

Compassion is written all over his face when I saw him, although he is a mighty king, living in his glorious kingdom, a kingdom full of praises and worship, streets of gold , infact one cannot even describe how glorious and wonderful he is. He watched how the enemy control and destroy his creation and arose from his throne and searched and said 'who will bear the pains of my creation and save them from my wrath'? Then the son arose with pitty and love he took the havy burden of billions of God's creation upon himself .

He agreed to leave the glory he has in his kingdom and without shame took the form of man. He came the manacing kingdom where the enemy destroy and start telling thetge good news, that he has come to salvage the world and who ever believes in that good news will live forever in his bosom.

Many people disagreed and said, 'there is no God' others said he is a lier. He was insulted, beaten and even killed for doing such a good thing to the souls of all and even including the people who killed him