
GOT: Aurion Targaryen

Aurion Targaryen ran with his remaining family after the Usurper took the throne. But he was born with a tenacity that hasn't been seen since Maegor the Cruel. With Blackfyre in hand, he will tame all Dragons and lay waste to those who oppose his reign. The song of ice and fire will be sung, and Aurion will fight the darkness.

HiroKoya · Derivados de obras
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8 Chs


Rhaella Targaryen

I hold Daenerys close to my chest as I rest against the wooden bed. Staring at Aurion asleep on the bed, I'm glad he's a quiet child.

The rocking back and forth of the ship is disorienting for the babies. I have to take turns hugging and soothing both of them. 

It's only been days since I received word of my husband's death. Which in turn was just days after my son's death. 

Ser Arthur Dayne managed to rescue an injured Elia Martell from King's Landing and brought her to Dragonstone. 

However, staying at my family's home would've spelled death for all of us, so to protect the children we were forced to evacuate east. Our ship is headed to Braavos, where our safety is supposedly guaranteed. 

Ser Barristan Selmy should be following us with a ship of his own, but I haven't seen their vessel in days. Elia is with him. While Arthur rescued her, he couldn't save her children. I haven't had the opportunity to talk to her or console her.

Ser Arthur is on my vessel, along with Lyanna Stark and her daughter. The poor girl hasn't smiled in weeks. She blames herself for her father and brother's deaths, which isn't technically false, but she needs to move on. I know the girl my son fell in love with is still under there.

Viserys is also alive. I shouldn't be saying this as a mother, but I wish he had died instead of Rhaegar. 

If Braavos proves to be unsafe, I don't know where we will go. Perhaps we can take shelter in Norvos. 

Personally, I am satisfied as long as Daenerys and Aurion live. Both of them are the cutest children in the world. Although Aurion's gaze sometimes scares the maids, I know that he doesn't mean any harm. 

We took almost all of our jewels and gold from Dragonstone with us. If that's not enough, I also have a dead Dragon Egg that we can sell. That is a last resort though. I want future Targaryens to know what an egg actually looks like. 

Maybe we can get in contact with Dorne and get them to help us. They lost a lot at the Trident, but Elia is alive and with us, so who knows.

Most of the men that are with us are hoping we'd rise again to take back the Iron Throne. 

...I wonder what the Conqueror would think of us.

House Targaryen, in the absence of Dragons, is reduced to rats scurrying away from their homeland.

Suddenly, Aurion's eyes burst open and he began crying. I put Daenerys down in her cradle and picked the boy up.

He thrashed around in arms, but my soothing words calmed him, as always. Anyone else could try and make him stay quiet for hours, and fail. But with me, it takes mere seconds.

It felt like his cries just now were from anger, but that's probably my illusion.




(A/N: Well, here is a GOT novel. I'm sure no one expected this. Btw, I haven't read the novels. I'll try to do as much research as possible but the story will likely have inconsistent lore/timings when compared to the original. Some of it might be on purpose, while some of it might just be made up. If you'd like, feel free to leave a comment whenever you see such an inconsistency. I'll drop a few previews here to make you excited for what's to come: Aurion will claim a wild dragon before hatching any of his own. He will be cruel but cunning, understanding but unforgiving. Many cities will burn. Unlike Daenerys, he won't let his council convince him to not use his Dragons. As for Ser Arthur and Ser Barristan...I'll let you guess what I have planned for them.)