
Graveyard of the Gods

Legends never die. Our perception of who they were and what they represented may change but their stories live on and persist in our hearts. From bedtime stories to folktales, from graphic novels to the theatres, history protects it's own. But in a world where the bridge between fiction and reality is yours to cross, you'd come to realize that hidden in the tales of the past are the footprints of the future. Follow Ziko as he traverses this strange world, full of mystery and magic as well as death and despair. With zero survivability as a citizen from earth is his fate cast in stone or will a new legend be born?

Ziko_Abara · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Celestial Omen

In the heart of the Central Plains, where the lifeblood of the combat realm flowed, resided the strongest being in the land—a blood descendant of the combat paragon, High Commander Valeria Steelheart. Her mere presence kept ambitious warlords in check, restricting warfare to designated periods known as "warring seasons," along with the annual Festival of Blades held within the Grand Colosseum.

Nestled at the crossroads of the Central Plains stood Valorhaven, a city embodying honour, courage, and unity. It served as the realm's pulsating core, where warriors from all walks of life converged to prove their worth and etch their names among combat legends. Amidst the lull between warring seasons, merchants and blacksmiths graced the city streets, offering weapons, food, and charms for the young lovers awaiting the return of battle.

Yet, the real intrigue of the Central Plains lay in the enigmatic Veiled Glades—an enchanting woodland cradling the remnants of a past scarred by conflict, the ruins of the Abyssal War. The air was thick with an otherworldly aura, and the ancient trees seemed to murmur tales of bygone battles and lost secrets.

These ruins, while alluring to merchants and locals seeking fortunes, carried risk and a great reward for those daring enough to explore them.

And rumours were the high commander was seeking something within the glades, and the search parties dispatched by the city's forces sent merchants and adventurers into a frenzy.

"Open the gates!" bellowed the city garrison commander, signaling the return of the search party. He approached the group of five and posed a simple question, "Anything?"

The party leader shook his head, this was the fourth day still nothing. He was not confident future missions would turn out any different.

The Garrison commander sighed and moved to the side allowing them to pass, he too was very curious as to what could make the high commander this anxious for something. He shook his head not bothering himself he couldn't fathom the high commander's strength to talk more of her thoughts.

He gathered his bearings, grabbed a horse and rode to the Steelheart citadel as always he had to report to the high commander directly on this matter.

Steelheart Citadel, nestled within the rugged Mountainheart Range, stood as a testament to the realm's indomitable spirit. Its imposing towers and fortified walls exuded strength and unwavering resolve, visible from afar. Carved stone walls adorned with reliefs portrayed heroic battles, legendary warriors, and allegorical triumphs over adversity. Gargoyles and statues of renowned warlords served as vigilant sentinels, surveying their surroundings with dominance.

"Can't ever get used to this," the garrison commander whispered in awe as he rode through the open gates, acknowledging the salutes from the soldiers he passed by.

Upon dismounting, he entrusted his horse to a waiting stable boy and proceeded calmly to the council chamber. A waiting servant opened the door, bowing slightly and ushering him in.

"Garrison commander, her grace has been expecting you", He nodded and walked in calmly. Hearing the door shut behind him he couldn't help but panic slightly.

Taking deep breaths slowly, he calmed himself and took in the room: tapestries depicting pivotal moments from combat realm history adorned the walls; shelves held meticulously organized tomes on warfare, leadership, and more; an intricately carved table occupied one corner, strewn with maps and battle plans.

And an altar at the centre, a shrine to the combat paragon who had guided the realm throughout history. Flickering candles cast the altar's contents; ancestral artefacts and offerings into shadowy dance.

"I could hear the sound of your heart from my chambers, Commander Alistair", a feminine voice said with apparent amusement from a corner of the room.

"Your Grace," Alistair turned, his eyes leaving the room's features to focus on a figure seated at the table. An Athena-like beauty graced the room, her features exuding divinity and intellect. Sapphire eyes held the universe's secrets, while her high noble brow framed those windows to enlightenment, her...

"Commander, though I appreciate your admiration, I believe you didn't come here for that," Valeria said, her chuckle echoing. "And I'm certain your wife wouldn't be as forgiving as I am."

Alistair blushed in embarrassment. "Forgive me, Your Grace." He inwardly reminded himself not to look at her directly anymore. The side effect of the difference in life sequence was too dangerous. He was this close to becoming a puppet worshipper. Thankfully, she saved him in time.

"How was the search today?" she asked, weary of the current conversation. Her eyes sprawling over a map of the glades.

"Nothing today as well, High Commander. The search leader also commented that there seems to have been no major disturbance to the wildlife movements. In short, the glades couldn't be more normal than they've been now." Alistair took a sharp breath before continuing, "High Commander if there could be more information as to what exactly we are searching for, I'm sure..."

Valeria's attention remained on a map of the glades as she spoke, her tone sharp, "Don't concern yourself, Alistair. Resume the search as planned tomorrow, and report here as usual."

"Besides something tells me you wouldn't have to search much longer"

"Huh, why?", he tried asking but she waved him off, her eyes maintained on the map.

Alistair studied her for a moment, offering a slight bow before exiting the study. Exhaling, he mounted his horse and left the citadel. As he passed the council chambers, he couldn't help but feel curiosity about the enigma that was the high commander.

Choosing not to return home directly, he made a detour to the city gates to inform the search party leader in person. Navigating Valorhaven's streets in the cool night, he marveled at the ethereal lights that illuminated the city—a tapestry of radiant colors from windows, lanterns, and enchanting lighting orbs suspended in the air.

The night market told a tale of thriving commerce and traders' tenacity, with colorful canopies sheltering diverse stalls offering everything from exotic spices to crafted artefacts. Merchants enticed passersby, creating a melodic dance of haggling and laughter.

