
Chapter Two:

Days passed by just like how fast the light travels. The day of the expedition arrived. Crown prince Stellan made sure to find the best people to accompany him. The cetizens of Quelle were informed that their prince would venture out the world to find his future queen. They were delighted by the news and arranged a parade to send off their prince and praying for his safe travel. As delighted the people were, the princess, princess Cheles worries for her brother. She knows that after days of being busy, her father would not just send his heir away in search for a suitable bride. No. She knows that she was the reason and yet, she never got the courage to stop them because she herself wanted to live longer. Just a tad longer.

“You take care of yourself. Come home safe, my son. We will await your safe return.” Her mother is in tears as she held her brother’s face delicately. Missionaries and a couple of knights waits for the prince to mount his horse to start their journey. The King stepped forward holding his sword which he gave to his son.

“My hopes that the time of you using this sword will never come throughout your journey. Alas, only the Gods will know when and if you will use this sword. Until then, win every battle that made you draw this sword from its scabbard.” The king told his son with authority. Prince Stellan took the sword from his father and observed it.

The scabbard was made from the finest metal, adorned with gold pattern and a single ruby stone. The handle was made from the same material as the scabbard. Two emerald stone from each end of the handle shines as the sun kissed the delicate jewel. The sword itself is sharp that glistens with the life it had took. Pride seeped through him as it was the sword every King in Quelle had used in every war and battle.

He secured the sword to his waist and looked at his father in the eye. He stood straight tapped his left foot two times to his right while he tapped his right first to his heart. Quelle knight salute.

“Failure will not be my answer, father.” King Adon hummed in satisfaction. Lastly, princess Cheles moved forward her head facing the ground. Stellan’s heart ached at the state his sister is in. She’s wearing thick clothes even though it was in the middle of summer. She was getting weaker day by day that even normal heat makes her shiver like she was in a snowy mountain. He got on one knee holding his sister’s gloved hand in his. A single strand escaped her seemingly perfect hair which he took and tucked behind her ear.

“P-please, have a safe trip brother.” The timid princess as she tied her favorite green ribbon to her brother’s left arm. Trying a ribbon to a loved one’s arm symbolizes prayer for one’s safe return. The person who was given of the ribbon shall give the ribbon back to the owner upon their return.

“Take care of mother and father while I’m gone okay? I’ll bring you the prettiest toys there is when I come home.” Even though he never knew when he will or if he ever comes home, his promise to his self will stand firm. He will find the Song of the Gods and he will save his sister.

“I don’t want any toys. I want brother...” Princess Cheles bit her lips trying to suppress the small sob that threatens to escape. She swore that she would never shed tears yet her emotions got the best of her. She’s crying not because she was afraid her brother would not come home, no. She knows how strong her brother is. She’s afraid that her body may not survive long enough to wait for her brother’s return.

“I want brother to return safe. Come home in time, please.” Her glistening eyes looks pleadingly towards her brother. Stellan understood her words. She wants him to come home while she was still alive. He forcefully closed his eyes trying to get rid of the unpleasant image of his sister dying.

“I will. Dry your tears for it does not suit your onyx eyes. Eat well and sleep well. I’ll be back even before you know it.” He said to her as a form of consolation. Princess Cheles wiped her tears and smiled sweetly at her brother. She trusts him. Whether he comes back with the news of her salvation or not, she will wait. Until then, she made a new promise to herself. She will do everything in her will to survive just a little while longer. She will fight her sickness. Prince Stellan stood up with determination on his eyes.

“We shall leave now.” He mounted his horse and gave one last look at his family. The fear that was hiding revealed itself deep within his heart as they trudge in the middle of the parade his citizens prepared. He fears that he will not make it in time. He fears of never coming back. He fears the disappointment his parents would show if he would not succeed.

“Look lively, my prince. The people are cheering you on. They are praying for you, for all of us. The Gods will hear them. Smile.” He was awoken by the calming voice that came from his right. He watched their best knight looking ahead with pride. Naneya was his childhood friend. Daughter of the former Captain of knights. She knows him inside and out, she knows what he was thinking.

