

Ryu stood in complete silence, not moving an inch as the Omniscient Sky God vanished into the distance. If he was just a little bit more careless, or the Omniscient Sky God was just a little less enraged, he knew that he could have easily been discovered. 

He hadn't expected to run into such a powerful being so far from the true core of the Sect, but he had never been known for his good luck anyway. Luckily, he had managed to stay safe from detection or else he would really be screwed. He was under no illusions that a formation that he could set up as a Fragmented Sky God could fool the eyes of someone just a step away from Dao Lordship. 

After staying silent for a while, though, and pulling away some of his mental faculties from his fight or flight senses, Ryu's gaze flickered. 

This was an opportunity.