
Grass damn, what a CATastrophe!

It all started with a cat, a very unique cat. That cat had intelligence far than what normal cats like her kind should have. But she wasn't really normal, wasn't she? The cat met a person in the forest she lived, that person needed her help with food so she decided to help, and they became friends! But then, the person had to do something else that also needed the cats help. The person was successful due to the cat's help, and the cat decided to tag along with the person. And then, from peace to war, from war, to utter chaos happened. She was a unique being, too unique for her own saftey, empires even fought to obtain her. But she had something within her that helped her fend of those greedy people, she was after all, a reincarnator. In the world of "Exevron" where peace lies almost none existent, travel a cat with immense power held within her soft paws. *Distant loud explosions coupled with gun-shots and a small mushroom cloud rising* Hahhh (exasperated sigh).... "Grass damn, what a CATastrophe." ------ . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . Cover picture isn't mine, I took it from the internet to be specific. To be even more specific, Pint*rest. To be even more specific, from the acount "DeviantArt". There, credits go to that person/acount. If you want to know where I got the cover art, grass-dammit man, I already cited the source.

Nakamura_Shun · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
7 Chs

MUST READ (if you want to understand all the things going down!)

AUX CHAP: World building; EXEVRON

A/n: this is very important information, please read if you want to understand everything that is going on in the story.

In the world of Exevron, there were in total of 8 kingdoms existing in one supercontinent called "Angdevstle". Two of which are empires.

Herdes, a neutral kingdom that values economy over strength, pretty good plan to get rich and be an important kingdom to exist at the same time. Friends with Aragan for over several generations since founding.

Herdes is located at the far east of the super continent. It supplies most of the resources that most kingdoms have.

Greo, a neutral kingdom that likes power over wealth, a good thing in this world if you don't want to get killed by your enemies quite easily.

Located at the southwest of the supercontinent, a very strict place if you will, they are also very sus…

Fredro, a feisty kingdom situated at the north of the globe, a cold place ruled by drinks like vodka. The king of the barbarians is strong. Very strong in fact, he could split an iceberg in half with ease.

Located at the very northeast of the supercontinent Cleft.

Zicron, an empire filled with guys greedy enough to devour the entire planet. The emperor is… my god, what else, he's gluttonous. But they're a very powerful empire though.

Aragan, a kingdom currently in war with the kingdom Vulcan and Edirne, a good place with good people if not for bloody war with fiery people. Their very good friends with Herdes. Very, very good friends.

They are located right beside Herdes, around the middle east of the supercontinent.

Vulcan, a kingdom filled with hot headed people, probably because they live near the planet's equator where the heat could kill you if not careful. In war with Aragan.

Also located in the middle of supercontinent, to the west and right in front of Aragan.

Estra, a peaceful empire with peaceful strong people that could easily flip the table over and walk away because their just that strong, you don't want to mess with any of them.

At the southeast of the super continent and in front of the empire Zicron, opposing factions that aim to eliminate each other.

Edirne, a kingdom that hates Aragan because of their jealousy. Formed by very jealous people and people who want revenge or just plainly hate Aragan. Obviously, in war with Aragan.

If Aragan is a perfect place, there would obviously people who will try to tear it down or devour it.

In this world, there is mana. That mana is mostly used to power mechanical giants of generally 9~12 meters tall called Soul Guardians.

But they need vessels, which are of course, humans. Souls need vessels after all.

Origin vessels are basically the root of an inheritable Soul Guardian. Vessels are the children of Origin Vessels.

Soul Guardians are ranked by common, knight, lord, saint, king, emperor, and demi-god rank.

Common belong to about 40% of the world's population.

Knight rank belong to the 25% of the world's population. Lord rank belongs to the 15% of the world's population.

Saints are of 8% total world population. King ranks are 4% of the total world population.

Emperor ranks are of 1.8% of the world population. And the final demi-god ranks are of 0.2% of the total world population, currently, there are only 8 KNOWN demi-god rank colossi in the whole world. That's how rare they are.

To take it into perspective, Common ranks could easily take out a group of 25 trained soldiers in a few minutes.

Knight ranks could topple over 100 trained soldiers easily in just a dozen minutes in time.

Lord ranks could easily take on and fight a group of 500 trained soldiers head on in a dozen minutes.

Saint ranks could easily decimate a group of 2150 soldiers in a dozen minutes minimum.

King ranks could slaughter a group 10,000 in mere few minutes at maximum output.

Emperor ranks could easily take on an army of 25,000 in a few minutes at maximum.

Demi-god ranks? They could easily destroy an army composing 75~125,000 in a few minutes at maximum output.

But there was a time a colossi had reached over the rank of Demi-god. The colossus was named by its origin vessel, "Azrael", after its divine like strength, speed, and aura.

Its name struck true as every opponent she fought was defeated. Strong or weak, experienced, or not.

Its mighty speed blitzed her opponents in quick flashes of death-like strikes.

Her name started out small, but soon grew to a fiery inferno that everyone could see. Across the lands, the name of the legendary Soul Guardian and its Origin Vessel spread.

The events that happened were written down and engraved unto the very minds of the people in Exevron through generations to come.

Oh, and by the way, we are travelling the story of such legendary figure that was engraved into the very timeline of Exevron.

Anyways, moving onto the hierarchy of the kingdom Aragan. The very top are of course, the royal family, with the king as head.

The king and queen are properly addressed as 'High Sovereigns'. The princes and princesses are of 'Lesser Sovereigns'

Next are of Grand Royal knights, they have the power and authority just above that of dukes.

Of course, they have lands of their own that are given by the royal family and must be in the qualifications of having at least Emperor ranking Soul Guardians.

Next are dukes, there are currently 4, if you include grand royal knights into the mix and count.

And then marquis', the guys that do what ever they want, I guess? Doesn't matter if it benefits the kingdom.

Then Counts, after them come viscounts, then at the last of the trail of nobles, barons, who are just rich commoners that have the right to be called "Sir" or "Ma'am". Yeah, basically.

They are the ones that do something and help commoners live better because dukes and marquises are too big to do that, they manage a lot of things, especially during war.

Now proceeding over to how the military rank their officers from the highest in control, to the lowest foot soldiers.

Grand royal knights are of the highest rank in the military, and they have full control over every decision and action, only losing to the royalty which has higher control. There can only be one Grand Royal Knight in the kingdom.

And then come Marshals who are of equal to dukes in authority. There are currently about 3 in this time. They command the army if there is no GRKs or royals present, must have at least the qualification of king rank soul guardians.

Then come Generals who are equal to counts and command at least 10 thousand men each. They are very vital for the survival of the kingdom in time of war as their specification requires knowledge and experience in commanding troops.

And then battalion leaders who command a thousand men each, they must at least have saint of lord level soul guardians.

And then grand knights which command knights, and then the common foot soldiers that are the basic units in warfare.

The last of the line in the social hierarchy are the commoners, who are very important people.

They are the foundation of the kingdom, they produce food, clothes, water, and other daily necessities, which are very important.

Damn nobles are too prideful though. Good thing a good king with a good head sat on the throne this generation.

He made the nobles aware and be good to the commoners!





















































Now, I shall not take anymore of your time anymore, go and proceed to write chapter 1~.