
Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 1)

"I'm just the Son of a Hero and Grandson of a God." Just after he was born, he was taken, kidnapped from the village named Konoha. And since then, he was raised by a God that once tamed the Kyuubi with just his eyes alone. "Nothing more," His talent was peerless -they were simply unrivaled. He was expected to continue his grandfather's legacy and complete his master plan. But he was wrong. The boy was not someone who could be thrashed around like a pawn in a grand chess match. "Nothing less." He has one goal and one goal alone. This was such a near impossible feat to attain. But there was only one person who stood right on his path, blocking his path to unify the world through his wits. Uchiha Madara. This is the story of Uchiha-Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto - The Boy who Graced the Earth. NarutoXFemSasuke I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover either. I dont own the story/fic! All credits belong to Shaxoss on Wattpad the Original Author who gave me permission to post this story on this Platform.

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59 Chs


Chapter 40: Gates


Satsuki felt someone or something poking her. With much irritation, she slapped the person away.

"Ow," said Naruto in a very monotonous tone. Satsuki immediately reacted to this sudden noise and jumped up. She was startled from Naruto's apathetic nature.

"What the hell was that?" Asked Satsuki, demanding an answer from Naruto. Though he just raised an eyebrow at Satsuki with pure confusion tied around it.

"What? I think we are intimate enough to where I can poke your cheek to wake you up. Right?" He got a glare in return from Satsuki herself.


She disagrees?

Naruto had no idea what Satsuki was talking about. Due to his upbringing and lack of interaction throughout his days before becoming a ninja for Konoha, he didn't have the necessary social behavior that expected of him.

A lot of it was quite transparent if you just look a tiny bit closer. Naruto's tendency to be straightforward can make him get into awkward situations.

Or even hurt people.

"Don't ever do that again." Naruto just stares at her rather questionably. This creates a rather weird feeling in the atmosphere that the two were currently in.

"Can. . . you stop that? It annoys me." Naruto shrugged at her demanding nature and stood right up. He turned around and slowly began to walk away from her.

"Hey! Where are you going? There's no way you're to leave me here, right?!" Satsuki yelled at him as he continued to walk away from her. Naruto shrugged at her.

"I do not know. Though I have been waiting for quite a bit. While I could watch your cute fumbling, I'd rather just leave and watch the future battles." Satsuki immediately got up to put her shirt back on.

"What do you mean by 'cute fumbling'? You have a death wish?" Naruto looked back, shrugging his shoulders once more. If he had to be totally honest, he just had the urge to say something like that.

Satsuki caught up with Naruto and walked right beside him. Naruto felt a sudden sharp pain arise from his body.

"Ow. . ." There was once again a monotonous tone that echoed all throughout the secluded place that the two were currently residing in.

"Stop that."


Naruto and Satsuki made it back to the exam area and saw both Sakura and Ino tie in their battle. The two just observed from the spectating area.

"That's to be expected," said Satsuki, downplaying Sakura's skills as a future kunoichi for Konoha. Naruto just raised an eyebrow and shrugged in response.

"Hm, I guess. Though while she has the intellect to form strategies, she doesn't have the necessary power to carry them out. The rest of the genin here are quite skilled as well." Satsuki looked at the rest of the contestants.

Kakashi eye-smiled at Naruto.

"Well, well. How broad of a mindset you have," praised Kakashi.

"That sounds like sarcasm," Satsuki said, giving Kakashi a weirded out look. Naruto had to agree; Kakashi definitely sounded very sarcastic with that remark.

Over the course of the rounds Naruto observed a lot of people battle it out. Even though a lot of them battled, none of them piqued his interest at all.

But it was now the last and final round of the Preliminary Rounds that were currently being held at this exact moment in time. And coincidently, this round was getting him interested.

Rock Lee vs Gaara of the Sand. Naruto thought, looking at the two participants that were making their way towards the arena. He watched closely as the two remained silent.

Hm. It's odd seeing green spandex-san not energetic. Naruto thought, observing each of their movements to the tee. This will indeed be a fascinating battle that he can use for future purposes.

Naruto looked to the side and saw Satsuki just as fascinated and interested. He looked back towards the battle that was about to start right before their eyes.

Hayato went to the center.

"Begin." He jumped back, avoiding the abundance of sand that was unleashed from Gaara's gourd. As this happened, Naruto heard footsteps right beside him.

