
GOT: The Golden Baratheon

Our Mc, Martin McFly is a 27-year-old Filipino-American, who had a standard life of living was killed in an unfortunate circumstance (Nope, not really) and, due to some luck, he was given another chance by God(?) "to at least experience a fulfilling life". Let's see if he will be able to achieve his goal or if fate will f*ck him all over again.  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  MC will be reincarnated in "Game of Thrones" as a member of house Baratheon (he won't be a son robert, btw.) with little knowledge about the series (that includes ASOIAF). How will he be able to utilize his knowledge about the future and will he be able to differentiate fiction from reality?  ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A/N : Hey peeps, this is my first time writing and I'm quite sure that my skills are amateurish at best, so hopefully you will point out sometl things that I might have overlooked. And also, English is not my first language, but I will try to make this readable as much as I can. The reason the MC has little knowledge is because of me. It's been quite a while since I read GOT, so there might be some confusions with the general information in the story, so I'm shamelessly announce that this story is an AU. Any correction, suggestion, and criticism will be highly appreciated. The first chapter has 2.9K words, thus I will try to make the same lenght for the following chapters. p.s i don't own Game of Thrones aside from my O.C

DC_Butternut · Derivados de obras
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Chapter 1. Meeting God?

Chapter 1. Meeting God?

Marty POV

As you can see in the title, I'm going to meet God. You ask why? cause I'm dead, that's why! Anyway, while I'm waiting for my turn, let me give you a quick recap of my life and how I died. My name is Martin McFly, a 27-year-old Filipino-American who lived all my in the Philippines ( if you don't know where it is, you can just google search for the birthplace of Manny Pacquiao.... If you still don't know who manny is, then you're living a sad life my friend, lol.), a proud son of a soldier and a full-time housewife, the oldest sibling out of four children. If you're familiar with my name, then congrats! You're a certified nerd, LOL (a/n If you haven't watched "Back to the Future", then go watch it! I assure you, it's a freaking good movie.)

Anyways, I'm a Licensed Professional Teacher and a Bachelor of Secondary Education graduate with a major in Social Science. I got my teaching license when I was 21 and started my teaching career at 23. Due to an unfortunate circumstance (FU Covid), I have to stop teaching and shift to a new job. I was a Team Lead in a BPO, good pay, great team but the management is awful hahaha, just kidding... no truly, it's a horrible one, freaking dreadful I tell you. "cough" well, enough of that. Moving forward to my death... hmmm where should I begin? alright! fair warning, this going to be cliche and a bit cringey so please bear with me, ok? so as a typical company slave, like any normal day in my average life. I'm planning to go to a convenient store to grab a quick bite before reporting to work since it is part of my morning routine, but owing to bad luck, I was caught on a robbery. Of course, as any normal person, I've decided not to do anything and let the fucker do his shit since I don't own this store and he has a gun. Now that I think of it, my dad did tell me what to do if I find myself in this kind of situation.

*Flash back*

Me, watching the movie "John Wick" with my Parents.

Me: Wow, this John Wick dude is really a kickass fighter, isn't he, dad? disarming guys with his bare hands and killing a trained assassin with a book! freaking cool!

Dad: *chuckles* Yeah son, that's "freaking cool" for a movie, but keep in mind kid, that isn't practical in a real fight, but you already know that since I taught you how to fight myself hahaha.

Me: Yep, Dad! If someone punch you, you punch them back, if someone kicks you, you kick them back but...

Dad: If they have a gun, then you go and freaking run hahaha

Me: hahaha lols. Anyways, Dad?

Dad: hmmm?

Me: can I have my own gun, please?

Dad: of course, Champ!

Me: really?

Dad: Nope! you wish, lol.

Me: harhar! very funny *deadpan*

Mom: Boys! *rolls eyes*

*Flash Back ends*

Ahhh, good times, good times... what was I saying again? ah, right! so yeah, I have decided not to do shit but fate/destiny or whatever shitty supernatural being out there wants to fuck with me since all of a sudden the robber have decided to mugged me

Robber: You! The guy in the suit, bring out your phone and wallet.

