
Goodbye and Hello

Chloe's trying her best to stay positive in her life. This is a story about her journey with her family, boyfriend, former best friend, bestfriend, and friends. Will she follow her heart or her head? Will she make the right decision? This is about faith, choices, friendship, and love.

minimalistpanda · Integral
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15 Chs


I looked at my small clock on my bedside table.

2:30 PM

It's still early, but I don't want to be late. I'm so excited to go to her house today.

"Are you leaving?"

"Shit Ira. Can you not do that?

Ira was trying not to laugh.

"What? What did I do?"

She laughed so hard, she entered my room, then walked to my bed and sat down.

"You scared me."

She continued to laugh as I was trying to fix my polo sleeves, when Cody, my dog, stared at me like I stole his food.

"Should I leave it like this?" I asked Ira while showing her the folded sleeves

"Where are you going? Look at Cody. He is trying so hard not to laugh."

She pets Cody then they both looked at me again.

"Dogs can't laugh." I rolled my eyes at her.

They are still both looking at me.

"Stop judging me guys. Come on, Ira. Be serious. I don't want to look like stupid."

"You always do."

"Whatever. Why did I even bother to ask you?"

I faced the mirror again.

"Fine fine. Where are you going?"

"To my friend's house. It's her birthday today. Do I look okay?"

I asked her as I turn around.

"Why do you look so formal? Who is the girl? Your girlfriend?"

Cody picked up his toy and snuggled with it.

"No! I don't have a girlfriend. You know that."

"At least Cody has a girlfriend. You should ask him how to get one."

Ira smiled and stood up. She went to my closet and looked at my clothes.

"Aha! I always love this on you. Maybe you should wear this. It's simple but you'll look great"

She picked it up and showed it to me.

"Isn't too casual?"

It's my plain royal blue shirt.

"Hmm.. Then wear this black bomber jacket."

She handed it over to me while she walked again back to my bed.

I nodded.

"Then for the pants?"

"Just wear your jeans. The not-so-fitted but not-so-baggy pants you have there. A dark one I think?"

I went to my closet to look for the pants.

"I don't wear light colored pants"

She shrugged.

She then stood up, and went to the door.

"Hey, Ira. Thanks!"

"Well, now you know that you owe me one."

She opened my door and smiled.

"Say hi to her for me, Ivan. And please tell her I wish her a happy birthday."

I stared at her. Slowly smiling.

I forgot that they're friends on Facebook.

I nodded then she shut the door.

She's Ira. My older sister. She was just a year older than me. When we were kids up until now, they always thought that we are twins.

As you know already, Chloe is my classmate. I know her since I was 8 years old. I am now 18. When I was 11, we moved to Canada because of my dad's work. We went back just last year.

I was excited when we came back because I missed everyone. My friends, classmates and especially my best friend, Chloe.

The day after we came back, I saw her on her porch drinking coffee while reading Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. I know the book because Ira has that book too.

I know that Chloe loves to read since we were kids. She is just like Ira. They both love to read, especially Romance novels. I can see her sometimes chatting with Ira. I'm jealous that she remained friends with her and I don't.

When I drove to her house to see her, a car stopped in front of their house as I stopped my car 3 houses away and a guy stepped down and went straight to her.

She smiled at him when she saw him. She stood up and hugged him, and kissed him on the lips. I couldn't see the guy's face but I could see how happy Chloe was.

I didn't know what to feel. I started my car and turned around, and went straight home.