
Grand Festival: To the Top

The title of Top Coordinator is an honorary title bestowed upon a Pokémon Coordinator who has won the Grand Festival in recognition of their merits... And Alpine Latom intends on being the next.

Batman117 · Cómic
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3 Chs

Alphine and Sparky

"Can you believe it Sparky? We finally made it to the Grand Festival." Alphine squeals while happily hugging Sparky.


"Thanks for putting up with me for so long Sparky."

"Pachi." The little squirrel like Pokémon says as he puffs out his chest.



"EEEEEEEK!" She yells out as Sparky lets out a discharge to force her to let go. "Ah, sorry. Your just so adorable when you get prideful." She apologizes as she wipes herself off.

"Chiii." He responds sadly as he hops on her left shoulder.

"S'all right Sparky. I shouldn't have squeezed you so hard. Here, wanna cracker?" She asks offering him a small cracker which he greedily begins munching on causing her to giggle. "Alright. Time to head in I suppose."




"Risu?" Sparky asks quizzically tilting his head as they make their way towards the stage for practice on the obstacle course and the thunderous roars and cheers suddenly stops his Master in her tracks as stage fright sets in.

"Ah. I don't think I can do this." She whispers as her vision seems to come and go as the cheers become louder and more deafening.


Eterna City 2 Years Ago


"Five more minutes!" Alphine yells back to her mom.

"Pachi?" Sparky asks as he paps her on the cheek in an attempt to wake her.


"Mmhm. Your so sooft Sparky." She mumbles rubbing her cheek against him as she begins to use him as a modified pillow.



"Oh, good morning dear." Alphine's mom Razellia says as she walks in.

"Mooaning mom." She yawns and as usual she watches as her mom happily makes breakfast.

Her brown hair cascaded in soft waves around her shoulders, catching hints of golden light as she bustled about the kitchen.

Her face was gentle and welcoming, with warm brown eyes that sparkled with kindness. Soft lines around her eyes and mouth along with the smattering of freckles that danced across the bridge of her nose, adding a touch of whimsy to her features.

As she moved, her ample curves were evident beneath the loose-fitting blouse she wore. Her arms were toned from years of embracing loved ones and wielding culinary tools with practiced skill, moved deftly as she prepared breakfast.

Razellia couldn't help but smile every time she saw her daughter. She always was a vibrant and graceful girl. Her features echoed those of her, with the same warm brown eyes that sparkled with curiosity and a hint of mischief.

Her hair, a shade lighter than her mother's, tumbled in loose waves around her shoulders, catching the sunlight in a cascade of golden hues. It framed her face delicately, accentuating her features with a touch of beauty.

She knew that once Alphine set off on her journey she would be in constant worry. Her figure, though still in the bloom of youth, held the promise of womanhood to come and that scared her just like every other parent who would eventually have to let their child leave the nest.

Her limbs were slender and lithe, hinting at a natural athleticism that spoke of her everlasting energy and vitality. Razellia chuckles to herself as Alphine's habit of gesturing and animating their conversation was as strong as ever.

Then, her trusty partner joins as he gracefully hops onto her shoulder. "I see Sparky had to wake you." She jests as she watches the unusual little creature hop onto the table and contently sit by his plate.

For the most part, he was a basic Pachirisu. With his rounded form and fluffy tail, he was just a regular Pachirisu. However, the only thing that set him apart from the others was that he bore light blue fur and a distinct white arrow that adorned its fur. It was basically a reverse Pachirisu.

Razellia picks up two plates and sets them on the table and then piles on an assortment of berries and nuts onto Sparky's plate.

"I can't believe today is finally the day." Razellia says as she takes a bite of her eggs.

"I know right! I can't wait! Just you wait mom. I'm totally going to be the next Top Coordinator." Alphine says excitedly tossing her fist into the air.

"Oh, I know you will dear. Once you set your mind to something, you always see it through." She replies to her excited daughter.

"After that I'm totally beating your record." Alphine says confidently causing her to smile as well.

"Hooo? You're going to have a 22-year streak are you?" She asks mischievously.

"Of course. I'm your daughter. If you can do it, then I can too." She says brimming with over confidence.

"That you are my dear. And I expect nothing less either. You won't go back on your declaration, will ya?"

"NEVER! How could I ever show my face to you after talking such a game only to give up. You disrespect me mother." She playfully pouts.

"Oh my. Look at the time. Hurry up with your breakfast you two. The bus to Oreburgh City leaves in two hours. You still gotta pack up your things.

"Shoot! You're right mom." Alphine says as she begins scarfing down her food.

About thirty minutes later she re-emerges from her room, backpack in tow.

"You got enough snacks and drinks?"

"Yup. Got 12 sports drinks and at least twenty-odd snacks."

"Got enough change of clothes?"

"Yupper. Three tops, three bottoms, and just in case one pair of throw-away clothes in case I have to cave crawl or something."

"Very good. Money?"

"From my birthday money and allowances, I have 230 coins. As long as I don't over splurge including travel and other expenses, I will have more than enough to participate in at least 3 tournaments. As long as I can get at least third place then I can receive additional income."

"Such a smart girl." Razellia says gushing over her daughter. "How about hygiene gear?"

"Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, deodorant, body wash, and two-in-one shampoo and conditioner have been stuffed away." Alphine responds with a salute.

"Very well. That is all I wish for you to take. As long as you got the necessities, I think you'll be more than fine."

"Hey, mom."


"I can message you whenever I want right?" Alphine asks, some of her usual energy slightly gone.

"Of course, dear. You can message or call me whenever you please." She answers pulling her daughter into a hug. She remembered the pain well from when she first set off on her journey to be the Top Coordinator. Seems like her ever-energic daughter was also facing homesickness already.

While everyone sees the trainers' successes, no one besides other trainers really felt the pain of leaving home or the amount of work put in to get that success. It was probably even harder on Pokémon Trainers.

Unlike Coordinators who almost only ever saw the city, Pokémon Trainers actually travelled in the wild in search of new Pokémon to add to their team. She had the absolute most respect for her husband in that aspect. He was a Trainer at one point himself before becoming the Gym Leader for Eterna City. She herself could never be one. The time she spent traveling with her husband were the absolute worst of her life. Sleeping outside, in caves, getting caught in bad weather. Oh my god, and don't even get her started on the bugs.

On the flipside of that coin though, unlike most Trainers, he never once belittled her craft. In fact, he was probably her biggest supporter. The only person who never lost faith in her. He would even miss his own Gym battles to watch her shows. It wasn't until she was on her 13th win that she realized just how much extra he had to do to catch up to other trainers when she wasn't watching.

Her only hope now was that Alphine would find someone of her own who would support her with everything they had.

"Alright now dear. I'll be in Oreburgh City in two days or so, but don't worry. No matter what, I'll be at your first show. Bye-bye to you as well Sparky."

"Thanks mom." Alphine says as she give her mom one last hug. "See you Oreburgh City!"

Razellia lightly chokes up as she watches her daughter take off towards the bus station. Now she sees how her mother and father felt when she left. "It really does hurt watching your kids grow up." She says to herself as she heads back inside.

Hello everyone! We got a new story up. Unlike traditional Pokemon fics, this one is solely Coordinator focused with an OC character and her Pachirisu. Hope just like my other stories y'all show this mad love! Thank you all!


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