Marty: Me? *Fuck* alright, bro. just be careful with the gun.

Robber: Shut it and just do what I say, you dipshit.

While I was looking for my phone, I suddenly saw a customer who stupidly thought that he was some kind of a fuckin' hero, holding something in his hands and hitting the robber in the back of his head. "Bang (Gunshot)", the gun went off the same time as the robber got knocked-out and yeah you got it right, the one who got shot is me! The Bullet went straight to one of my kidneys.

Me: Fuck!

Customer: *Crying* I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. are you okay? Fuck! someone call 911!

Me: Am I okay? Fuck you, asshole! I got shot in my kidney because of you.

Customer: I'm sorry, man! I didn't do it on purpose... just don't talk man, keep calm and stay with me.

Me: keep calm? I'M DYING FUCKER! ahhh shit... Hey, idiot tell my family that I love them and I'm sorry that I....I have to leave them this early. Pro....mise me!

Customer: What? No! Tell that to them yourself. Oi, stay with me, man.

...After a few minutes...

*Ambulance siren*

Customer: Dude, the medics are here.

Marty: .....

Customer: hey, hey, hey, fuuuck!


And that's all there is to it. I died that way. Actually, that's very depressing now that I think about it. Strangely enough, I find it easier to accept this entire situation—possibly because I'm already dead, I suppose? The only regret I have is that I wasn't able to say goodbye to my family in person. I guess there's no helping it..what is dead, may never die! my only wish is that my brother takes care of my unfinished business.... hopefully he deleted my browsing history and saved "research materials" (if you know what I mean.. LOL).

...After a few minutes...

Minutes after my monologue, I was approached by a beautiful? handsome? angel and she/he's telling me that God wants to meet me now.

Me: Uhm, excuse me?

Angel: Yes?

Me: Do you have any ideas as to what will happen to me?

Angel: I'm sorry but I don't, the only instructions given to me is to guide souls before they meet our Father

Me: Is that so? alright.

Angel: Don't worry Mr. Mcfly, I'm not sure what will happen after you meet our Father but I assure you that he only wants the best for all of us. Well you look at that, we are here! Go on, Mr. McFly, he's waiting for you.

Me: I see. That remimds me, I didn't get your name yet, you can call me Marty, btw.

Angel: Ahhh. My name is Azrael. Its nice to meet you, Marty.

me: (Azrael? The Angel of Death?) Yeah, Thanks Azrael.

Azrael: Its my pleasure. Now move along, we don't want out Father to wait much longer, hehe.

With one last nod, I entered the room to finally meet God and, to my surprise, I never thought that I would meet Samuel L. Jackson here of all places.

Me: Samuel L. Jackson? WTF? you died too? Noooooooo! Such a pity for those Gen Z who haven't experienced your awesomeness, they will miss-out a big part of their lives.

SLJ: *Deadpan* Motherfucker what makes you think I'm dead?

Me: you're not? but you're here and I'm quite sure that I'm dead. wait? don't tell me you're... Oh my fuuucking God! Samuel Jackson is God!

SLJ: woah slow down, fanboy. It's embarassing to the both of us, motherfucker.

Me: sorry.

SLJ: to answer your question, Yes and No. I am God but not like the God you know of and I'm pretty much alive. You se...

Me: so you and Sam...

SLJ: Don't interrupt someone when they are talking, that's rude manners motherfucker! I'm already aware about the questions that you're going to ask so let me finish what I'm saying first. Is that clear?

me: Yes. I'm sorry, please continue.

SLJ: so as to what I'm saying earlier. I am Samuel Jackson as well as Morgan Freeman, Nelson Mandela, Albert Einstein, Shiva, Buddha, Jesus, Bathala, etc. Those Identities are a part of one single entity, me. But not the God you are familiar with, if I'm going to call myself then the right term would be "The architect"

Me: The architect? like socrates? (a/n if you're interested then just search in the net about it)

SLJ: Yes, anyways, do you know why I have wanted to meet you?

Me: (hmm? should I say it? this may be my last chance to live once again.) yeah, to reincarnate me?