Observing a small group questioning merchants, he noticed their distinctive attire—white vestments and a red book. "Priests? This far south?" he pondered, his thoughts drifting to the  recent undercurrents surrounding the Veiled Glades.


He rode to the market outpost and ordered a soldier to monitor the priests and report to him in the the morning.

'First the search now priests in Valeria seems like a storm is brewing in Valorhaven' Alistair mused as he continued his ride to the gate.

Getting to the city garrison, he left his horse at the stables and called for his first aide, Reginald. A burly figure adorned with tattoos, Reginald stood with a brutish aura, seemingly unperturbed by his lack of attire—a missing shirt.

"Boss, you sent for me?" Reginald a tall burly man with identical tattoos on both his arms and a brutish aura stood calmly looking at the commander inquisitively.

Alistair looked at his first aide, his eyes twitching ever so slightly, "Reginald where is your shirt?"

Rubbing his head in embarrassment, Reginald replied, "I lost it." Before Alistair could question further, Reginald continued, "It was a bet with those Templar bastards. They claimed to be able to best you one-on-one. Can you imagine the disrespect?"

He continued with growing passion, "So I challenged all three of them to a bare-fisted fight. I got two of them in a chokehold before the last one knocked me out. When I came to, they were gone, and so was my shirt. Sneaky-ass bastards with no honor."

"Don't worry boss, I'll get it back they're all weak anyways"

He patted his chest self-confidently, his broad smile contrasting with his sweaty bare chest.

From the broad smile on his face to his sweaty bare chest, Alistair couldn't take it anymore. "Reginald just get me the search party leader, I'll be at the North wall" He then walked off before he got more tempted to knock that smile off his subordinate's face.

Shaking off the discomfort, he dismissed the guards at the north gate and relished in the solitude.

'The church is here, huh? Priests and Templars already? Those guys are like weeds—once there's one, there are bound to be more. I need to inform Her Grace.'

'Or maybe she's already aware.'

'But what is she waiting for? What is in the glades?'

Before he could continue, a bright light zipping across the sky interrupted his thoughts—a comet. Its brilliant tail cut through the night sky like a celestial brushstroke.

"A comet? But there hasn't been a comet in over millennia. The last time one was seen was…"

As the comet neared the world's atmosphere, it succumbed to an invisible pull, diverting from its expected path. It changed direction, veering away from the realm's heart.

"During the Abyssal Wars," a familiar voice answered.

"Your Grace," Alistair murmured, catching his breath as the high commander materialized beside him, seemingly from nowhere.

"Your Grace, forgive me for asking but why come out all this way for a comet", He asked in confusion.

"In the Forged Realms, comets hold special meaning beyond their celestial beauty. They are believed to be messengers of fate, omens that bridge the gap between the mortal realm and the arcane energies," Valeria explained, her gaze fixed on the comet's approach.

"The last time a comet appeared was during the abyssal wars. If fate speaks true, significant change is impending, and it begins here," she declared, her attention unwavering.

"Here?" Alistair said faced with more confusion and then it hit him- 'The comet was coming towards them!'

Specifically, the Veiled Glades. As the comet entered the range of forests, its luminous tail casting an otherworldly radiance, it seemed as though the very fabric of the glades responded to its presence. Arcane energies rippled through the air, weaving threads of fate that resonated with the comet's essence. It was a convergence of energies, a meeting of celestial forces and the essence that flowed through the glades.

The Glades glowed in a green calming light, and the trees separated, leaving a clear path for the comet's landing into it as though welcoming its entrance.

And then, in a burst of brilliance that seemed to pierce the veils of reality, the comet fragmented. Each fragment, like a radiant shard of destiny, descended gracefully towards the glades. As they touched the ground, a cascade of energy swept through the area, imbuing the very land with a newfound vitality.

The forest empowered by the newfound vitality saw the trees gain momentary sentience, shifting their original positions and reorganizing the glades hiding the original landing spot of the comet..

The remainder of the vitality was ejected by the trees into the atmosphere, forming a dome covering the entirety of the glades. The forest then resumed its previous silence.

Alistair stared in astonishment at the rapid changes in the veiled glades—a green dome now covered the forest range, and the movements of the trees had slowed down. But the initial position of the comet was now impossible to make out.

"Keep watching Alistair, the show hasn't ended yet" She said turning her gaze to movement in the plains. There was a group of five in white vestments riding at full gallop towards the glades.

Alistair frowned. "The Church, as I thought. They were here for something. I didn't realize it was going to be something this crazy." The group made quick work of the distance and slowed down, approaching the dome barrier with caution.

The group halted before the dome, engaging in cautious discussion. Eventually, one priest stepped forward red book in hand. He muttered words too soft to hear as his hands glowed white and made contact with the barrier.

There was no change for a while before the priest screamed. Visibly, his hand began to shrivel, being drained of its vitality. He kept pulling at it, trying to escape, before one of his group members, a Templar, drew his sword and resolutely cut the priest's arm off, freeing him from the barrier's effects.

Alistair's face paled while the high commander frowned upon the scene, she then instructed Alistair, "No one is too approach the glades for the next month, the dome is an extraordinary phenomena by fate but it will not last forever"

She looked coldly at the scene of the screaming priest," During the next month prepare the troops once the dome is down the next warring season will begin, alert the other warlords as well."

She turned away and before Alistair could turn to respond to her instructions, she had disappeared her presence merely a memory now.

Alistair sighed, looking at the now-transformed glade, remembering the High Commander's words about the comet. "A month, huh? That's more than enough time for the entire realm to know. Things will only get more difficult from here."

As his thoughts churned, one question remained,

"Now where the hell is Reginald!"