
GoT: The Black Ghost of Baratheon

A Twin brother of Robert who while promiscuous is not careless.. 5,10,21 Update: Being Rewritten. The original chapters and the unfinished latest one before the update will form the Auxiliary chapters

Theragfromthecrag · Derivados de obras
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7 Chs

The Budding King among Storm Lord's


This is de-canonized and no longer part of the official story, this is merely here as recognition of a past work I was unsatisfied with and is giving you permission to view it despite my rewrite decision any way.


Durran had spent two years training hard and strong, he was the best, people were calling him Durran Stagheart or Durran Stormfury. He was barely seven namedays into his life and could already wield a Greatsword in a single hand easily.

Durran was busily training his men, who he'd nicknamed the Black Storm Guard. Durran had long since outpaced Robert who no matter how much he trained could never match Durran's skill or stamina when in battle, but rather than let Robert languish in jealousy, Durran formed what he'd dubbed a Tag-Team with his brother, the two of them used the bond as brothers and their synergy as Twins to form a deadly fighting duo.

Robert would scatter enemies using his Warhammer while Durran would pick them off and demoralize them. Durran lead the men, but Robert led the fighting. Durran was a Tactical Genius, but Robert was a Fighting Genius.

Durran used fluidity and grace to throw his opponents through a loop, the movements of his body seemingly impossible to use with such a large Greatsword, never mind with a Bastard Sword in his opposing non-dominant hand. But the brothers fighting prowess was already well-known throughout the Stormlands.

The two brothers were formidable, and Durran had already showed signs of his Genius, usingbhis Affinity with Animals to make them spies, while also using his knowledge of revolutionary things like Whiskey and Vodka to create a growing portfolio for his House.

Durran's Genius extended to Ships, using his past life's generations of sailing to his advantage, through constructing Galleons, Brigs, Frigates, Man'o'War's with the Cannons replaced with Scorpions and Ballistae he designed himself. The wealth of House Baratheon had significantly risen, and Durran's Father credited it all to him. The Baratheon's traditionally had a small navy, but the new Ships had allowed their wealth to grow enough for their ships to number roughly five hundred.

The Baratheon's newfound wealth placed them in a tie with House Tyrell as the richest. House Baratheon was traditionally the Fourth wealthiest family among the Great Houses, chiefly because House Arryn's Gulltown was a less treacherous route than Shipbreaker Bay. But because Steffon began to rely on him more and more, Durran had convinced him to raise a new Castle along Cape Wrath. A massive Fortress built into the cliffs with a port and harbor below it.

This was to be Robert's seat when Durran was named the Heir to Storm's End.


(Steffon POV)


In two years Durran and Robert had changed House Baratheon significantly. The two sons fighting prowess earned them the Nicknames of Robert of the Storm-Hammer and Durran of Storm-Swords. But Durran had revolutionized Hoyse Baratheon's ability to fight and bring in coin.

The choice of the future Heir was clear, Many Lord's preferred the calm, collected, and shrewd Durran to the impulsive, rowdy, and proud Robert. But Steffon did not want to dismiss Robert out of hand, thus he decided to have both his Son's receive a fostering.

Durran more than Robert had seen many attractive offers of fostering, Lord Luthor Tyrell, Lord Jon Arryn, Lord Hoster Tully, Lord Rickard Stark, Lord Armond Dayne, and Princess Merian Martell. Steffon's best friend Tywin had even extended an offer of fostering to him.

Steffon wanted Durran's feelings before deciding first. So he ordered Ser Eldon Estermont to fetch his son.


Durran entered and Steffon smiled a little noticing that he was bruised and muddy, likely Sparring with Robert to improve their synergy.

''Forgive my appearance father, I was unable to bathe and change before you called me.'' Durran says, before eying the letters offering a fostering. ''Since I am not of age, I must assume those are offers of fostering.'' Says Durran causing Steffon to chuckle before pouring himself a glass of the Whiskey his son had invented, which had brought in a third of their new income.

Aerys was reportedly so fond of the stuff, he had Tywin write to him asking Steffon to keep raising Durran so well so that Aerys can appoint him to the Small Council when he's of age.

Steffon when he'd received that letter knew that while Tywin was joking, it likely wasn't an exaggeration by much, as Queen Rhaelle herself wrote to thank Steffon and Durran for the gift of the first bottles ever filled. As it had apparently given the King such a good sleep that he made it a ritual before bed to imbibe in a single cup just before bed.

''Yes my boy, Lord's Lannister, Stark, Tully, Tyrell, Arryn, and Dayne, as well as Princess Merian have offered you a place with with them for fostering.'' Says Steffon as he immediately notices the thoughtful look upon Durran's face.


(Durran Baratheon POV)


''Yes my boy, Lord's Lannister, Stark, Tully, Tyrell, Arryn, and Dayne, as well as Princess Merian have offered you a place with with them for fostering.'' Says Steffon as he isays this Durran grows thoughtful.

Durran wanted the right woman for himself and each of those names save Lord Arryn could provide at least one who'd fit his criteria.

''I know that look, tell me what your thinking son.'' Says Steffon


(Steffon Baratheon POV)


Seeing the intense focus his son wore in his eyes, Steffon wished to hear of what his son was thinking.

''I know that look, tell me what your thinking son.'' Says Steffon.

''With the exception of Lord Arryn, any one of those offers could someday produce a marriage between myself and the daughters of those Lord's. Which could also provide a crucial link for us should War ever cross our skies again. House Tyrell is our equal in wealth, but surpasses us in land based troops. Their womenfolk are too smart and ambitious for their own good. House Tully would give us the added benefits of a crucial trade link and access to crops should the Tyrell's get stingy come Winter. Not to mention their Forty to Forty Five Thousand Men. The North is vast and desolate, but they have the best Calvary of the nine regions of Westeros, they can raise twenty thousand men in short order, but an additional thirty or thirty five thousand given time. House Dayne would not give us much in the short-term, but tying ourselves to Starfall may prove beneficial in the long run.'' Says Durran.

''And why is that my son?'' Asks Steffon, curious to this thought process.

''It has a Port and could become a valuable stop in a future trade league I hope to form with Houses Stark, Tyrell, Lannister, and Arryn. Now onto House Martell, we likely could get more out of them than Starfall, but I've heard that Princess Elia has a frail body and she would likely be unable to bear no more than two children. House Lannister is a friend, but Lord Tywin will likely wish to marry his daughter to Crown Prince Rhaegar and his son to Lysa Tully. Thus rendering any potential gains moot. Thus I have come to the decision that I wish to go to the Eyrie, with Robert beside me. You father ought to take on Jon Arryn's Heir Elbert in exchange.'' Durran decides.

''Very Well, Durran I'll send the Ravens.'' Steffon decides.


After Durran left, Steffon went to Casanna, his wife. He wanted to tell her she was right about their boy, he was a boy who would be a great General and Greater Leader. The way his brain worked was fascinating, simply fascinating....

Didn't expect to be done so soon, but hey I'm not gonna complain.

So Durran will have a Harem, a very small one, but enough to be called one. Now then see you fuckers next time!!!

Theragfromthecragcreators' thoughts