
Good Bye Malta

Thinking she had finally broken free from her family’s violence, Ariana had no choice but to attend the party her father had thrown for the man she had always hated. the ruthless mafia lord Matteo Donatelli, whom her family had taken under their wing when she was a teenager. Drunk and clouded Don Matteo Donatelli unknowingly made love to his adopted sister. Moments later Ariana is Trying to hold back all the anger, emotions and tears when she sees the man who just stole her virginity, recklessly propose in front of the entire family to his outsider American girlfriend Becky Saunders. Unexpectedly she slumps on her wedding day. But things take a surprising turn! Read on to find out!

Mz_Lizah · Ciudad
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10 Chs

Papa's Plan In The Mud


Let me give you light details of how the last month of my life felt like, I helped plan Mateo's wedding if you would imagine that, and all the while he didn't as much as look at me, I felt used, like a fool, I expected an apology for taking me so violently, but just like Chiara, I believed he had some sort of empathy in him.

But he was a hateful scum, that God Fiona came back, she got an apartment out in the town, thankfully within visiting range.

 Mateo's wedding had taken a very sad turn, his fiance Becky whom my stepmother had trained in the way of 'I HATE ARIANA' suddenly fell at her wedding, my father says it is some sort of autoimmune disease that creeps up on you and now she's in a vegetative state. 

father said it broke him, he started acting like the king of the world, fucked anyone he wanted, killed anyone he wanted, and bought whatever he wanted.

After the trauma of seeing a woman's throat get slit in front of me, it left me awake, dont get me wrong, I've seen throats get slit, my papa is a very unforgiving man, it was his way or no one else's.

But what keeps me up at night, are his evil eyes, that emerald glass of vice, and how they searched my soul as his knife went through her throat, the devilish way he stared at me, he is a maniac, obsessed with this disgusting way of life, devoid of emotions.

And now this bastard has taken my virginity, meant for my future husband, in this case Silvio.

Silvio on the other hand has been calling at the villa, he says he wants to do it a different way, but then I hear he still sees his whore and he even updated her house in Florence.

How can I live with that, this disrespectful way of life these men subject women to, ive experienced that life as a child, and I know in my bone of bones I don't want any child of mine to feel it.

"That rotten bastard! He is out of control, I want him crawling at my feet! That ungrateful bastard, he is nothing, I made him who he is!" I heard my father's loud gruff voice from my room, I quickly sprung up, he gets nasty when he gets like this, he is a rich and powerful man and it gets him very angry when things don't exactly go as he has planned.

In this case HIS SON MATEO.

I heard my stepmother's voice next, "My love, you must calm yourself, you cannot let that boy rile you up, he knows who is in charge here, he is just acting out" she said calmly, she used that tone when she was playing nice. 

"Acting out? What do you know about mafia business!" my father yelled, his voice sounding like bullets from an automatic gun.

"you call killing two important key businessmen we need for our smuggling business because they called your woman a whore acting out?" he yelled again, this time I can hear her choking, he had grabbed her neck.

sometimes hearing her choke, were the blissful karmic days I experience here in villa Rinaldi, "when your father sold you to me, he told me you would give me heirs. It was promised, but so far what have you given me in the last 22 years, 2 daughters, who look unfuckable, and no one wants to have them, and one sickly heir," he yelled, I heard her cough, then deep breathes of air and sobbing soon followed 

"you better pray that you still have some Ripe left in you because I will divorce you, give you back to your father, and demand full payment! I own your entire family for the next 10 generations to come!" he shouted again.

" now go upstairs and fetch that useless daughter, you were supposed to raise and tell her to meet me in my study" he said finally before I heard his loud footsteps receded into the background.

I immediately felt terrified, and I felt sick to my stomach.

I quickly got up and straightened myself as I heard my stepmother come towards my room, she knocked loudly, and waited for me to open before she said.

"Your father is expecting you in his office" she finished and started to walk away before she stopped again.

"I remember the first day I saw your face, holding on to my legs like a pathetic wounded lamb. I knew you would amount to nothing, you just waste away in privilege and flutter about. dress responsibly this time, your father may not be as forgiving as before" she finished and finally left.

Different things went through my mind, Mateo had killed 2 very important people to my father, and there were about to be problems my father did not plan for.

For calling his woman a whore? But he took another man's woman like it was nothing.

I felt that sudden feeling of nausea go through my stomach to my throat and the sudden urge to throw up overcame me, I felt light at the thought of it, it angered me to my cells and I suddenly wanted to close my eyes and wish it was over. I gathered myself and soon left my room to answer my father.

I reached his office and opened the door quietly, "close the door" he said authoritatively, "Papa you asked for me" he turned his hand in his pocket, "Did anything seem off between Mateo and Silvio, the day of the party?" my father asked, the question took me by surprise I wasn't expecting it.

"I'm sorry, papa I don't think I took note, I replied almost immediately, then I began to wonder, search my memories for myself, as my father tapped his finger on his table, everyone already heard the rumours of the engagement but me, because I was in Malta.

Did Mateo do this to me on purpose, as some sort of payback for something between himself and Silvio, THE SICK BASTARD!

"I heard Silvio has been requesting your presence and you would decline, do you think you have a say in matters like this? He is to be your husband, you are to bear him heirs, and you think you not coming to him is some sort of….?" my father asked angrily searching my face for the end of his sentence.

I was quiet, he was about to yell again before the door flew open and my stepmother came in with a servant who dropped a tray of alcohol and glass on his table and hurriedly left as she sensed the heat of the room.

"Stand there," he ordered my stepmother, who walked to my right side, she bent to pour his drink, 

"You think I'm horrible, well dear daughter, you will soon understand who Silvio is"

The sound of it, made my stomach turn, I suddenly felt like something wanted to leave my body, I turned instinctively away from my father and threw up on my stepmother and the drink she held, my eyes felt like it was spinning….. And then slowly I felt my leg weaken and my eyes close…

Soon I felt myself hit the floor.

I felt my eyes slowly start to open, I was in my bed, and my father stood in front of me, he was visibly angry, his face flared, and my stepmother's face was filled with a sneer and tried to cover her surprise with her hand.

There was a doctor too, he stood there with a frown on his face, "Miss Rinaldi, you have a mild case of anaemia, you will be fine after you get some rest" he started then passed a printed paper to my father.

"Also, you are pregnant, congratulations" he finished, my father pushed him aside and lunged at me, grabbing my neck tightly with his angry bloodshot eyes.

"Who is the father!!" he demanded angrily.