
GOT : Reborn as a Frey

A Fic in which a man from Earth world finds himself in Westros reborn in a family that was destined to doom themselves. How will he live in this cutthroat world? Well, at least he went in with the mentality to survive. (SI isn't a heroic person and he won't do something that will risk himself for some people that in his eyes used to be characters from a book&TV show) ====================== This Fic originally created by an author known as holyJoker, I chose to pick up this fanfiction after it was abandoned in the first few chapters.

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88 Chs

Chapter 31: Battle of Old Town

Westeros again is in a period of silence. And that is how it is in a war like this, most of the time is spent travelling than fighting. The crown was gathering the troops for themselves and Dorne sent 10,000 troops to the Royal Army. So while the Royalist were gathering armies, the Rebels side was gathering some much needed allies.

Ned and Jon (Arryn) married the Tully daughters. Everyone was quiet, this lasted for one month… until...


[ Arthur (MC) POV ]

I look at the map in front of me. I can't stay inactive, I need to do something. Staying quiet in the war is unlikely to get me benefits. I have already sent Davos to sneak past the Reache's fleet and give supplies to Stanis as he is under siege at Storm's End. 

I only gave him a couple of small ships to work with. I still didn't dare split my fleet too much, after all the Iron Born and the Royal Fleet are a threat too. I also need to leave some ships for trade to keep my finances up and not start losing money. 

I mean sure, during war times every lord experiences monetary loss. But that is unacceptable, after all losing money in a war is illogical to me. After all, what am I sacrificing my soldiers lives for?

Well that is money and hoping to get some land after Robert becomes King. That would help me tremendously.

So… I have decided to attack Old Town, where the Maester's Citadel is and where house Hightower rules. In the Reach it is said that the house is as rich as the Lannisters, which is obviously a lie, but still… they must have quite a bit of gold and it is a known fact that they can raise more soldiers than the Tyrell.

But most of the men and levies of the Hightower are in the siege of Storm's End, most likely doing nothing.

Also I can use that gold to entice my men to stay loyal, as some of them are getting bored. And a bored man with a sword isn't exactly a smart thing to just leave be.

I also have to go into the front lines and fight, to prove to my men that I am not some pu*sy. I mean it is a barbaric way to prove my worth, but in this world what is most desired in a leader is martial power. Which just shows how dumb those people are.

Anyway, even if I get hit by a stray arrow and die. There is still the option of me reincarnating as one of my sons. I don't need to fear death anymore… I can do this… FOR THE BENEFITS.

I have to pump myself up by enticing my greed first. I immediately call over to the guard outside of the door. "Guard, call the commanders to meet in the lord's room."

As the guards go away, I take a deep breath. I am okay and sure when scheming against others and letting others do the work for me. But being on the front lines definitely makes me nervous. 

Anyway I dress up and get ready to go to the lord's meeting room.

[ General POV ]

In the meeting room, all of Arthur's commanders are there. They are all from men from Bravos who are loyal and handpicked by him to be in his council during war times. They are all in a well lit room with a rectangular table with the chair at the top being empty while all of the others were filled.


The door are suddenly pushed aside and Arthur strides in with an air of confidence around him. He just goes and takes his seat. The others don't say anything as they know that speaking out of turn in front of Arthur isn't a good idea… the man is… very dominant, putting it mildly. 

He looks at his council members, like a hawk looking at his pray, seeing if they have any weakness. There are nine men in front of Arthur and they all look down when their gazes meet.

*clap* Arthur just claps once loudly gaining the attention of the people in the room. "Well then, I have decided to attack Old Town.

As of now, I want your opinions in an attack strategy. We have 35,000 men and they have around 5000, but they have well built giant walls which makes each of their men worth five of ours."

"But my lord, we have seven men for each man they have."

Arthur just looks at the one who spoke. It is a middle aged man with a neck beard. 

"But we still can't afford to give five of our men for one of theirs either... C'mon now give me some war plans except just the 'rush at them' strategy." Says Arthur looking at his council. "I don't pay you for nothing. Start speaking, or you are getting fired."

"We can do a double attack from both the land and water. We can also use the newly built trebuchet if the need comes." 

As one of my advisers says that. I smile at him and nod. "Beautiful idea. I also have someone that can open the gates for us."

'If I met them in open warfare. I could use modern war tactics and absolutely wreck them.' Thinks Arthur, knowing that he has the greatest minds of his previous world if he wants to command an army.

Though he doesn't remember every one of the military tactics used in the middle ages in his first world. He remembers the basic and logical ones, which would be revolutionary warfare in this world.

Two days later and Arthur is leading the land army, he is on his horse as he looks at his army in formation. He looks around him and sees his army. He has a powerful look on his face and his back is straight, showing his absolute confidence in this battle.

He is also wearing full heavy armour and a helmet.

[ Arthur POV ]

Looking at the men in front of me, I keep the image that I am absolutely sure of my decision and know what I am doing. Which is bullsh*t, no leader ever knows what they are doing. They are simply gambling and hoping that those gambles pay off.

I just hope my gamle works out, but sadly for other people. I don't like gambling, so I chose to cheat. I can get reborn as many times that I want in any of my legitimate and illegitimate children.

I look at my ships coming from the sea, the port is abandoned so that will be easy to take. But I don't want to have to put Old Town in a siege. I look around me and scream my order to the soldiers. "CHARGE!"

Immediately soldiers charge towards the walls. Completely trusting into me. I have, like always, manipulated a dozen of farmers to open the doors by threatening their families… that I already killed actually. The cavalry charge with me, I look at the twenty soldiers around me. They are my secret protectors (meat shields) while I fight.

Immediately the enemy soldiers start throwing a barrage of arrows.


I just pull my shield, which I have in my back and..

*bam* *bam*

Two arrows hit my shield suddenly…

*neigh* My horse whimpers and starts falling down. 

Sh*t I mustn't get crushed under it. 

So I just position my body and roll away from it. Thankfully I wasn't stomped, my chivalry charges before me.

"CHARGE!" I still order my soldiers to charge and not stop just because I fell down.

As expected the giant entrance to the Old Town opens as expected. Some men with arrows on their backs, they still opened the door. Of course I chose the uneducated and simple people for the job. My army charges through the city, even with my heavy armour I charge and as I arrive in the city. I see that already fights going on.

This is… so chaotic. Suddenly I see a man in rags, with a sword in his hand charges towards me. I am unsure if he is even an enemy. I just charge him too and put my shield in front of me.


I bash him and he falls on the ground, I immediately use my sword to cut his throat. I look around and see that some of my personal guards, and see that only five of them are around me.

*tch* I payed those fu*kers a lot and they still can't keep close to me. I will show them when this is over.

Anyway, I loudly call over to my five guards. "HEY, HERE."

When they hear my voice they look towards me and stay around me.

Well time to go and curb stomp some barbarians.


The MC will never intentionally fight a battle that he isn't at least 90% sure of winning.

Also the MC knows that soldiers won't fight for someone unwilling to fight for them.

So that is why he is 'fighting'... well more like 'bravely' leading as he protects himself with his heavy armour and his horse gets shot so he doesn't have to lead.

That is why he charged in the front.


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