
GOT: The Great Bastard of Storms and Blood

Aenar Storm is the son of Aegon the Unworthy and Elenei Baratheon. Will Aenar Change the History of House Targaryens Most Uneeded War and its Six Dreaded Sequals. Or will he carve his name in Blood upon the Red Dragon. Will he support his fellow Bastard Daemon Blackfyre or remain True to Daeron Targaryen and his Dornish Children. Or will the Storm Dragon rise to oppose the Red and Black Dragons and create a Dynasty to Last a Thousand Years. History is yet Unwritten.

Taconinjacat · TV
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Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I do not own Game of Thrones or A Song of Ice and Fire. This is a work of purely fanfiction and i do not claim any ownership over characters or the canon story. 

Chapter One 

181 AC 

The Storm Dragon 

His first memory was of Storm's End of its dark grey stone that had been darkened further by the harsh storm. The wailing wind that could be heard from his window and the loud harsh cracking of lightning that danced in the grey clouds. Of stone rattling thunder that shook the surface world with its fury. While other children his age would cry in freight by the loud thundering sky he didn't, no the storm called to him in a symphony of sweet wind voices and stern wave crashing that would always lull him to peaceful slumber. While children were frightened by the dark the storms called, he basked in its shadowy depths where he would play with imagend shadow children and spectre creatures of the sea and sky where there was only merriment, oblivious to the world. While others feared the storms, the winds, and the sea they were his friends and they would forever guide and protect him, like a sweet embracing mother and a strong protective father. In his dreams he would fly with the ravens and gulls looking down upon the world from his flying throne and none could hide from his sight. 

After one of his dream flights he had asked his Teacher Maester Robert if it was possible to fly outside of dreams. But he had said no, that magic had died with the dragons or so he told him. But he never believed the Maesters words. And what would he know of magic he was not descended from Valyrian dragonlords nor had the blood of the Goddess of Wind and the Sea God in his veins. And even if magic had died so what he would bring it back. His thoughts were interrupted by his chamber door being opened. A serving girl bowed as she started to draw him a bath. With her help he was scrubbed clean and his black and platinum hair was washed and scented with oils. Her and another older serving girl dressed him in a black velvet doublet with silver fastenings and breaches of soft black leather with high grey boots. His outfit was one fit of nobility yet in the society he lived in he was anything but, for he was Aenar Storm the Bastard son of the King Aegon IV Targaryen and Lady Elenei Baratheon and from what he was told one of many bastard children the king had. 

He had never met his father as he was born in Storm's End, apparently his mother had met the King during his coronation five years ago and nine moon's later he was born on a night of a great storm. With him being dressed he made his way to break his fast at the family's private dining hall. His mother sat at the table alongside his uncle's family, His uncle was Oryen Baratheon the Lord of Storm's End and Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, who sat at the head of the table, by his Uncle's side was his Aunt Alys Baratheon who stood out from the rest of the Baratheon family with her Connington red hair. His cousin Devan who was the heir of the House and of an age with him, and lastly his other cousin Ellyn. He sat next to his Mother who gave him a kind smile as he waited for a servant to bring out a plate of food. One of the servants placed a plate of crispy bacon, soft bread and cut pieces of seasoned fish, as he put one of the juicy and crisp pieces of his bacon into his mouth his uncle spoke up. "Remember boys not to skip your lessons with Maester Robert to go and play. His lessons are important for your future. especially you Devan for you will become Lord of the Stormlands after me and I will not have a dollard for an heir." 

