
Little Nephews

This time, Ryu didn't back down from Ailsa's teasing. Plus, considering the strong blush on her face, was it even necessary for him to take a step back? 

As far as he was concerned, since Ailsa was his woman, he would be considered to be in the same generation as her. As such, even if these two were older than the time he had experienced in both his lifetimes, they would still be his little nephews. 

As for the matter of his Fate Wheel? Who cared?

One would think that the reason Ryu had never gazed upon his Fate Star even once since he was birthed into this second was because he was afraid. But, this wasn't the case at all. 

The reason he never looked was because it simply didn't matter. Whether his Fate Star had changed or not had little to nothing to do with him. 

Ryu took a deep breath, his body finally calming.