
Grady Moffetts life story

Daniel_Logan_Ward · Real
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the beginning of grady Moffetts life story

once apon a time there was a kid named grady Moffett he was born and raised in mobile Alabama he went to Meadowlake elementary school for pre k and then when going into kindergarten he had to switch to wc.griggs elementary school he was in griggs for six years and was bullied for six consecutive years until he started becoming the bully in second grade he started dating he had his first kiss at school behind the back of the school and in 5th grade he ended accidentaley dated one of his cousins after 5th grade he had to switch to home school for not being able to spell the word only and then he got a phone at the age of ten he didn't have many friends and he lost contact with them and when got back in contact with them they didn't remember him at 13 he had new people move in across from him he didn't know them then he went to one of his dad and mom's high school friends stepkids birthday party he didn't know them either he just went along with the ride and had a good time and then come to find out their old high school friend was the one moving in across the street from him.