Devan groaned at his fathers words, Aenar snickered at his cousin's disappointed face at being caught for their skipping of lessons. But Oryen then turned to face him and caught his snickering. "And don't think i have forgotten about you Aenar, going along with Devans half brained schemes." This time it was Devan who snickered at his misfortune. Oryen shook his head. "By the Gods, what am I going to do with you two misfits?". This time Aenar and Devan both snickered at Oryen. After they had broken their fast, both he and Devan were escorted by a pair of servants to Maester Robert to begin their lessons together, they joked and played on their way giving the servants a scare as they pretended to run away from them. They eventually reached the library where Maester Robert was. For a scholarly man Maester Robert was built like a bull with wide shoulders, a barrel chest and thick arms. He was clothed in custom fitted Maester robes with many chains around his neck. "Ah you are both here. Well let's get to it. We last left off at the Houses of the Reach.". Aenar and Devan groaned as they entered the library. This is going to be a long day. He thought as he sat down listening as the Maester went on.

After learning of the Reachs principle bannermen they started to learn of the most recent war. The Conquest of Dorne and the subsequent consequences of the war. Apparently his father had fought in the war alongside his Uncle Aemon the Dragonknight. They were eventually able to leave the Maester and began to play with sticks in the courtyard of Storm's End but after an hour of playing Heroes and Villains they were interrupted by a servant. "I am deeply sorry to stop your play M'lords but Lord Baratheon has summoned Lord Aenar to his solar." Aenar frowned and looked at Devan who gave a confused shrug. Aenar sighed as he dropped his stick and said his farewell to his cousin as he followed the man servant to his Uncle's solar. In his Uncle's solar was his mother, Aunt and Maester Robert who all seemed to be in heated discussion but all stopped as he walked through the door. Oryen gestured to the seat opposite to his. Aenar took the offered seat. "What is the reason for my summons Lord Uncle?." He asked formally. Oryen looked at Robert and nodded. The Maester showed him a piece of parchment that had the broken seal of the red dragon of House Targaryen. 

"Queen Naerys has summoned you to court to take the position of Squire to Prince Aemon." Robert told him. Aenar was stunned at the contents of the letter, to become a Knight under the tutelage of the greatest Knight in the realm was every boy's dream. "He is too young to become a squire." His mother said with tears in her eyes. "While it is unusual for someone of Aenars age to become a squire it is not unprecedented." Robert added. His mother gave the Maester a fierce glare. Oryen brooded before giving a sigh. "We cannot deny the summons of the Queen without good cause. I am truly sorry, Elenei.". His mother bursted into tears at the news. "He would be safe my Lady, he is to learn under the most skilled knight to live, and Prince Aemon would never allow his nephew to be in true harm's way.". Robert said, trying to ease his mother's crying. His mother ignored the Maester and came rushing towards him giving him a bone crushing hug. He returned the hug while promising to write to her every week to soften her worries about his stay at the capital.

Four Days Earlier 

The Dragon Knight 

Aemon sighed in relief as one of his white brothers relieved him from his shift protecting his unworthy brother. The noise of his brother's infidelity could be heard from outside the King's chamber. Aemon knew Aegon did this on purpose to spite him and he hated him more for it. He gave his white cloaked brother Ser Arthos Celtigar a nod as he left and made his way to the White Sword Tower. As he entered his chambers he found his sister Naerys sitting on a chair staring outside the window that gave a good view of the city of Kings Landing. His sister was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. She had a fine and delicate beauty, almost unworldly. Her body was slender and small and her skin was as pale as porcelain with big purple eyes. Her soft silver-gold hair was tucked underneath a hair net that had pale pearls. A gift from their late mother. She was dressed in a maiden white gown with an outer gown of ice blue silk. She looks beautiful, as the maiden herself Aemon thought as he undid his sword belt and placed Dark Sister next to his bed. He took off his white plate helm with its golden three headed dragon as well as his golden mail coif.

"My day brightens with your visage my dear Queen.". He said as he started to take off his kingsguard armour with a bit of difficulty. Naerys glanced upon her brother's form. "I was with Daeron and Myriah and the children this morning and all of them were there. Aenys, Rhaegal, Maekar alongside Brynden and his sisters, Aegor, Shiera, and Daenerys were all merry and playing. While Baelor and Daemon were at their respective Knights. All of them were there but one." Naerys said as he continued to slowly take off his armour. Aemon frowned as he knew who she spoke of. "We both know why Aegon hasn't bothered Aenar. He is still sore about old Edric forcing him to publicly acknowledge him as his bastard. And we both know he holds grudges like a mule." He said as he sat down next to Naerys finally out of his armour. Naerys softly smiled as he put his hand over hers. " I see you are without a squire and are in need of a new one." She said as she looked at him with her beautiful eyes. He nodded.

