
Grand Sorcerer in the Omniverse

Yuri Nightingale is a man whose life has been defined by extraordinary talent in numerous areas, and a feeling of depression and worthlessness that made all of it go unused. He fled from these feelings the same way most of us do, consuming Japanese media and fanfictions like his life depended on it. In a fleeting moment of impulse built up from years of living this way, Yuri leaps off his company building... and immediately regrets it. He feels what everyone else feels when they die, absolutely nothing. It isn't long before he's woken up by a god that offers him... a job? Yuri's talents weren't meant for a mortal life, it seems. Join Yuri in taking the Records of worlds for his patron and himself and living a life filled with the fantasies he never knew were actually real all along. {First World: Nirn, Elder Scrolls 4E 200 - Chapters 4-104} {Second World: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Chapters 104-?} *I do not own cover art, if you do and would like me to take it down just ask* *I won't be making smut every chapter like Devil_Paragon sama, but it will happen so be warned*

Reddsaint · Cómic
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153 Chs

Boss Fight!

Without waiting for the Dragon Priest to monologue, Yuri drew his blade. He didn't know the veracity of his claim of being a mage killer, but Yuri didn't need to verify it in the first place. Before Morokei rose from his throne, Yuri was already halfway to the end. In another second, he was there. Morokei got up and raised his staff to fire at Yuri, but Yuri sidestepped his trajectory and ran past him before climbing up the wall beside him.

Morokei looked behind and up to see Yuri was running laterally to kill his thralls, a very predictable move but one that was done extremely quickly. Savos fired icicles at Morokei to distract him, but it did nothing to the shield or his focus. Morokei fired bluish-green beams of light at Yuri or the wall he was running up to cancel the spell or drain his mana, but Yuri dodged. His ESP was no longer suppressed.

Within a few more seconds the first platform was in his reach. Yuri leaped up and back a bit to grab onto the protruding ledge, hanging for a moment. Another beam from Morokei was coming his way, Yuri spun around his back to dodge and plunged his blade into the wall to the side of the platform before backflipping onto the landing. He turned around and decapitated the lifeless thrall. He had cover for now, but Morokei might aim for Savos.

Yuri raised his unarmed left hand and fired Flamebolt repeatedly at the two thralls on the opposite wall. Either these would land or they would at least distract him. Morokei fired some kind of wave with the same color scheme and knocked the two spells out of the air before they landed. The staff could cancel spells as well as drain mana and vitality it seemed.

Yuri decided to look at the thrall on the same wall as him and took the 10-foot jump rather easily, only being struck in the foot with the mana drain effect. Yuri cut the thrall down and decided that the staff's draining effect wasn't that bad. The back wall was shaped in a semicircle, so he sheathed his sword, took a running start from the platform, and ran across the wall. Morokei fired a continuous stream that was on his tail, finally clipping his clinging spell and making him fall a few feet short of landing. Yuri reached out and clung onto the platform once again, vaulting over it before he could get hit. With his right hand he lifted the thrall and bashed it against the wall, with his left he unsheathed his blade and plunged it into its head.

Yuri had felt Morokei turn around and focus on Savos. Unhindered, he fired a Manabolt into the last thralls head, unequipped his greaves, and charged his arms with the Armament Skin spell and Flame fusion before jumping and dragging his claws to slow his descent. This might've been a ploy to clip his telekinesis and make him drop a hundred feet into ice spikes, Yuri would rather do this.

After landing, the unshielded Morokei turned around. Savos was drained and pale, but it was obvious Morokei wasn't taking him seriously.

Morokei lifted his staff to face Yuri who lifted his light-coated blade. Without a beam or any theatrics, the light from Yuri's sword started dripping and dimming before turning into mana and gathering to Morokei. Yuri continued forward.

"Doooo you thiiink you caaaan killll meeee with a swoooord?"

"How am I supposed to beat the shit out of you without getting closer?" Yuri was within 20 feet when his ESP completely stopped. He couldn't sense the mana, either. It seems that staff provided a mana domain of some sort, interesting.