War-paint-san. Naruto thought, looking at Kankuro with such calculating eyes. Kankuro stood right next to him. What the hell does he want from him?

Naruto looked back towards the battle and saw Lee engage in close-combat. Each punch and kick that Lee threw, sand protected Gaara with absolute speed.

After a moment or two, the sand that Gaara was controlling flew up into the air and dived down right towards Lee. In that split second, Lee managed to dodge before the sand connected.

The sand is both used as an offense and defense. Interesting. Naruto thought, continuing on his observation on the battle right in front of his eyes.

"You make things awkward." Naruto raised an eyebrow, looking right beside him. It was Kankuro.

"I have no reason to instigate a conversation with you, nor do I have any intention of doing so," said Naruto bluntly and straightforwardly. Again, this was an example of his horrible human interaction skills.

"You're quite cold."

"It seems so." Naruto turned back towards the battle and saw Lee get thrown right towards the wall.

"Your brother is strong," said Naruto, continuing the conversation that he — before — had no intention continuing. Kankuro raised an eyebrow at him.

"I thought you said you had no intention of continuing or forming a conversation with me." Naruto raised an eyebrow slightly as he looked at the battle.

"I just took pity on you." A vein popped and appeared on Kankuro's forehead.

I'll kill you for saying that. Though he did not speak these words, he merely just thought about it. Naruto saw Lee repeatedly dodge the severing sand that was controlled by Gaara.

Sand. Is it possible. . .? Naruto thought, trailing his thoughts away from the battle for a moment or two before shaking his head.

No. I'll think about it later. He mused, putting is focus back towards the battle that was happening right in front of him at this current moment in time.

His eyes moved from one place to another with thorough inspection. Naruto saw Lee relentlessly dodging the sand that hurdled their way towards him.

Though as he moved, Naruto saw something quite interesting.

Are those weights? Naruto thought as he saw a slight bulge on both of Lee's legs. Some may say that those were just how those leg warmers were made, but Naruto begged to differ.

No, I am certain, those are weights without a doubt. Naruto continued thinking and thinking. After some time, Lee jumped into the air, spinning around until he landed on the humongous statue that was present.

Gaara stopped his advancements and just looked up towards the Taijutsu user. He had overheard the conversation that the others were having and heard that Lee was incapable of using anything but Taijutsu.

Naruto was truly fascinated by this sight right in front of him. Guy — Lee's sensei — has just permitted Lee to do something. And it seems like it was necessary for Lee to win.

I see. My guess was correct after all. Naruto mused, seeing Lee take off the weights from his location on the statue. He then lifted it, hovering it over the statue.

There were many doubts about those weights. From a basic point-of-view those weights looked to be about just around 10 or so pounds. But Naruto had a sneaking suspicion.

There is no way that those weights only weigh 10 or so pounds. Guy-sensei wouldn't have empathized its value if that was the case. It seems like those weights will be crucial if Lee wants to win. Naruto deduced, denying the possibility of those weights weighing 10 pounds.

As the weights fell and crashed on the floor, a huge explosion was created by the weights. This caused many to widen their eyes a considerable amount from this.

Naruto was quite amazed at Lee's strength. There was no doubt about it.

He's definitely in the Top 7 when it comes to who is the strongest genin in the Chunin Exams. Anyone who says otherwise is just completely and utterly wrong. Naruto looked at Satsuki for a moment.

He's stronger than Satsuki, that's for sure. Naruto looked back towards Lee and Gaara. In just a split second, Lee disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Naruto slightly widen his eyes before he made it return back to its normal, apathetic gaze.

He's fast; even faster than me. This will certainly raise him up again. He's stronger than me. Naruto couldn't help but feel excited with this conclusion.

The only way I can beat him is if I can reach speeds that exceed that of Lee's. There was no doubt about it; Lee has moved up to the Top 3 strongest genin in the Chunin Exams.

Naruto saw Lee gain even more speed as he ran around Gaara. It was hard to say who was stronger between Gaara and Lee. Though it was clear that Gaara was very weak to Lee's unfathomable speed.

Those two. . . they're in the top spots for the strongest genin here. Naruto looked up towards the ceiling.

It's all about match up. If i get matched up with Gaara, I'll think I would win since I am much more versatile when it comes to fighting an opponent like him. But someone like. . . Lee; I'll lose if I don't get proper training. Naruto thought, now knowing what he had to do from here on out.

