
Who Do You Think You Are?

The second floor of the 'Nether Realm' was a completely different animal. Rather than the rotting woods and bright blue, cloudless skies, it seemed far more like a true depiction of hell. 

The skies had become a beautiful deep violet that carried a sinister edge to it. Black clouds hovered above but they didn't act like storm clouds, instead drifting about just like normal clouds would. 

The ground was covered in endless mountainous regions. As far as the eye could see, jagged peaks of pitch black stone rose several kilometers into the air. It truly didn't seem as though even a single patch of flat land was anywhere to be seen. 

At that moment, the harsh call of several birds tore through the skies. Their cries made one's blood curdle, almost as though metal was screeching against metal. 

Without even looking, Ryu immediately pinpointed what that creature was. He understood right then that no matter what, he couldn't use Little Rock on this floor.