

Ryu cut his grandfather's corpse down. If one was watching on, it wouldn't be terrible of you to assume the two had no relationship whatsoever, Ryu's features simply left nothing to be read...

In fact, you might be more drawn to the oddity of the situation. The very criminal the Zu, Basteel and Lao Clans were all searching for was right in front of them, but for some reason, not a single person made a move.

Ryu caught Amell's body before it fell to the ground, laying it down carefully as his Freeze Talent surged.

The infections that ran rampant throughout his grandfather's body iced over and shattered one after another. In just a few moments, Amell's body was restored to the point of him looking no different from a middle-aged man taking a midday nap.

However, the fact this nap was interrupted by Ryu placing his body into a spatial ring shattered whatever dreams one had of a happy ending… Everyone knew the living couldn't enter such a space…