
Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 1)

"I'm just the Son of a Hero and Grandson of a God." Just after he was born, he was taken, kidnapped from the village named Konoha. And since then, he was raised by a God that once tamed the Kyuubi with just his eyes alone. "Nothing more," His talent was peerless -they were simply unrivaled. He was expected to continue his grandfather's legacy and complete his master plan. But he was wrong. The boy was not someone who could be thrashed around like a pawn in a grand chess match. "Nothing less." He has one goal and one goal alone. This was such a near impossible feat to attain. But there was only one person who stood right on his path, blocking his path to unify the world through his wits. Uchiha Madara. This is the story of Uchiha-Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto - The Boy who Graced the Earth. NarutoXFemSasuke I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover either. I dont own the story/fic! All credits belong to Shaxoss on Wattpad the Original Author who gave me permission to post this story on this Platform.

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59 Chs


Chapter 11: Events


"Hey, this is only a one time thing. Once I finally know what to do, I'll be easily surpassing you quickly." Naruto looked at the childish Satsuki, amused only slightly.

"I particularly don't care," said Naruto, gaining a grunt right out of Satsuki. She huffed snd looked away. "I'll make you care!" Shouted Satsuki, throwing a punch towards Naruto's face.

He dodged with ease.

"Stop," said Naruto, catching a kick that was aim right towards him. He was unfazed/unaffected by such actions. Satsuki gritted her teeth, retreating her leg away from his grip.

Naruto sighed, walking away from her.

"You better remember that I'm going to surpass you!" Yelled Satsuki from behind. Naruto looked back, nodding and shrugging to what she was trying to say. "Like I said: I don't care," stated Naruto, nodding his head once more before disappearing in the vast and endless trees that illuminated the forest.


"What do you need, Danzo?" Hiruzen saw Danzo enter the room that he resided in. Their eyes met and had an intense gaze right towards each other. "Hiruzen, I wanted to discuss about something," said Danzo, sitting down in a chair.

"What would that be?" Asked Hiruzen, already knowing the discussion will lead to something much more controversial and infuriating for Hiurzen and his ideology.

"I would like to discuss about a proposal that I had in mind," said Danzo, a dangerous glint shining from his left eye. This caused Hiruzen to narrow his eyes directly at the man in front of him.

"And that proposal would be?" Asked Hiruzen, narrowed eyes still being narrowed right towards Danzo. A light and tight smirk appeared on Danzo's face.

"I would like to recruit Ahihcu Naruto to ROOT." Hiruzen widened his eyes and immediately emitted a dangerous glare at Danzo. He pulled out the smoke pipe that he was currently using.

"That is out of the question," said Hiruzen, a firm tone evident inside his voice. Danzo clenched his hands and turned them into a strong and tight fist. "And why is that?" Asked Danzo, obviously not pleased with what Hiruzen was saying.

"He's not ready, nor will he ever be ready for such things," stated Hiruzen in a very firm manner. Danzo did not take this very lightly at all. He had his fists squeeze even tighter.

"He's ready. I heard the reports; he annihilated all those graduating students with hardly any effort! I have eyes and ears all over the place, Hiruzen." Danzo was glaring at Hiruzen with his open eye. "I also have eyes and ears all over the place," said Hiruzen, matching the glare's intensity with a glare of his own.

"That is besides the point, Hiruzen. The point is that he's perfect and will fit in ROOT. Don't you see? This opportunity will strengthen the forces of Konoha! The moment the rumors that he and Jiraiya had came to the village, I, Shimura Danzo, kept keen eye on him!" Yelled Danzo, trying to persuade Hiruzen on letting him turn Naruto into a machine.

"Your thoughts, decisions, don't matter me, The Hokage of Konoha. But I won't let you cross the line. Beware of overstepping your boundaries," said Hiruzen, not pleased at what Danzo was saying out of his mouth.

"You are making a huge mistake, Hiruzen. This opportunity is something that I — no — that Konoha can't let pass. A huge mistake, Hiruzen. A huge mistake." Danzo was firm and forceful with what he kept on saying.

"And I'm saying that you can't and you won't do what you are saying."


Naruto was walking home, minding his own business along the way. The streets of Konoha was quite loud during the nighttime — it irritated him severely.

As Naruto walking through Konoha, he suddenly saw someone throw a kunai towards him and the handsome and precious face of his. Naruto narrowly dodged the attack, the kunai grazing his whiskers.

He saw the kunai go right past, going towards a Konoha civilian. Naruto gritted his teeth, chasing right after the kunai that was originally aimed right for him. He barely caught the kunai.

