
GoT: Edward Stark [Hiatus]

Edward Stark youngest of Eddard Stark. Come and see what changes brought when Jon was in Edward care as his son. Author's note: well excuse it if it taste wishfullment story. To be honest I didn't understand what wishfullment is. Enjoy

marawa · TV
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19 Chs

Chapter 7. Returning to Moat Cailin with Bran.

The next day, Edward prepare himself to return to his castle as he have something to do.

"Jon, come now what are you doing!" His voice reverberate across the wall of the castle which cause everyone to look at his direction.

There he was standing beside his wolf Blackwall who have grown more big about his horse high but haven't finished it growth yet.

"Coming father, Bran ask to follow same with Arya and Sansa"

"Let them come, what seem to be the problem"

"But aunt Catelyn, she looks murderous like we going to kidnapped her golds" Jon snicker at his aunt who hurriedly climb down the stairs.

Bran ran with a backpack on his back same with Arya and Sansa. "Oi Lady Stark. Don't be a grumpy old lass. It not like they will leave forever they just help me a little and then they can return beside the future lord will be your side by then, see ya" giving order at his horse he rode off. The rest of the pack quickly run along with all their wolves beside him.

Joffrey look at them in jealousy wanting to have his own pet as well.


"So why all of a sudden that you all need to follow me?"

"Ah, we heard from Jon that there is white walkers and he said that he going to help you make plans to destroy them. I'm in by the way" Arya was the first to say that. Looking at Jon Edward sigh.

"Well, I just want to leave a smelly spoilt brats who can't even hold his sword properly"

"I need to train my ability and you the one who knows how to help me"

"Oh, then we will be busy this year"

"Father, I want to join uncle Benjen at the Wall" Looking at his adopted son he saw the resolute in his eyes.

"Your choice. But becareful there. When will you go?"

"I'll brought the weapons then stay and swore an oath. I need to do my part near uncle. As you say, Packs need to survive together a lone wolf won't live longer"

"Aye, I guess you right. There's something I want to give you but it seem it has to wait"

A few days later they reach the Moat. "Uhh at home at last" giving their horses to the stable boy they walks to the their house and unpacked.

"My Lord you return" Ross the steward of Moat Cailin said looking relief.

"Why? Is there seem the problem?"

"There's none but we need more gold for constructing the bridge that you want from Greywater side through the Bite to the shores of the Vale. We had done those but for your roads we only need it then same with some iron for the Gate"

"Ah, how much do we have?"

"We have around 5 million left but I'm afraid if we use it there will be no more gold"

"Send, Kortes to Bravos to loan a 2 million gold coins while there have him hire some smith from who knows how to works around Valyrian steel" he write down his letter seal it then give it to him.

After Ross went out in came Arya, Sansa and Bran.

"Where's Jon?" Asking about his son Edward look at the kids.

"He said that he visit his friends"

"Oh, let him then. Come, let play conquest" spreading the map of Westeros he took his all the figurine.

"Now, while we play I want all your opinion on your dad choice. Did he choose to be the Hand of the King out of his own initiative? Or did he do this because of some fishy scheme or did he do this out of honor?"

"Honor!" Both Arya and Bran said at the same time laughing while they never take their eyes off the map.

"I don't think so. I heard mom said that the last hand of the King was killed. When lady walks by which I warg to I heard that Aunt Lysa escape the capital to avoid the Lannisters"

"Mmm, that could be or Lysa conspire the death of Jon Arryn as she hate the man"

"Why would Aunt Lysa kill her own husband?"

"Ohohoho, you seem to forget the South state. When you gone south remember your only friend is you and family of the North. Don't trust a Southern well there are some but you must never ever betray the North as they will support the Stark except, the Boltons and some"

"So uncle do you think, Aunt Lysa kills her husband?"

"Aye, my agents send disturbing news. Petyr Baelish have impregnated your aunt which she give birth the child to. Then Baelish promise her to kill Arryn so that they can be together but I digress the man wanted revenge. Do you know that your mother and him were best friend?"

"Who Petyr?" Arya and Bran raise their head while Sansa move her piece to counteract the arriving force of Arya from the Narrow Sea.

"Aye, brother have to fight him in hand of marriage which he was defeated and so he take it to his heart that he will have his revenge and took your mother as his price possession" moving his piece he immediately match his Dornish army from Stormends to flank Lannisters Bran piece.

"Then won't father fall into trap if he went to Kings Landing?" Arya moves her land infantry trying to close in from The Trident.

"Aye, and I think he meant to bring you two as Baratheon wish to marry his son to Sansa" Watching Bran piece abandoned his Sige on the Bitter ridge he instead move the High garden piece to regroup with the Lannisters and concentrate on his Sige on Ashford intending to move through the woods toward Stormends.

"No, I don't want to marry him. He's mad. When I look at his eyes it full of madness"

"Aye, I'll protect you when they cross the Moat" saying that he brought out half of his fleet and move it from Stormends to Bay of Crabs seeing that his force was a bit unbalance at the start of the skirmishes from three side. He goal now was to pincer attacks Sansa with Arya unintentional assistant.

"No, this can't be" looking at the three side of siege from Crab bay, The fingers and Trident Sansa found herself stuck.

"Ehehe, I'll gladly take over Stormends uncle" moving his piece Bran successfully take over Stormends.

"Then thanks for giving the Reach" moving his Starfall piece from the sea into the land Edward gladly took over the richest land.

"Sister, you need to be more brutal don't be conservative. You mountain people you can risk it by paying them some food to strike my vassals from trident around my piece"

"Aye, be more decisive Sansa. Battle was not a game or there is honor in war. All fair in war and love. Remember that"

"Well that all for today. Go and play or do what you want. But remember by the morrow at Light sun you will start self reflect on your study or meditate to concentrate more on your warging abilities while Bran concentrate on your Green seer" with that he sigh and look at the map feeling proud of his creative mind game. With this game he sure can create new formation, battle tactical and field commander geniuses.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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