SLJ: a shameless motherfucker eh, just the way I like it! Normally, I judge people if they're going to Heaven, Hell or the purgatory but its quite different in your case I will give you the option to choose what path you want to take, and yes that includes reincarnation, any ideas why? go on, take a guess.

Me: I'm not sure, maybe because I'm a good person?

SLJ: Goodness no, you're a good person that I can tell but that's not enough reason to reincarnate you.. The real motive to this is simply because I have no idea where to put you. You didn't do any good deeds as well as evil things, well maybe you did do something bad but porn addiction is not enough of a reason to send you to hell, much less purgatory.

Me:*depressed* is that so? I... yeah.

SLJ: stop brooding, boy. You're not qualified to this and I'm not sure if its the correct thing to do, but, be that as it may, I'm still willing to give you a chance.. now are you in?

Me: Of course, I'm in.. 100%

SLJ: Good! Now, I'll be honest with you, I can not reincarnate you to the same earth where you're originally from since that is illegal againts to the laws of universe, however I can send you to another that is similar to this planet.

Me: I see. That's unfortunate but I'm still willing to do it. Will you give me some boons to make up for it? like a system or some wishes?

SLJ: Don't be full of yourself, boy. be happy that I'm giving you a change to live again, push your luck again and I might just erase your existence..plus system is just for pussies.

Me: *Nervous* Pleaes, don't erase me *Puppy eyes*

SLJ: ugh. stop that, its disgusting, anyways, I may not give you a system but I'm still giving you something, you know. Its just all the things you might receive will depend on your luck.

Me: I see. How are we going to do it?

SLJ: of course, through this *brings out a Wheel of Fortune*, all the so called boons you may get will come from this depending how lucky you are. The first spin will determine the world you will be going to, 2nd will be your "power", which may range from moving dirt to herculan strength, super soldier serum, mutant x genes, etc. Now, go on.. spin it.

Me: (Looking at the wheel, I can see a lot of worlds ranging from anime, movies, sitcoms, and Porn world? what the actual fuck? oh, come on! I like watching porn but I don't want to spend my life just doing dirty things! I don't care what world as long as its not a Porn world!)

SLJ: you sure about that? what would you do if the chosen world is *Boku no Pico* lol.

ME: come on, Fury. Not cool dude, not cool.. please don't joke like that... *knock on wood 3x!*

SLJ: idjit.

Me:..... anyways, This is one of a hell, long spin? when its gonna end?

SLJ: Boy Patience, you must! be Impatient, your bane it will be.

Me: You're doing a Yoda Impression now, eh.

SLJ: got a problem with that?

Me: nope, not at all.

...After a few minutes of spinning, the wheel have started to slow down and eventually the arrow pointed to "Game of Thrones"...

SLJ: tough luck, kid! A lot of killings, betrayals,incestous relationship, wargs and dragons .. nice world though.

ME: Fuuuuuck! I already forgot a lot of things about GOT, how the fuck will I survive this shit?(a/n seriously, I don't remember much about the show.. so yeah, help me, I'm open to suggestions.)

SLJ: don't sweat the small stuff. If you die, you die. Now take your last spin.

Me: seriously? a Capt. Ivan Drago reference now?

SLJ: meh

Me: *deadpan* right..... *spins the wheel* please be something useful, please be something useful, please be something useful 3x... eh?


(a/n a short break before the "Big reveal", lol. so if you're still here, then most likely you find this story quite interesting, yes? This is my first time writing, so I would really appreciate if you leave some criticism or any suggestions that I could use as a reference to improve the quality of this story in the future. Thank you so much)


...After a few minutes of endless spinning the arrow stopped at..."one time free wish coupon"

Me: ...eh? is this real?

SLJ: Well, would you look at that! You've got a free wish. Go on, what's your wish? Caps' SSSerum? Haki? Or do you want those broken Chinese techniques like peach blossom sword technique or that... what do you call that?.... ahh right! cultivation methods or in other words bullshido? Don't worry, even I can make those bullshit styles practical and real for you,... you just have to say the magic words.

