

Wobbling Fairy lay limply on the ground, gasping for breath. Her eyes were an odd combination of misted over and in a daze, or maybe both were the same thing, she really couldn't tell anymore. It had been an entire month, and the process could have only been described as relentless. In just the first few minutes, it felt like everything from before had been overridden. She had tried to block off her mind again, tried to focus on just cultivating, but no matter what she did, it didn't matter in the slightest.

Her Dao Heart in this state was a bit frail to begin with, when met with this sort of temptation, it was like she had become an addict, chasing after a high only Ryu could give her.

At the same time, the differences between the way her treatment started and how it ended made it all the more striking. It was clear that Ryu had been capable of making her feel good but hadn't bothered because he didn't give a damn about her.

In fact…