
GoT: The Black Wolf of Winterfell

Barthogan Stark, called Black Barth, Second Son of Lord Rickard Stark, Elder Twin Brother of Eddard Stark, and Reincarnated soul unlike any other. Sunday 26th September 2021: Barthogan's saga has almost been sung, but the story of His Son Cregan I Blackstark and his Siblings Steffon, Cassana, and Josephine have yet to be written and sung.

Theragfromthecrag · Derivados de obras
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38 Chs

11: The Growing Pack

(Moat Cailin, The Causeway, The Neck, The North, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Year: 281 AC)


Barthogan Stark had been busy.

He and Cassandra were the proud parents of four strong and healthy Northern Children The first Pregnancy had born them triplets, Two Boys and a Girl, which true to what they'd discussed were named Cregan, Steffon, and Cassana. Their fourth child was a girl, whom they named Josephine.

True to his word he'd told Tywin of who Aerys planned to Wed Rhaegar, seconds before it happened. Tywin was NOT happy, but couldn't do shit because had had actually kept his word, after all he never specified when it would be revealed. And if the distance put between Cersei and Jaime was any indication, Tywin had wormed the truth from his children, how delicious and delightful to watch from a distance.

Barthogan, unlike Ned, Brandon, Benjen, and Lyanna had not attended the Tourney of Harrenhal, using the fact that Cassandra had only recently given birth to his youngest daughter as his reasoning. Lord Whent understood this, and sent his best wishes to the newborn girls future.

In regards to what Rhaegar did at The Tourney, well Barthogan had enacted what called Phase 1 of Plan Zero. The reason he created a charter in King's Landing was to secretly create an escape route for Elia Martell's escape.

It sucked that the only way to ensure the survival of Elia and Rhaenys meant that Aegon had to die. Which of course meant that it had to happen at the last possible second. Like literally as The Mountain was at the door. Amory Lorch at Least was easy enough to dispatch. The trick would be to get to Elia before Gregor, preferably with Rhaenys in tow. This way, if he took the Iron Throne his boy Cregan could wed Rhaenys to keep House Martell in line and on side.

This would also continue Rhaegar's line, meaning Viserys would not be a legitimate or allegedly rightful king because of Laws of inherentence. I'd Rhaenys lived, yes the throne would by law pass to Viserys. However Cassandra was a Great-Granddaughter of King Aegon The Unlikely, her son as a result has Dragon Blood, and if he Wedded and Bedded Rhaenys, GoT her pregnant with a Son. Then That Child by Law was next in line. The fact he was born of an usurper's Son and The daughter of Viserys Elder Brother would be irrelevant, the fact was that scenario was in the favor of Him and his son. Chiefly because a Son of a daughter is ahead of the father's younger brother because the former is of the eldest brothers line.

It's honestly a very fucky set of Inheritance Laws but then again Game of Thrones is fucky by nature.

Digressions aside, Barthogan knew Rebellion was near and was at a delicate precipice. Their Fleets had shifted primarily towards Military Purposes over Mercantile ones, the Blackstark Bannermen were building Longships in bulk, with an increased albeit secondary focus on the Construction of Brigs, Frigates, and the construnction of Man'o'War's were considered a Tertiary priority. It was obvious War was on the horizon.

The Time was almost upon him, Lyanna at least he'd try and keep alive. He'd been tracking him since the Storm's End Tourney held in honor of Lord Steffon.

He'd have to confront Lyanna if the opportunity presented itself, but only if she was alone. He wanted her alive if possible.


The Time had come, Father rode south to King's Landing and Barthogan called the Banners of Moat Cailin and Winterfell as in lieu of Brandon or Rickard it was within his authority to do so as a precaution. Lyanna was gone, Brandon in the Black Cells, and if Aerys demanded he deliver him Ned or himself the reply would be simple:

"I Lord Barthogan Blackstark hereby denounce all authority and dominion over The North granted to King Aerys, The Scab King. House Blackstark and House Stark henceforth declare their autonomy and Independence for as long as King Scab Draws breath. In the unlawful execution and invalid choice of the Royal Champion of Wildfire against Lord's Brandon and Rickard, this means war. And I Barthogan Stark do henceforth call myself King.''

Of course there would be an additional wording telling Aerys to go fuck a Goat and a small libraries worth of additional profanities and obscene and depraved sexual depravities suggested that Aerys partakes in or is interested in. But a lot of those would be too obscene or depraved to mention here and now.

there it is, Now it's Time to reveal the Poll results....Next Chapter

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