

There was another thing that was greatly tied to Fate, and that was which Talents awakened and which ones didn't. Theoretically, now that Ryu had been freed from such chains, he should be able to more casually unlock the talents of his Bloodlines. Without the chains of karma deciding which talents were supremely powerful and which ones were more rare occurrences, they would all have the same difficulty of awakening.

This, of course, wasn't too huge a deal for Ryu. This was because of his most powerful talents, he had already awakened a large portion of them. What was holding him back was the bottleneck the strength of his Bloodlines placed on him, a bottleneck that was still here even without these invisible chains.

Ryu's thought, though, was actually quite simple. While his Bone Structure erased chains, he also happened to have a method of adding them. That being, obviously, the chains that he had taken from the Martial Gods.