
Grammar history

SHAKA ZULU Shaka was born in 1787 from a langeni princes Nandi and a Zulu prince senzangakona. The Zulu people rejected him since he was born out of wedlock and therefore , he was brought up by mthethwa kingdom under dingiswayo. Unfortunately, when shaka's father died in 1816, he was succeeded by shaka's half brother sikujana. Therefore, that annoyed Shaka and he tried by all means to move him out of the throne. Therefore, Shaka went to kill his brother with the help Dingiswayo and he took over the throne in 1816. During shaka's rein, a lot of rules were established, for instance, bare foot fighting. People were not allowed to wear anything on their feet as the way of giving them extra mobilities in wars. Cow Horne formation was also introduced. This was used to encircle an enemy inside the horne so that he can easily be captured. He also introduced assegai as a new weapon. This was used to kill a lot of people within a short period of time. He also abolished circumcision. He considered that the time spent in healing the would, could be waisted for his training. Unfortunately, when shaka's mother died in 1827, his mind became embalanced. He introduced a lot of changes to mourn his mother. People were not allowed to cultivate or plant anyway during the mourning year. Husbands and wives were not allowed to have sexual intercourse with the partner. This was considered as the way of showing respect to his dead mother. Therefore, a lot of people died during that season . Unfortunately, shaka's brothers Dingani and Mlangani , decided way to kill him in order to prevent people from being put to death. Finally, after killing Shaka in 1828, Dingani took over the throne.

Davis_Chambwa · Historia
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The first part of the book , explain how Shaka was born and brought up.

Contain the historical activities of Shaka zulu