His eyes calculated each move that was made. Gaara was getting overwhelming amounts of damage done to him every split second. But there was one thing Naruto was wondering about.

There must be a huge consequence for going at such insane speeds. Naruto thought, looking at the battle right in front of him. After another few moments, Naruto saw Lee take Gaara up to the air with him via a series of kicks.

A few moments ago, he let those bandages dangle around. He then ran around Gaara at increasingly high speeds. Naruto thought. He then slightly raised an eyebrow as he saw a slight opening in the attack that Lee had just done a moment ago.

His feet are strained; Gaara took advantage of that split second advantage. Naruto's mind was overflowing with thoughts about the battle that has truly fascinated and piqued his interest to the limits.

I see. Naruto thought.

The bandages that Lee let dangle was being used at this current moment. He let the bandages roll all around Gaara, wrapping him tightly as they descended downwards in a quick speed.

Lee snd Gaara spun rapidly as their bodies hurled towards the floor.

The two hit the floor and created a large explosion that was full of debris and rubble. Though it may seem Lee has secured his victory, Gaara was just barely one-step ahead.

Lee was just a few meters away from the crater that was formed. As the smoke cleared, Gaara's body was there laying on the floor.

But it truly wasn't over just yet. There was no way someone like Gaara would be out just from that powerful move that Lee has just done. And Naruto knew exactly what Gaara had done in that exact moment.

Substitution. Naruto thought, seeing the crumbling sand that had took Gaara's place. Lee widened his eyes, feeling the pain from his legs as he tried to stand up.

Gaara then appeared just a few meters right behind him and slammed him towards the wall with his sand. There was absolutely no hesitation that could be seen from Gaara.

He has the intent to kill. Naruto thought as he gazed at Gaara; who had such a crazed and devilish grin peering from his face. He truly has gone mad.

Lee had just barely dodged the next attack that was made by Gaara. He gritted his teeth, feeling the pain that was rising from his body. This certainly was troubling him to a very large extent.

Lee panted, dodging another barrage of attacks courtesy of Gaara. Pain whelmed all over Lee's body. Though it seems he has no intention of yielding or giving up towards Gaara.

Naruto observed the current state that Lee was in. His chances of winning were slim, but, he can turn it around.

I. . . I won't give up! Thought Lee, feeling the fatigue reach from deep within. He has one more trick up his sleeve that will most certainly turn the table around in a matter of seconds.

I want to fight them — Neji, Satsuki, and. . . Naruto. He let himself grind his teeth together with such friction and determination coursing all throughout his own body.

I want to. . . Prove myself; that I am worthy. . . of the title — The Strongest! Lee screamed inside of his mind. Waves of power started to mix and dilute the air all around them.

Many people widened their eyes at the display of sheer power that a genin was emitting. This battle was truly worthy of being the last fight of the Preliminary Rounds.

"I don't. . . know what you're doing, but, I'll end it here." Gaara was nearing his limit just right about now. This fight has already surpassed the scaling of power that was demonstrated all throughout the many rounds that have occurred.

Naruto noticed Lee's skin turn red due to the amount of strain that his body was currently going through right now. A bluish aura enveloped Lee's entire body

Third Gate! Lee disappeared, making many to widen their eyes even more than before — it was practically bulging out of their own sockets.

Lee's speed ruptured the ground that everyone stood on, creating many tides of debris due to said speed. Everyone could feel the power of the gates oozing off.

"Guy. . . you taught. . ." Kakashi was basically speechless.

Guy nodded at Kakashi's unfinished sentence. He already knew what Kakashi was going to say. Lee appeared right in front of Gaara, kicking him in the face with such force.

Gaara widened his eyes at the sudden hit. His body was flung to the air.

Fourth Gate! Thought Lee, disappearing once again and reappearing right behind Gaara. He felt another massive spike of pain to his abdomen area.

He was flung away once again.

Sand that Gaara had aimed right towards Lee did not have any significance to him and merely brushed it off by dodging it. Lee appeared all around Gaara.

Lee felt even more pain but just shrugged it off like it was absolutely nothing. This level of power that Lee was demonstrating — it was unbelievable and uncomprehending.

Gaara was being treated like a damn rag-doll.

Every second that pasts, Gaara was flung from left to right. His sand was too slow to even act as a defense anymore; it was futile. All Gaara was feeling was pain.