“Fear will give you nothing, my league. Please trust us. We will do our best to help you so be at ease.” She looked at him, assuring him that it will be alright. He listened to her words and relaxed. He straightened his posture and smiled at his people. That’s right, he’s not alone. The gates were opened and closed when the knights and missionaries passed. The parade noise soon disappeared as they progressed. Only the hooves and huffs of the horses were heard together with the constant rattle of the wagons that held their supplies until they reach the next town.

Their first days of travel were peaceful. It was of course because they were still in the land of Quelle. This part of the land was always being govern by knights and they make sure that no harmful creatures lurks within. It was when they crossed the border of Northern kingdom one week later that made them alert. Small harmful creatures appear every now and then trying to display dominance towards the travelers. Naneya always takes care of it using her bow and arrow. The Kingdom of Mindu is known for their violent tendencies. There are parts of the kingdom that they should avoid like towns who were famous for being the home of killers. There were also towns who rebels against their ruler and welcomes travelers.

“Find a spot for us to rest, we will continue our travel tomorrow. Be on guard, we are in a foreign territory. We do not know what kind of creatures are lurking in this forest.” Prince Stellan commanded. They all answered with confirmation and started building their Prince’s tent first.

“Northern forest is full of unknown creatures, your highness. I shall assign knights to take turn on being look outs.” Naneya said once she secured their horses to a nearby tree.

“Please do, captain and send the missionaries to my tent.” Stellan told her as he entered his tent. He took out the Northern map and started crossing out the lands that were dangerous. Four missionaries entered his tend and bowed down towards him.

“Raise your head, my friends. I call you here to ask for the information you have so far.”

“I greet your royal highness, Prince Stellan. I am Tatu at your service. At the last eight towns we’ve passed, people only answered with uncertainty saying that they never heard of such magical object.”

“It’s the same for the rest of us, your highness.” The other missionaries said.

“It is for me also. People really does not know anything about something very valuable.” Stellan said to himself. It has been seven days and yet they feel like they never really had any progress. No matter, there are three kingdoms left.

“Very well, the please rest---”


His words were interrupted by a call of distress. Everyone sprung into action picking up their weapons. Prince Stellan quickly took his sword and ran outside. The first thing he noticed was a man running towards them, all bloody and dirty. He was holding his left arm and was limping. Behind him was a beast they never saw before. It has a body of a lizard with scales that was shining despite the darkness. It’s four legs full of sharp spikes and claws. Its head is long but scale-less. It has round mouth that has rows upon rows of teeth. Acid dripping from its mouth leaving a trail of dead plants behind.

“HELP!” The man shouted again as the creature neared him. The knights were at panic at the new vicious creature they are seeing.

“Your highness?” Naneya appeared on his side also holding her own sword. Stellan sighed at his frozen knights.

“Help him.” The captain nodded and sprinted towards the creatures. She cut her hand using her swords activating the magical object. It was a sword passed down towards every captain of Quelle Knights. The creature hissed as it was about to reach the man.

“Blade of winds.” Naneya jumped high with the help of the trees. She slashed her sword in the wind and invisible wind blades cut through the neck of the creature decapitating it. The man fell on his knees trying to catch his breath. He never even got to fully recover his consciousness when a sword appeared under his chin. He gulped as he saw his own matted reflection on its blade.

“Who are you?” Naneya asked with a threatening voice, eyes glowing with warning.

“C-can I breathe first? I-I’m dying he--- Ow! Ow! Ow!” He never finished his words for Naneya thrusted her sword making a small cut on his neck.

“Who. Are. YOU?” She threatens once more. The man’s breath suddenly got heavier. He was losing the adrenaline that was pumping on his blood making him feel all of the pain on his body. Holy Gods, this hurt. He said in his head feeling himself loose consciousness. His hunger made him even more weak each second.

“That’s enough, captain.” He heard a new pair of feet nearing him. The sword that was threatening his throat disappeared making him feel a little relieved.

“State your name.” Was the last thing he heard when he let the darkness consume him.