

It was yet another Overseer, obviously from a region different from Overseer Eudo's own. But, Ryu only swept a glance over this young man before his eyes landed on the one following behind him. Ryu immediately felt a surge of killing intent that he directly suppressed, tempering it down with his will power. 

After just a single glance, he looked away, ignoring the world around him entirely. If he felt the need to kill every remnant of the past he came across, let alone seeing Elena again, he wouldn't even be able to step through those doors. 

His actions, though, were seen as clear disdain from the Overseer-representative pair. To give a World Sea Realm expert a casual glance, just the same as the young cultivator behind him, and not even an attempt at a greeting… It was no doubt seen as disrespectful. 

The Overseer curled his lip into an angered smile. 

"What a good young man you've found, Eudo."