
Chapter 36 List

Feeling the increase in the power of hope, Ron was very satisfied.

  This trip is so profitable!

  While the pie painting was just finished and everyone was still excited, he struck while the iron was hot and officially announced the new discipline of the logistics department.

  There are many strict regulations in the new discipline.

  Restricted some of the powers of the Logistics Department.

  Including the power to collect living human proteins and fire at will to execute obstructionists.

  Of course, under the condition of ensuring safety.

  If there is an emergency, logistics department personnel can use all means to protect their own safety.

  Ron was not so pedantic as to put too many restrictions on the logistics department staff.

  That is equivalent to putting a cage on yourself.

  This is Warhammer 40K, not the extremely safe and civilized modern world he lived in in his previous life.

  The war gangs at the bottom and the bewitchment of evil gods will turn the usually gentle people into terrifying rioters and killing machines!

  Before the situation can be completely controlled, tough repressive measures are indispensable.

  He cannot be too kind, let alone manage according to the methods of his previous life foolishly.

  Maybe in the future?

  Ron thought and ended his speech: "May the Wangting District be with you!"


  Everyone performed the Eagle Salute to him again, and then the entire square was silent again.

  It felt a little uncomfortable...

  After finishing his speech, Ron felt a little strange when he didn't hear the warm applause.

  He decided to arrange it in advance for his next speech and have everyone applaud enthusiastically at the end!

  Just as he was about to leave, Bayev quietly walked up and reminded in a low voice:

  "My Lord Governor, you haven't said anything about the new department yet..."

  Ron was stunned, and then he remembered about the new department.

  I have been dealing with too much government affairs recently, and my head has become confused, and I almost forgot important things!

  He returned to the podium and announced the new department.

  Ron is going to take some of the manpower from the Logistics Department and form a new department within the Logistics Department.

  People in the new department will be involved in completely new tasks.

  And it was arranged and trained by him personally!

  As soon as the news came out, there was an instant roar in the square, and many people exclaimed.

  But those people immediately returned to silence and did not dare to make any more noise, lest it be seen as disrespectful to the Governor.

  Although they remained quiet, everyone still couldn't suppress their excitement.


  The new department of the Logistics Department was arranged and trained by the Governor himself.

  This alone is enough to make those loyal young people willing to give everything!

  Deville felt his blood flow speeding up and his heart pounding.

  He was extremely eager to join this new department.

  Dedicate all your loyalty to the Governor!

  After Ron announced the news about the new department, he went down to rest.

  The new department needs two hundred people, and the candidates are selected by Bayev. Personnel is the area he is most familiar with.

  He took out a list and read out one name after another amidst everyone's nervousness.

  Everyone who was selected was very excited.

  They will hold their heads high and maintain their perfect posture.

  Because being selected to join a new department means that you are excellent and have been recognized by the Governor!

  This is an honor!

  They can't wait to go home and share it so that their families can enjoy this honor!

  There are fewer and fewer names on the list, and those whose names are not read are getting more and more nervous.

  They secretly prayed to the God Emperor and swore an oath to the Governor.

  I hope my name will appear on the list.

  The same goes for Deville, who tenses up.

  "Your Majesty, the God Emperor, must have my name. As a descendant of the Lapp family, I cannot bring shame to the family!"

  He has always been among the best in the internal assessment of the Logistics Department.

  He has enough confidence.

  I believe that I can be favored by the Governor and enter the new department.   

  But as the number of places on the list became less and less, his heart gradually fell into the ice cave.

  Every time a name was about to be spoken, his heart became tense.

  Deville silently counted the number of places in his mind: "197, 198, 199..."

  When the steward on the stage was about to read out the last name, his heart was in his throat.

  His eyes were fixed on the stage: "It must be me!"

  "Popov Kada!"

  When the last name came out of Bayev's mouth, the fat man next to Deville couldn't help but exclaimed excitedly.

  He realized he was being disrespectful and quickly covered his mouth.

  Like a suffocated guinea pig.

  How could it be him?

  Dwyer was stunned. How could Popov, a coward who had always been at the bottom of the assessment, be selected into the new department!

  He had been on a mission with this coward.

  When he was attacked by thugs, Popov not only did not dare to shoot at the thugs, he was so frightened that he cried!

  In the end, he solved the problem and saved the coward's life.

  De Vere always felt that Popov had failed to live up to the governor's gift.

  If Popov's father had not made a significant contribution to the logistics department, he would have been kicked out of the logistics department long ago.

  As if sensing De Vere's gaze, Popov turned his head and smiled.

  Suddenly, Deville thought of another more important question.

  After reading out the two hundred names on the list, his name was not on it.

  He lost the election!

  Popov was selected, but he failed to enter the new department led by the Governor himself!

  For a moment, Deville was overwhelmed by a huge sense of shame.

  He has brought shame on the family!

  Just when he was in a trance, he suddenly found Popov staring at him again!

  Popov is still laughing!

  Is that guy laughing at himself?

  Deville tried his best to control his emotions. He must not do anything degrading to his dignity.

  Anger is a sign of incompetence!

  Then he saw the other person's mouth shape clearly, saying "Congratulations!"

  At the same time, he saw the colleagues around him looking at him, with faint envy in their eyes.

  what happened?


  The voice of the steward came from the loudspeaker.

  Deville suddenly brightened up when he heard the last name.

  He reacted.

  The only person in the Logistics Department whose last name is "Lapp", and the manager just read his name.

  That means he has the approval of the Governor and can enter the new department!

  It seemed that he was too nervous and misremembered the number of names he read, making a joke.

  After thinking about this clearly, Deville felt as if he was on a roller coaster, and a huge surprise came to his heart.

  He tried his best to maintain grace and restraint, and nodded slightly to the colleagues who looked over.

  But unconsciously, his eyes were soaked with tears.

  After reading all the lists, Bayev asked those on the list to wait where they were, while the others dispersed and continued today's work.

  Deville and the other chosen people lined up and stood together, waiting for the next instruction.

  They saw from a distance that the Governor was coming!

  Seeing the Governor getting closer and closer, everyone could not help but feel their hearts beating faster.

  "Emmm, I'm so sleepy. Sure enough, a meeting is the best way to hypnotize-" Ron complained in his heart. He pinched his eyebrows to dispel the fatigue a little.

  He approached step by step and came to Deville and others...

  (End of this chapter)