Naruto snapped his head back, trying to find the perpetrator. Naruto saw a glimpse of a black cloak running away. He narrowed his eyes, suspicion written all over his face.

That person tried killing me while I was in the middle of a crowd. Scandalous of you. Naruto thought, racing after the person that tried killing him with a sly and deadly kunai. Naruto jumped on a house, trying to track down the perpetrator.

There. Naruto thought, jumping from one building, house at a time. His eyes kept track of the perpetrator to a tee. Naruto narrowed his eyes, seeing as that the person was he was trying to track down was leading him to a forest.

Stealth? Naruto thought, jumping down from the houses and right on top of the ground. He saw the perpetrator right before him, continuing to run away. Naruto pushed his hand into his holster and brought out a kunai. He inhaled and exhaled, throwing the kunai right towards the perpetrator.

Naruto barely missed the kunai from hitting the person. He continued to follow the person inside the forest, his eyes never stopped wandering around. Naruto slightly widened his eyes.

A few kunai was being thrown towards him by the perpetrator. Naruto reacted quickly, dodging the multitude of kunai with relative ease. But he suddenly felt a sharp pain get directly from his stomach.

He was launched away, his back hitting a tree. Naruto slid down the said tree, pain erupting from behind his back. He felt the pain, but he did not bother showing weakness by giving the person satisfactory.

Naruto rolled away, dodging a wound from a tanto that the person was wielding. He narrowed his eyes at him, wondering what this person's motive was with attacking him.

"Who are you? Are you from an enemy village?" Naruto asked, his eyes narrowed and sharp. He did not like this current situation at all. Naruto saw the person charge towards him with fast speeds. Naruto huffed, jumping up in the air and applying chakra to his feet. He was now attached to the tree.

Naruto could not see it, but he could feel it — the person's surprise was evidently there. He launched off of the tree and landed right on top of the person's body. He tackled him down.

"Now, let's see who exactly is the person under this cloak." But before Naruto could do anything, he was quickly thrown away from the person. Naruto grunted, regaining his balance.

God, this person was a difficult person to catch.

Naruto pushed his hand down his holster, pulling out a kunai. He held the kunai tightly, the intent to harm was evident in Naruto's current actions and expression. Naruto jumped towards the person, his hand slowly outstretching out with his kunai.

The person blocked his attack with the tanto that they had been holding tightly. Naruto slightly gritted his teeth, dropping to the ground and attempted to give the person a sweep. But it seems like the person had already been prepared for such thing and jumped up slightly to dodge the attack.

Naruto barely managed to dodge a stomp that was directed at his leg with a fast and quick rate. He jumped away a few meters away to gained distance from the person.

I've managed to assess this person's strength. This person is clearly holding back, but is definitely chunin-level. Minimally. Naruto thought, observing the situation even closer. His eyes were moving all over the place.

He had to think quickly.

Make this person underestimate me at a phenomenal level. Naruto thought, slowly approaching his way towards the perpetrator that was right in front of him.

"Would you like to dance?" Naruto asked, slowly picking up his pace towards the perpetrator. No, making this person underestimate him was probably out of the question — there must be a reason why this person was trying to kill him for some odd reason. No matter, he'll take care of this.

I need to get that cloak off. Naruto thought, quickly approaching the person that tried to kill him with silence. He jumped in the air, throwing the kunai that was being held in his hand.

While still in mid-air, Naruto pulled out even more kunai from his holster. Naruto threw them towards the perpetrator at a quick speed. But unfortunately, the perpetrator countered by dodging and blocking.

Gotcha. Naruto thought, using the kunai as a distraction to get closer to the perpetrator. With one slick and fast move, Naruto tore the black cloak away from the perpetrator. Naruto was surprised at the person who was trying to kill him.

An Anbu? Naruto thought, seeing a mask that used to be overshadowing the man's face. Naruto narrowed his eyes, what could this possibly mean? Does this mean the Hokage didn't trust him and thought he should be taken cared of?

No. This person doesn't have it — the Anbu tattoo that I saw all the other Anbu usually. Could this be a fake? Another type of Anbu that has been kept secret about? Naruto thought, knowing this was going to be even more dangerous than he originally though it would.

There is probably more Anbu that is currently hiding away in secret. Naruto thought, going into his stance. He'll have to focus at an intense level to be able to keep up with this person. He can't use his Sharingan, it would reveal too much.

Naruto rushed towards the Anbu with his kunai in hand. He had the intent to kill this man with no hesitation at all. Naruto narrowly dodged a fast kick that was almost too fast for him to see without his Sharingan.

