
So it begins.


There's really no benefit to you as a reader to join my Patreon I mean you'll be able to dm me but I respond to most comments anyways lol. My goal is to buy a cheap computer/laptop to type with so I can make fanfics easier if you would like to help out with that your more than welcome if not it's perfectly fine!!!


After my speech 300 Spartan warriors, 2 royal guards, Leonidas, and I set off east towards Vassar. I left Ajax in charge of the camp and placed 2 royal guards to keep Dany safe. When I was about to leave I started browsing the shop and came across a war horn and bought it for 100 [SP] worth it, I thought to myself.

After 4 hours of marching, we arrive on a hill above the city.


(horn link in comments)


As we sounded the horn their army looked frightened. "Forward march" as we crested the hill their army looked even more scared. Once we were on flat ground about 50 meters away from the opposing force we could hear them laughing.

"phalanx" I yell at my men.

A city guard that looks like he is in charge rides his horse into the middle of the two Army's

"LAY DOWN YOUR WEAPONS" the city guard yells

"Swooooosh" "crunch"

"COME AND GET THEM" I threw a spear and hit him in the chest.

They start running towards us.


As seconds feel like hours my men ready their spears and dig their feet into the sand.

As they are a few feet away it is so silent that you can hear the sweat drop from your fellow Spartan.

"BOOM" the first man runs into my shield I shake him off and stab my blade through him while 3 more run at me I kick one, and when my foot connected I hear a "CRACK" he flew into a man behind him knocking them both down. I hear a yell to my left making me turn I see a man running at me with a blade in his hand he swings twice but his swings are slow to me I grab his arm on the third swing and slam him into the ground bringing my shield down on his face.

I pull my spear off my back and start to swing that around I hit 3 in one swing cutting their heads clean off I look over and see Leonidas, He has lifted one man in the air and crushed his neck with one hand. The rest of the Spartans are mowing down the enemy.

"BOOM" "CRACK" I get punched in the face as if I was hit by a fly nothing moved. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH" The man that punched me started to scream while holding his hand, from what I could see his knuckles were broken and deformed. "HAHAHA," I start to laugh I grab the man by the face and lift him into the air, I start to squeeze my hand "POP" I throw his body on the ground.

Daenerys Targaryen POV.

(1 hour prior)

I Slept all day I rush Out of my tent and notice the men, I mean Spartans is what Kaius called them are not here anymore.

"My Lady," a guard says from behind me.

"Where is everyone?" I ask. "King Kaius and his army have started their match towards Valysar 4 hours ago, before the king left he told us to protect you with our lives and not to wake you."

I look down nervous that I won't see him again. One of the guards notices the tears in my eyes.

"My lady the king is a strong man" guard 1 says

"The strongest warrior in Sparta!" guard 2 exclaims.

"How strong is he," I say this thinking there just trying to make me feel better.

"My lady the king is strong enough to make Leonidas, me, and all the knights I have ever fought with kneel before him. If he wanted to he could fight us all by himself." a strong, deep, and rough voice says from behind me.

I turn around and see a tall man in gold armor.

"W-Who are you?" I asked while being nervous.

"My lady, my name is Ajax, The king left me in charge of the camp and your safety."

"Is he that strong?" I ask. "yes my Lady."

I start to smile relieved that he will be ok.

"Would you like to walk around the camp, My lady?" Ajax asks. "Yes please." I look at him smiling.

"My lady as the future Queen of Sparta you never have to say please." Ajax says.

I start to blush so I look away

(20 minutes later)

2 Royal guards, Ajax, and I are walking thru the makeshift village that the once slaves now free people have made I hear a crashing noise and I look over, 3 people with makeshift spears jump at me I scream but before they could reach me Ajax jumps in front of me and Cuts their spears in half with one swing. He turns towards me and yells at the two guards. "Protect the lady." they stand in front of me.

From where they jumped out 7 more came out.

"You will die here Targaryen sc-" before he could finish he was stabbed in the back by a long sword I look to see who it was. It was the man who gave me the journals from Westeros, Ser Jorah Mormont.

Everyone was looking at him except Ajax he went forward and cut all three of the first attacker's heads off. Jorah is holding his own but Ajax it's a completely one-sided fight.

Leonidas POV.

(Current time)

"WOOSH" I swing my sword and cut a man's legs off then stab my sword through his chest on the ground he starts to cough up blood I pull my blade out and look up, the once 7,000-strong army is now no more than 800.

"HAHAHAHA, They look thirsty!" I yell.

"Then let's give them something to drink" Kaius Yells back. We start marching forward.

"Clink chang" they start throwing their weapons down.

"We surrender" one of the mercenary's captains says.


Kaius POV.

"Tie them up, Leonidas go bring me their leader"

(what would u call their leader I know there's a term for it but I couldn't find it.)

5 minutes later

I see Leonidas walk out carrying a man. Once he gets in front of me he throws him to the ground.

"How dare y'all Volantis won't let this slide, their army numbers close to a 100,000" he says.

"You have many slaves, but few warriors. It won't be long before they fear my spears more than your whips."I say.

"GO tell everyone of Essos what 300 Spartans did today.

Your author here hope y'all liked!!!