Yuri didn't need magic to tear apart this bag of bones. Yuri attempted to activate magic on himself and found his body modifications were unaffected.


In a blur that Yuri could barely control, he moved in a single line and swung his normal magisteel blade, only to hit Morokei in the hip only slightly before the feeling vanished.

He looked back and found Morokei had teleported. Another beam was already exiting the Staff of Magnus. Yuri pulled out a steel dome shield from one of his projects and watched as the staff chewed through the enchantment he made before being halted. Yuri wasn't pushed back in the slightest, but he was at a disadvantage without spells to use in that domain and this game of chicken could go on forever.

"Haaahahaaaaa, you cannot wiiiiin, mortaaaaal!" Morokei said before rising into the air and out of reach. Morokei didn't aim at Yuri but Savos. Yuri quickly joined him and pressed the shield in front of him.

"Hold on to this shield," Yuri motioned Savos while he handed it to him.

"What will you do?"


Yuri used Shroud of the Hunter and vanished. Morokei continued attacking the shield, the light from his beam concealing the shadows Yuri hid in. Yuri ran to one of the side pillars and started running vertically, crouching like spiderman and looking and Morokei just out of range of that domain before leaping!

His sword already out, Yuri was about to swing and cut Morokei's head off, but apparently, that domain wasn't just for suppression. Morokei felt him as soon as he entered it and dodged wide to the right of Yuri's path before firing his staff at the figure he felt.

He hit Yuri in the side, revealing him as Yuri took a dive. Morokei's beam followed him, preventing him from cushioning his fall. Yuri landed from a 60-foot drop and didn't roll, letting it all transfer to him. He never had much luck with heights after all...

Yuri was getting drained but holding it off with the Eye. Morokei was confused at the inexhaustibility of his latest foe. Yuri ran behind a pillar before he decided to switch to offense, Savos had already done so as well.

'I can enhance my inside without being affected, how can I take advantage of that... elemental fusion? Nothing would let me get to him and finish him off except...'

Yuri tested Light elemental fusion on his finger and found success. He looked like ET.

Yuri knew his insides quite intimately ever since that day, and Light was extremely nonaggressive. He looked at his insides with that spell he used for the Heart ritual anyway and targeted all his muscles and skin before fusing it with Light.

Yuri felt that the domain likely isn't absolute, enough Light magic could probably break it. But he felt like he was onto something more certain with this. Yuri's skin turned golden and even his black hair took the same color and started floating like he was underwater. He could barely use his eyes with all this ambient light, Tenth Eye gave him an outline of everything he wanted to see. The light magic was also telling him where the 'dark entity' was, almost like it was asking him to kill it. His clothes had long been shed or melted off, but no detail of his bits could be garnered from all this glow. The outline of his bluish veins was visible through the golden body, as well as the blue heart in his chest. Yuri's eyes grew pale blue as well thanks to Tenth eye.

Morokei was getting closer and closer to the pillar Yuri hid behind, till he felt something that gave him a deep sense of dread and backed off slightly. A glow spread from the corners of the pillar and lit up the wall it faced, stretching further and further.

Savos was looking toward his student and wondering what the hell he was doing with that new element of his, was he trying to overwhelm his opponent? Unlikely, but also possible.

Morokei cast aside his trepidation and charged to curve around the pillar to kill the threatening intruder. When he reached the curve and raised his staff to cast a massive Burning Tempest, he found the source of light had moved up and was at his eye level.

In a panic, Morokei tried moving his staff only to find the golden man was already in front of him and past the staff's tip. Morokei stretched his hand to strike him, but Yuri grabbed his hand back.

"WhhAAAAAAAA" The handshake became reminiscent of a barbeque through the smoke and sizzle, Morokei wailed despite not having felt pain in thousands of years. He didn't feel his hand burning, but his soul.

He quickly backpedaled in the air while leaving his hand with a stranger. In Yuri's grasp, it disintegrated. Yuri glided forward without rush, fully within Morokei's range. Light was continually shedding off his skin and feeding Morokei, but it was getting refilled even more quickly by Yuri's Eye.