Me: No need, I already have a wish in mind. I wish that all my loved ones would forget about me as if I'd never existed in the first place.

SLJ: What?

Me: What?

SLJ: are you fucking serious, motherfucker? Why did you suddenly became so melo-dramatic? are you going to waste your wish just like that?

Me: I ain't wasting no wish, sir. I don't want my family and friends to be sad because of my death, specially my mom, you see, she's the strongest person I know, however, I'm sure that she will be miserable if one of her children died before her. It breaks my heart to know that not only I've been a disappointment to my family but my sudden passing may cause grief to my loved one's as well. So, please, fulfill it.

SLJ: Alright, you got me kid, I'll erase your existance. I assume that I will be erasing your memories as well, no?

Me: No, don't. I'd like to keep my memories of them intact.

SLJ: What? why?

Me: Well, my memories of them will be my drive and motivation to work hard and live my life to the fullest. hehehe

SLJ: *Speechless*....*sigh* *~Finger Snap~* Done.

Me: Thank you. So let's do this! Pleae send me now!

SLJ: why so eager, boy? I'm sure you're quite aware that your chance of survival in that world is next to zero, right?

Me: Yes, I'am aware and since its not like I have a choice, right? so I would still like to give it a shot!

SLJ: You had your choice, idiot! but you chose to use it for something totally unrelated to your current situation.

Me: don't sweat the small stuff. HAHAHA

SLJ: I see what you did there HAHAHA

Me: right? HAHAHA

SLJ: HAHAHA... want me to erase your soul, motherfucker? *deadpan*

Me: *Shivers* Sir, No, Sir!

SLJ: *exhale* Man, you're one exhausting motherfucker.....Alright, I've decided! I will bend some rules just to improve your survival rate, consider this as a little gift from me to you.

Me: Really? Its not that I'm complaining or what, but, why the gift? don't tell me that its because of my wish? haha

SLJ: Yes, its because of that. You showed me what is the meaning of true "Love" and "Dedication".

Me: seriously?

SLJ: Bitch pleeeeeease! as if I give a shit about what you feel. I gave you shits so that I won't see you for at least 100 years.

Me. *Speechless*

SLJ: Anyway, since your dad already trained you with the Navy Seals c-q-c and some mma techniques, I will only give your physical strength a little boost, better physique and maybe a higher senses than the normal level, so you're basically a watered-down version of Spiderman but a little weaker than Steve Rogers. Also, as a bonus, I will make you a little better looking compared to most men, not on the level of Jamie Lannister, but not as ugly as a common thug as well... maybe similar to Rhaegar Targaryan or Robert Baratheon? You will find it out once you've got there.

Me: G-Got it!

SLJ: As for politics, economics, history, etiquette, or anything alike, learn that on your own. It's no fun if everything is spoonfed to you. So everything is on place, you're good to go. Adios!

Me: W-wait!... Thank you for everything, God. Goodbye.


God(?) POV

Finally, its done! That motherfucker is one piece of an artwork. I'm looking forward to what heights he will achieve and hopefully, I won't see him anytime soon. No, seriously I don't want to see him for at least a century... that fucker exhaust me more than what I go through dealing with Lucifer. speaking of that little narcissist devil, I will torme- *ahem* make fun of that motherfucker to relieved some stress hehehe. If I remember correctly, he's in earth-616 right now, playing cop with that little bitc- *cough* detective of his. motherfucker, I've been coughing a lot lately, damn I might have covid? well I'm not sure yet but if have it, then I might as well erase those week-ass "cultivators" while on quarantine hehehe.

to be continued....


A/N If you're reading this, then you, my friend, deserves some recognition! Give yourselves a round of applause "Applaud"... kidding aside, this is my first time writing but I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I would like to thank you guys who had the patience to get to this point. I'm quite aware that this work is amateurish at best, I would really appreciate all the comments and reactions that you will gracefully share to me as to make this story much more better quality wise. I hope that you guys will ride with me until the end of this story. Once again, thank you and see you next chapter.

P.s this chapter is around 3.02k words, I would try to make the next chapter as long as this one, so please watch out for it.

Author out.