

Blanco a Superhuman , a very rascal superhuman was transported to another world with his son, Red a smart young lad to another world, by a wish , connecting both worlds together... Join this Rascal Father and his son to venture on this new world, along falling in love to someone that resembles his dead Wife, Empress Glycemia as they flirt on first sight, but developed to something Genuine... However, danger lurks in this world and its destruction. WARNING: Sexual Content/Swearing/Violence, not suitable to very young audiences

ErnyJRC · Fantasía
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4 Chs


"A Story that crosses two worlds, by a wish, both of the worlds wanted. Someone they both lost, in their world.

"One lives in the Gray of the World, only covered by a saving grace of a little sunshine. The Other, Longs for the colors her world once had. As they cross paths A Story will be told."

Here, here...Let me Tell thou a story, akin from eons and eons ago. Oh, Who am I? I am The Magnificent, Silica! with all the Glam and the Fabulous of this... err... The reality, I think.

As you can see... I am somewhere... somewhere I don't know to. Let me tell you something...

The World of Tellus Arcana...

The Creator maketh from the foundation of 12 books.

And the Grandbook, The Book of Colors... Which balances reality. Oh. You thought the Book of Colors is just a Myth? No, you Silly! I own the Book of Colors! I am reading it to you! How cute... What? How did I find you? I don't know how but here we are... Alec.

"Watcher Opal, please grant me my wish...to... to see my wife again..."

But, It depends on my Creator. Castle of Glass; Open Systems. Oh....Oh.... The Creator will Grant your wish. GRANDBOOK 0: BOOK OF COLORS: DEFY THE RULES OF REALITY! BOOKMARK! Good luck!


My creator, I'm sorry...Clumsy me, I sent his soul to another world! Tehee :9

"SILICA" said by a woman,man and child unison voice

"Sorry my creator…"

An army man wakes up.

He wears his glasses as he yawns. A Military woman goes inside, looking shy, covering her face with documents. "Sir Blanco ... General Vermillion is finding you..." said her. He stands up. He moves closer. "You look kinda red, you okay?" ask him as she blushes even more. "Sir... I am a professional woman...stahhhhp..." she said. Blanco realizes it. "Oh! No! No... I thought you might be feverish..." He said. She covers herself in shame. "Oh, I gotta go... Verm-verm's waiting..." he said.

Blanco goes inside the office, There was a Tall Guy with a coffee pitcher in his hand. He looks at him with a folder in his hand. "What's this?" Asked Him. "General Vermillion. I.... I want to retire early..." He said. General Vermillion sighs. "Your Gonna live me too... Like everyone else," said General Vermillion. Blanco smiles. He opens his arms. "Come here..." he said. "Why would I hug you?! That's gay!" said General Vermillion. Blanco hugs him. "I'm sorry, Verm. I'm sorry you need to shoulder everything, friend. General Vermillion sighs as they release each other. Blanco takes his dog tag as he gives it to General Vermillion. "I Think it long and hard enough...For now, I will be a good father..." Said Blanco as he goes out. Few more Officers look at them as He takes out his belongings. They salute him as he salutes back.

He goes inside a car. "Thank you for your service, Sergeant." said a familiar person. "Fenrir! You son of a bitch!" said Blanco. "Ya pretty boy, So Going back to home aren't we?" asked Fenrir. "Yeah..." said Blanco as they drive to the port. "Take care dude..." said Fenrir as they fist bump.

He goes out to the Ferry. He looks at the picture of his squad. He was the youngest, A younger Fenrir, a younger Vermillion, and few more people along with a short red-haired lady close to him, she looks more like a medic.

The bus stops by a subdivision as He walks to his home in his baggage. He takes out his key and opens the door.

He removes his shirt and sleeps in his bed as a comet shots in the sky and a small parcel of green light shoots to his open window, hitting a mirror.

"I wanna see her again..."

He wakes up, It was morning. He opens his eyes and looks around. It was a cloudy morning. He takes a shower, after that he wears a bathrobe. He goes to the rooftop. He looks around. Only a few people are walking nearby them. He looks at the clock outside. It was 6:02 in the morning. He smiles because he wants to see the sunrise despite the cloudy weather; But, he thinks it was good. To see the sunrise in cloudy weather.

He wears his pants and tank top as he looks around the pictures. His wife, the short-haired medic, and a baby with blue eyes like his dad.


It was only Him and his son, in most of the pictures and years to come; and a funeral picture of his wife.

"Honey.." he said as he kisses his finger and rubs his finger to her lips in the picture.

He smirks a little, he goes inside his son's room. He crawls to his son's bed and snuggles him. His red-haired, blue-eyed son pushes him away. "Come on! Papa needs to snuggle my tiny baby bur!" he said. "Dad! STFU!" said him as he covers himself in his comforter. "Come on! The morning is great! Have coffee with me Red!" said Blanco. "Dad! Get a girlfriend if you want to annoy someone!" said Red. "Why are you rebelling? Is it because I am spending too much time at work?" asked Blanco. Red sighs as he says, "Dad! Please! STFU! It's too early!" shouted Red. Blanco stands up. He looks at the picture of his wife and son 15 years ago, Red being such a small baby.

"Oh Honey, how much I miss you..." said Blanco. Red looks at Blanco.

He kind of feels guilty about it as he says, "Fine! I'll join you for coffee!" said Red as he takes his smartphone. They prepared as they get out of their rooms. Blanco looks very sophisticated in a navy sweater and black slacks, while Red was in his Red Hoodie and blue jeans. They walk inside a cafe. They, drink coffee silently.

Then go back.

As they return home. Red realizes. "What the Fuck we just did? We did not talk to anyone, we don't talk to each other...we just stare at the sunrise and drink coffee!" said Red.

"Come on! Dear old dad needs time with his baby boy! I mean; children will just, grow up fast, you barely got the time to be a parent with them..." said Blanco. "Point taken, I am already 15, so technically... Wait! You are not even that old! You are like... 38 or something!" replied Red.

Blanco looks at the house. "Anyways...Let's get to your mother's grave...It's her 14th death anniversary..." said Blanco as he fixes himself in the mirror.

He remembers how Honey helps him to fix his bowtie. Blanco smiles and says, "How I wish to see you again, Honey my love."

The Mirror started to shine in colors, hitting his right eye. The Earth trembled, as the ground took a massive hit. The Walls shake. Red goes to his Dad. "Dad something is wrong!" said Red as they go down to the table.

"Earthquakes! Better stay!" said Blanco as the ground below them collapsed. Blanco and Red fall into the eternal abyss, few minutes later they wake up in a forest, full of tree women, giggling and winking at Blanco. Red wakes up. "Where are we?" asked Red.