob from the ground, healing his wounds and looking off at the battle going on in the camp.

"I'm fine," He grunted, "Get to the team and heal them as well!" He ordered in a loud tone. Rin nodded and rushed to the team, plucking up enough courage to aid in their battle. 

The man lay on the ground, heavily injured and not moving. 

"I will deal with you later," Jacob grabbed his scythe and ran back to the camp. The man grunted in pain, still holding onto the gaping hole in his chest from the staff.

While there, Jacob spotted Rin, standing behind his team, still quivering in fear but healing them as much as possible, rarely firing at the enemy with blinding beams of light from his staff, melting through some of the soldier's cover. 

"The remaining soldiers are hidden behind cover, their ammo is not running out!" Zeph reported, hiding behind after his rampage earlier, using a good amount of his energy.


Clara hid behind the others, firing her bow while Ella stood in front, drawing their fire. 

"We need to flank them," Clara peeked upwards, trying to form a plan. But as she thought of their next move, a City G soldier appeared next to a nearby burning tent and fired at the team. They were struck multiple times, with Zeph and Clara shielding Jacob and Rin from most of it. 

"Damn City G scum!" Enraged, Jacob threw the scythe at the target. It buried itself in the man's chest, ending the sudden flank. 

Rin quickly began healing the team, exhausting more of his energy.

'Going around the enemy, like dodging a boss' attacks' Jacob rushed out of cover, ripping out the scythe from the soldier and running around the remaining soldiers firing from cover.

In a few seconds, he reached the remaining soldiers, who spotted him.

"Open fire!" Running as fast as he could, Jacob swung his scythe at the targets after getting close enough, with each swing, bullets flew around and at Jacob, striking him in different parts, and after taking two down, he knelt in pain.

The last soldier aimed for Jacob, but before he could fire, Ella rushed towards him, ramming him to the ground and quickly killing the soldier. Ending the battle and mission.

Jacob painfully got up, with Ella rushing to help him. Clara and the others moved out of cover after realizing the remaining soldiers were dead. Above them, the drone filmed everything, staring down at them.

"Scavenge what you can from here, the communications should weaken their hold on CIty H," Clara ordered. With Rin they approached Jacob. 

"Well done, your first mission has been accomplished, and your performance has been recorded, Jacob. We just need to finish some other business here before we can depart.

After she spoke, Jacob remembered the man from earlier, the City P traitor. And what the system told him.

"I need to finish some unfinished business here as well."

"What kind?"

20th chapter of this wsa novel! And it's just the second week! Hope you enjoyed and please give a stone or comment if you liked this story!

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