"How are yoooouuu castiinggg magic?!" Morokei raised his staff again and fired, missing Yuri who seemed to have left a golden blur in his previous position.

'My organs are lurching around when I go too fast, full fusion would need to include everything else next time.'

Morokei raised his staff once more, and for the last time. In a flash, Yuri moved to the area exactly behind Morokei, leaving a man-shaped hole in a man-shaped Lich. In other words, nothing.

[Record of Morokei Obtained, 500 RP]

Yuri quickly canceled the fusion and floated himself down, the staff and mask reaching the floor first. Yuri's head collided against the mask. His fusion density and muscles protected him just fine, but it still hurt. He was rubbing his head the whole way down.

"Yuri... wha," Savos had already made his way over to catch the man of the hour.

"Shhhhh," The man of the hour had a head and stomach ache. He was already using Grand Light Healing, which Savos also benefitted from. Yuri slumped to the side of the wall to rest, Savos joined him and sat.

After Yuri had stopped using Restoration and the room had settled, Savos resumed.

"Thank you, Yuri. Again, I have no idea how I will repay you."

"You've provided more than I asked for already, Savy. Not everything is about debts and scales, just let people help you," Yuri was fully aware that he has done beyond what Savos could theoretically repay, but he wasn't about that kind of talk. Savos was a man who was responsible for hundreds of students and masters, some of which envied his position. Getting caught in the thoughts of owing and repaying was easy for such a man, but Yuri wasn't comfortable with that sort of talk.

But he did come here for a staff...

"But if you reaaaaally wanna do me a solid..."

"Is Morokei rubbing off on you?" Savos commented on the way he extended his speech.

"Can you be persuaded to lend me the staff for an indefinite amount of time?"

"...Yuri, I'm quite certain now that I've been zapped with it that that's the Staff of Magnus. Such an artifact..."

"What if you lent it to me on the condition that it stays within the College? I can even trade you Chillrend for it."

"Then it's no loss on my part. Just don't lose it or hand it over to anyone from outside the College and we'll be fine"

"What do you take me for?"

Savos and Yuri pulled out their Traveler's Grimoire, traded Chillrend, and Savos called the Mask while Yuri called the Staff to him before they each stored them. Eventually, they got up and went towards the exit at the right-hand side of the staircase leading to the throne. They were met with a room with three chests, each with hundreds of Septims which they divided equally and shitty equipment which they ignored.

Savos even found a strange white orb with numerous sides, but before he could touch it Yuri GRABBED his hand with untold panic.

"I just saved your life, Savos. Ignore that orb or you'll be conscripted to the cause of a ridiculous rude Daedra."

"And how do you know that?"

"Mages of my caliber see through all veils, Savy"

Veins erupted across the surface of Savy's forehead but he still heeded the advice of his punk ass disciple.

"By the way, I don't know what kind of blood you have but it was plain to see in that Light form of yours. I would try to hide that next time you do that"

"Oh yeah, my Aedric blood, how could I forget!" Yuri teased.

They faced a word wall on the way out, and Yuri also joined Savos in an angry mood.

"These walls are a relic of the Dragon Cult Era, I wonder what purpose they serve?" Savos pondered. Yuri wouldn't answer.

'Just nine more months, Yuri'

The pair made their way out without incident, and Yuri was not planning on making the whole trip back. He envisioned the practice area underneath the College and made a portal all the way there, grabbing a baffled Savos with Telekinesis and throwing him through before joining him.

"Be more gentle with your seniors!!!!" He shouted.

"You landed on your feet, didn't ya?"

"By the way, how the hell did you do that?"

"If I had a Septim for the number of times you asked me that"

"You should be honored for even three Septims, you unfilial disciple!"

"I don't think you have the affinity or the mana value master, it's enormously costly," And Yuri doubted anyone without a Deadric tool could do it naturally.

"Fine, keep your secrets. Just fill my Arcaneum with more of them and we'll be even!" Tsundere Savos huffed.

"Glad you changed your tune of debts, Savy"

The duo parted, and Yuri went to bed posthaste. He doubted there would be many adventures for a while, now was time to prepare for Alduin.

{Next Chapter: Six Months Later}