

Radiant Star shook his head, not liking the enthusiasm of his wife, but he allowed it. Ultimately, they hadn't been able to have a child the conventional way because their talent was too high. It also didn't help that they spent practically generations being petty to one another. He could count on his fingers the number of nights they had ended up in each other's beds in the last thousand years. That wasn't really conducive to child-making. 

As for Fading Star, she wasn't even paying attention to her husband at all. The more she looked at Ryu, the more satisfied she was, and that was despite the fact he looked like he had gone through a few garbage shoots to get here. 

"Look, isn't my disciple very handsome?"

Radiant Star's lip twitched but he didn't say anything. For a man who always wore a deadpan expression, this was about as much as you'd get out of him. 

Fading Star laughed, leaving her own usually deadpan expression somewhere far off in the past.