
Echo (1)

The echo of Ryu's voice barged through the martial world and took center stage. It wasn't that his voice was loud enough to travel so far, but rather that the disruption of Fate was so grand and all encompassing that those with true strength could hear it no matter how far away they were. 

The concept was akin to a Sky God always knowing when their name was being mentioned except in reverse. But, in order to pull such a thing off, the weight of Ryu's name had to have an enormous amount of Faith backing it, such an enormous amount that no one in the martial world could ignore it… 

And that he did. 

The things that Ryu had accomplished on his own were simply ridiculous. But, the weight of the Tatsuya name would always outshine him and the legend of his talent weighed almost just as much. The reappearance of Ryu Tatsuya… Was something no one would ever forget.