
Chapter Four:


“Gazien.” They all became silent as I said the name. The missionary looked at me like I was someone crazy. The familiar sound of a sword being drawn reached my ears.

“Stop tricking us if you still want to live.” This woman seriously has to stop drawing her sword at every chance she gets. It’s sharp and cool, I get it! Too sharp for my liking.

“Can you just, stop this? Do you always threaten people you just met? I’m not lying nor am I trying to trick you. Gazien family does exist and is still existing somewhere in all this kingdom.” I pushed the sword away from my throat not anymore threatened by the sharp blade. Prince Stellan searched my eyes for any lies. I am in debt to this man for saving my life from that vile creature. I will never recognize this woman as my savior. She had tried to kill me more than she had saved me. If this man is indeed a prince then I score myself information from a royal which is more valuable.

“Gazien family is a myth.” The supposed royal said firmly like he was making me realize that what I was saying is not true.

Gazien family are said to be the last people of the Archimage. The people he trusted the most. Many tried to search for them to question their real relation to the Archimage and some just wanted what the Archimage left them. People believed of them to be a myth after some time of searching and found nothing.

“The Gaziens are the stealthiest people I know. I first heard of them in my home town when I was just a young boy. My people believe in their existence. That’s why my home town accepts travelers with open arms. My father was the late informant in our town. He was the one who was very obsessed with the Gaziens. Until one day, a family of traveler asked for a valuable information from my father in exchange for their real identity.” I explained.

“Was there any proof that what they said was true?” The prince asked. I grabbed the pouch that is tied on my waist and tuck my whole hand inside. I tried feeling the inside but there too many things inside.

“Hold on.” Getting impatient, I snuck my head inside the pouch searching through the mountains of things inside. Swords. Dagger. Potions. Clothes. Foods.. AHA! I got my head out of the bag holding the thing I was looking for.

“This! I was there when—Why are you looking at me like I have horns?” They have baffled looks while looking back and forth at me and my pouch that is on the ground. Oh, magical objects like this are rare. It may be the first time they saw this kind of pouch.

“Someone traded it with me and I’m not telling you who.” I ignored their looks towards me and put down the memory rock in front. Tucking my hand in pouch again, I took out my dagger and sliced my finger. A little drop of blood landed on the magical object, activating it.

“The head of Gaziens at that time made this in front of us and made another magical object after. This is a memory stone. This can record happenings and preserve it as a memory.” I explained and a seemingly moving portrait of people was projected and moves according to the memory.

Third Person's POV

A Scene played out in front of them. A man wearing cloak sat across Ivan's father holding a glowing stone at hand. He was murmuring something to the stone. His face was covered by the hood and only his mouth can be seen. After a while he gave the stone that has now stopped glowing to Ivan’s father.

“Was this really real?” The missionary said. He was amazed really. The fact that the mages he believes in does in fact still existed baffles him. It was too over whelming for the missionary.

“Indeed it is. I have that same stone right here in my pouch. My father left it to me when he passed away. This has never been used.” He was showcasing the magical object to the three people in that room. The magical object does look like an ordinary rock. It has smooth surface and circular shape.

“If what you said is indeed true, why are you carelessly showing all of this to us?” Stellan asked the informant. Ivan looked at Stellan as he stood up picking all his things and putting it back to his pouch.

“It’s not like I trust you or anything. I just know you will not tell others what I showed you in this tent.” He smirked with mischief shining in his eyes.

“I told you before, informants like me does not trust easily. What you heard and saw comes with a trade. You keep all of this a secret and I’ll also keep your sick princess a secret. It’ll be a shame to have Quelle attacked by other country just because of a sick child.” His chuckle resonate within their ears. Processing his words.

“YOU DARE BLACKMAIL US YOU LOWLY INFORMANT!” Naneya was seething in rage. She knew it. This man can never be trusted. They put their guards too down. She was ready to attack. Ready to kill the man.

“What do you mean blackmail? It’s a simple trade. You gave me information about your dilemma and I gave you information on my part. I don’t like taking things for granted, but this trade mostly benefit me, don’t you think?” Laughing at her rage, Ivan proceeded to look at the prince once again. Stellan was silent. Void of any emotion. He was like a black paper he could not read even though he knew that he was full of thoughts.

“To believe me or not is your own choice, your majesty. A trades a trade. I gave you what you want and you gave me something also valuable.” All Stellan could see in his eyes is mischief. Informants are indeed tricksters and smart. I should have seen this coming.

“Track them then.” He was the prince of Quelle and he takes everything as an opportunity, even this one.

“Ohoho! Another trade? Do tell me then, what can you trade this time?” Ivan is trying to provoke the prince. He need not to do the other two seeing that they are ready to attack him any minute.

“Track the Gaziens and bring the Song of the Gods to us and I will give you anything.”

“See, this is where you’re mistaken, your highness. I gather and inform. I do not deliver like a messenger bir---“

“I’ll give you the journal owned by the Archimage himself.”