" Aye i knighted young Gwayne, he returns to Heart's Home to fight the mountain clans and take up the sword Lady Forlorn.". Naerys hummed as she looked at the city below. "Perhaps young Aenar would become your new squire." Naerys said with a mischievous smirk. He smiled and gave her a chaste kiss upon her soft pink lips. "If my Queen asks i shall do." Aemon said gallantly with a small bow. Naerys giggle at her true love. If only we did not need to hide our love, my beloved and be a true family. He thought solemnly as he pictured them together with bell-like laughter running around them. But the gods have cursed our love with him to forever torment us. If only father had listened to my plea's. Naerys nodded. "Good i shall write the summons and inform our brother of the appending arrival of his son." She added as she got up from the seat and left his chambers. With his sister gone he sat in his room with melancholy and day dreamed of a better life without his brother. 

The Good Dragon 

He sat there in his private solar brooding over another one of his fathers horrid decisions. He could see the greedy vultures who surrounded his father always bowing and aiding his fathers vices for a lik of favour. The once prestigious City Watch was now a breeding ground of corruption and greed with the smallfolk terrorfied by the gold cloaks. The smallfolk humoured and jested about the misfortune of Nobles. And the rate of crime in the Kingdom was the worst its been since the end of The Dance of Dragons. And at the cause of all this was his father Aegon Targaryen. In the deepest recesses of his mind Daeron wished he was a great warrior like his namesake, so he could put an end to this madness with the tip of Blackfyre. But sometimes he regretted he was no Aemond One-Eye. But he was a learned man of books, scrolls and fair reason. Je knew those thoughts were of a frustrated man in a world that had gone mad. With his knowledge it was easy to see a war would only lead to the deaths of thousands when all he needed was to await the death of one. In his brooding he did not see nor hear his wife open the door and make her way to his side. He only noticed her when he smelt her perfume of lilac and gooseberries.

"It is not of you to be solemn and brooding in the dark my love.". His wife Myriah said in her naturally sensual Dornish accent. She had dark ringlets that cascaded below her shoulders and eyes of black night. Her skin was of a light brown tan. She was slender and buxom and only reached a height up to his nose. She wore a black and orange dress with jewellery of onyx and rubies. "Do not worry my Sun tis but a mood and one gone by your presence  alone.". He said softly with a smile. "How are the children?". He added. "They are fine, my love. But i am here because the Queen has informed me of the court summons of your youngest brother.". Myriah informed him. He frowned at the knowledge.

"Aenar?". He questioned. His wife Myriah nodded at his inquiry. Aenar was the son of his fathers most brief affair with Lady Elenei Baratheon the daughter of Edric Baratheon, which only lasted for the entirety of his coronation. Lord Edric had found them abed and in his rage pulled his naked daughter out of the bed and the next day left with his entire Household and Vassal Lords. Nine months later they received a letter announcing  the birth of Aenar Storm. Lord Edric further wrote that if his grandson was not acknowledged immediately they would face war. And with his mother a Reyne of Castamere and wife a Tyrell the war would have devastated the Seven Kingdoms. In perhaps his fathers wisest decision ever he had conceded to the demands. A year later Lord Edric died under mysterious circumstances. His father no doubt had been involved. He thought darkly. "It is good for the boy to meet the rest of his family." Myriah said. He nodded in agreement. "Aye and perhaps he will make friends with the children.". It would be good for our children to make friends with Aenar so as to incur loyalty. He thoughtfully hoped. His wife gave his cheek a kiss as she left him with his scrolls and books. We can only hope.

Just a small side project

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