And only pain.

Fifth Gate! Thought Lee, hovering just about 10 meters above Gaara. He was about to unleash his finishing move to take Gaara out of the competition.

Lee appeared right in front of the falling Gaara and kicked him right towards the ground. Numerous thoughts filled everyone's head as they observed what the outcome of the battle was going to be.

Another explosion occurred from the impact that Gaara had on the titled floor. Lee also fell on the ground just a few meters away from Gaara's location.

Crash landing on the ground, Lee rolled and rolled on it for a few seconds before halting. Naruto now knew that this battle was anyone's game. Whoever had the better endurance would ultimately be the victor of the battle.

As the smoke that once again surrounded Gaara disappeared; it could be seen that he was just barely intact and was looking right towards the direction of Lee's.

His eyes landed on the figure of the weak-state Lee.

Lee noticed this and tried crawling away due to his legs being too strained to be used.

"He cushioned his landing by using the gourd on his back," said Kankuro, noting the fact that the gourd that was usually on the back of Gaara's was now completely gone.

It has become the sand that he uses for battle.

He's quite versatile. Naruto thought, looking at the movements of Gaara. He outstretched his hand right towards Lee, whom was full of utter despair.

A crazed laugh escaped from Gaara's mouth.

"I win!" He yelled, directing this statement right towards the single person who almost defeated him just a few moments ago. Some of the sand around him started to move.

The sand then slithered its way right towards Lee quickened its pace a considerable amount.

It then wrapped itself around Lee's left leg and arm and crushed it to living pieces. The sounds of Lee's bones cracking, breaking, fracturing, and shattering echoed all throughout the stadium.

"DIE!" The sand then started to slowly engulf Lee's figure. But he soon widened his eyes as someone interfered with this exchange and canceled the move out.

"I can't have you continue with such unyouthful acts," said Guy, directing his serious gaze towards Gaara. The red-head soon ggritted his teeth as he put his hand on his head,

There was a slight pause.

"Why? Why save. . . someone that is beyond. . . broken?" He questioned, giving a glare right towards Guy. There also another moment of silence that happened.

"Because. . . he's one of my three prized students, whom I care for," responded Guy. Gaara just stayed silent, letting the sand engulf him and returning him back to a normal state.

Though there was a few noticeable bruises.

He limped and passed Guy and Lee, as the medics were coming right to their aid. Gaara looked at Lee for a second, thinking on how he failed to kill and make him shed blood.

As he turned back, he was met with a sight of black and blond right in front of him.

Naruto just stood there, apathetically looking at Gaara without worry, sympathy, or pity. His expressionless and dull eyes peered into the soul of Gaara's like a book.

Many saw this and noticed the rising tension that loomed in the air all around them.

"Gaara. . ." His tone was everything but warm and welcoming. There was no way he would give Gaara sympathy after almost killing a comrade of Konoha.

"Move out. . . of my way. If you don't.. . . mother will happily. . . take you blood." but Naruto just stood there, unfazed by the threat that was made and directed towards him.

Naruto pushed his hands into his pockets and slowly advanced right towards Gaara without any fear or hesitation. He then slowed down his pacing just a bit.

"While I would congratulate you on your victory; you critically injured a comrade — I won't forgive for such a thing." Naruto's deep and bottomless eyes kept on gazing at Gaara.

His eyes were truly a terrifying feature of his.

"I. . . don't care. Move out. . . of my way," ordered Gaara, using a much more forceful ton this time. Sand started to build up right behind Gaara just for safety measure.

"Before I go, I would like to say something." Naruto got closer towards the maniac red-head right in front of him.

"There is no doubt that we will be fighting each other for our first round," said Naruto, activating his 3-tomoe Sharingan that was kept hidden by his contact lenses.

"So. . . what? You're nothing. . . but an obstacle." Naruto stopped right in front of Gaara. There was a noticeable difference in height, with Naruto being taller than Gaara.

"Sorry but, I'm going to be winning. It doesn't matter if sacrifices or need; it doesn't matter if I have to kill you in the end, as long as I take the victory in the end, nothing else matters." Naruto looked down at Gaara without any fear.

"This is a declaration of war that I have made between you and me," said Naruto. This caused many to widen their eyes at those words that came out of his mouth.

"Your power isn't enough to defeat me."