He inhaled and exhaled, jumping up and throwing a kick at the Anbu's head. He easily caught it, gripping his leg with intense amount of strength and pressure. Naruto was gritted his teeth with pain.

But he was prepared for this. "Take this on for size." Naruto did a counterattack by bringing his leg up in the air and smashing it down on the person's shoulder. The man immediately let go of Naruto and backed away.

Good. Naruto thought, landing back on the ground that he trusted. After a few more seconds, Naruto launched right off of the ground and towards the Anbu. He balled up his hand into a tight fist, ignoring the kunai that he had dropped on the ground.

Naruto threw a punch towards the Anbu. And as expected of him, the Anbu dodged it even with the injured shoulder. Naruto was not yet done. As he was falling down towards the ground, he pulled out another kunai from his holster.

I only have a tiny bit more kunai inside the holster. Thought Naruto, landing on the ground and sliding in-between the Anbu's legs. Naruto appeared right behind the Anbu's back.

He's was at least chunin-level. I'm correct — he's just at chunin-level. Naruto thought, stabbing the Anbu in the back. He jumped away with the bloodies kunai, leaving a huge red gash that ran along his back.

Naruto could somewhat know that the Anbu was feeling the intense pain of the wound. He jumped away, looking at the Anbu was rushing towards him. Oh, yeah, the wound was taking a huge toll on his body.

His movement is not as good as before. Naruto thought, easily dodging a punch from the chunin-level Anbu that he was currently fighting. His movement was now wonky and uneven — an academy student pretty much.

I'll end this with a simple kick. Naruto thought, dodging another punch that was aimed right towards him. He positioned himself for a brief moment before launching his leg up into the air.

Naruto's foot hit the chin of the Anbu, making him get launched back with utter agony. Naruto huffed, still feeling the residual pain from his back and leg from earlier ago.

God, that was a close ba-. . . Naruto couldn't finish as he dropped to the ground, unconscious. Right behind him was a few more Anbu that was hidden away in the trees.

They all looked at each other and nodded. They all took Naruto and the very injured Anbu away.


Naruto snapped his eyes open. He had wondered where he was, but the place spoke for him. Naruto looked around, and saw just a gloomy and shitty sewer system. Naruto slowly got up from his laid down position.

Did they throw me into a sewer system? No, this sewer system is way too large to be even considered one. I'm somewhere else. Naruto thought, looking down, he saw what he was currently standing on a puddle of water.

Hm? I'm not channeling chakra to my feet at all. Naruto thought, slowly walking around the water in confusion. But he suddenly felt a large amounts of power start to overwhelm him.

He now knew where exactly he was now. "Kyuubi," said Naruto, gritting his teeth at the feeling of the intense that was upon him. Looking further, Naruto saw a large cage that he knew contained the Kyuubi.

The power soon lowered to the pont where he was able to walk properly. Naruto soon saw large eyes and sharp and deadly canines right behind the cage. "Your accursed eyes has finally laid upon the great Kyuubi." Naruto eyes gazed upon the Kyuubi.

"I've been trying to get in contact with you for quite some time," said Naruto, his piercing eyes looking at the large fox that he had heard about from Madara. "That, I know. All you do is think and think and think! It annoys me." Roared the Kyuubi, obviously annoyed at Naruto's nature.

"You bare a lot of hatred," stated Naruto, getting an even more intense glare from the Kyuubi. "And you just now noticed. I am the almighty Kyuubi! I am Hatred's Incarnate!" Naruto raised an eyebrow at him.

"In the dictionary, it said that the word 'incarnate' means: 'Embodied in flesh; in human form'. But you're not a human." This got the Kyuubi very agitated and angry.

"Shut the hell up!" Naruto soon disappeared from his own mind.


Naruto slowly opened his eyes back into the real world. He looked around, observing his current situation at hand. Naruto was tied on a chair. He gritted his teeth.

Fuck. I've been caught. Naruto thought, trying to break free of the chair that he was tied on. He suddenly heard a loud noise that echoed in this dark room that Naruto was currently in.

Naruto saw a silhouette of man in the shadows. This man slowly emerged out of the shadows and revealed himself to be an old man with a bandage covering his right eye. This man was:

Shimura Danzo.

Naruto narrowed his eyes at him. He had a cane that made a loud noise every time he took a step with it. Naruto stayed silent at this man's current presence.

"Hello, Ahihcu Naruto. Welcome to the base of the subdivision called: ROOT."



DONE! This shall be the end of the chapter for now. Danzo has now made contact with Naruto. You might already know what will happen next chapter. Naruto has also now made contact with Kurama/Kyuubi. This is all I want to talk about for now.