
Nimako gets admission at the second cycle institution


Nimako gets admission at the second cycle institution

Early in the morning:

Stephanie woke Nimako up because it was time for school. She went to the wash room to brush her teeth and she washed down. She took her breakfast and she got dressed in her brand new school uniform. Nimako was excited because she had stayed at home for too longer with problems. As for Ranford, he thought it was a movie he was watching. He never thought the table could be turned one day for them to see the light again. Had it not been Stephanie, he would have given up long time ago. Nimako promised her parents she was not going to disappoint them and that she was going to learn very hard at school.

Stephanie and Ransford gave Niamako a peck and Ransford took Nimako to school. He handed her over to Madam Isabella her class teacher.

Madam Isabella, Nimako’s class teacher welcomed her and she introduced Nimako to the class. In her introduction, she mentioned Nimako’s name to the class and added that Nimako was lovely, intelligent and older than all those in the class and so they should respect her as she was.

They all clapped for her and they shouted with joy to welcome her. She was given a seat and English lesson started. The topic was ‘English conversation on how to give a direction to someone.’ Madam Isabella first of all asked the question in class, ‘Is there anybody who knows any book store around?’ Nimako then raised her hand up and she was asked to answer it. She said she knew of Catholic Book Depot which was a good book store.

The follow up question was, ‘Do you ever buy books there? She said, ‘No’ but she had heard from some people who had been buying books from there and they said it was a good book store. Madam Isabella was impressive by her answer especially knowing Nimako’s background. She asked if she could get some books about computer programming at the book depot. Joyce said, ‘Yes, she could get some.’

Would you like to go there with me tomorrow morning? Madam Isabella asked. She said it was not possible because she would go to the hospital with her mom. ‘That’s alright,’ Madam Isabella said. ‘Could anybody tell me where the bookstore is?’ Madam Isabella asked. Nimako stood up and said that when one got to the T- junction near their school, ‘You turn right and go straight ahead until you see a mobile phones shop; the bookstore is just across the shop.’ Nimako added that the bookstore used to be very famous of its prices. Madam Isabella was happy her students could give a direction to people in English at their level. She asked the class to clap for her.

The school closed for the day and Stephanie came to pick her home.

Her first day at school could never be erased from her mind. She was lucky to have a class teacher who was God fearing, kind, understanding, loving and a mother to her. All her class mates used to call her mama but she was not offended instead, she kept on trying to develop her brain. Slowly she was picking up what she was taught. A year after she was promoted to primary three because of her exceptional performance.

The Science teacher started his lesson.

Mr. Ronald the Science Teacher greeted the class and the class responded. He discussed some of the past questions with them. He gave them the rules of the game: ‘When a question is asked and you know the answer, please raise up your hand and when I call you then you answer.’ ‘I hope we understand each other. ‘

The pupils responded affirmatively.

The first question Sir Ronald asked was, ‘What is’t that can be found everywhere in our environment?’ Nimako raised up her hand and she was called to answer it. She said, ‘Air’ and it was correct. The next question was, ‘What does air occupy?’ Francisca was seen by Sir Ronald and he asked her to answer but unfortunately she said, ‘Mass’ and she was wrong. Kelvin then raised up his hand. He was called to answer and he said, ‘Space, which was correct. Sir Ronald asked the third question by saying, ‘What do we use to inflate a balloon or tire?’ Felix raised up his hand and he was asked to answer it. He answered it correctly by saying, ‘Air pressure.’

Science class was over and Sir Ronald invited Nimako to the staff common hall. He was surprised about Nimako’s exceptional performance and he advised her to keep it up. He also gave her a Science book and he told her to see him anytime she had a problem in Science.

At primary three, she took her studies seriously and she performed better than all her mates. She was elected the class captain and she accepted it in good faith. At the end of the year, her performance was such that she had to be promoted to primary 6. Gradually, Nimako’s dreams were coming into a reality. She was indeed flourishing. She took her studies so serious that any piece of paper she came across, she read it. Any free time she got, she had to either visit the library or be on the computer. Hardly would you see her sitting idly or doing nothing and behold she finished her J. H. S with a distinction and got a scholarship at Enugu Senior High School.

Nimako is admitted at the second cycle institution

Her parents were busy so Nimako went to the school alone for admission. She knocked at the principal’s door. The principal allowed her in. Nimako greeted and he gave her a seat. The principal then asked Nimako of her mission. There that Nimako mentioned her name and introduced herself to the principal. She said she had her basic education at Montessori International School. She passed her Basic Education Certificate with a distinction and she was seeking an admission into his college.

The principal then asked her why she wanted an admission into his college and not any other college in town. Nimako told him, Enugu Secondary School was one of the best secondary schools in town in terms of the academic and discipline and since she had passed well with a distinction and it was her dream school, she would be very happy if she got the admission. The principal asked Nimako of her dad and she said her dad was then the current Chairman of the Security Counsel, UN Representative for West Africa. He was attending a conference in New York at that time and that explained why she came alone.

The principal asked her if she came with her certificate and she showed it to him. He looked at it and said, ‘Very impressive! You’re very intelligent!’ He directed her to go to the last floor and ask of the head clerk, collect the form and fill it carefully. He also asked Nimako to come the following day with her mom or any adult relative. Nimako asked him if he could tell her about the admission fee but the principal told her that would be communicated to her in detail by the head clerk. She thanked her and she left.

Niamako finally got admission at Enugu Senior High School. They started studies. She got Jamia as her friend and they discussed their choice of career.

Enugu Secondary School was one of the best secondary schools in the world. The school developed students into unstoppable learners and leaders who were inspired to make an impact, determined to fulfill their potential and driven to take control of their future career. It was a school where everyone felt welcomed and a part of the community. No wonder, it was a dream school for Nimako. The school had about 100 acre campus and the campus comprised of many modern academic buildings, outdoor spaces, athletic facilities and performance spaces.

The school had a laboratory space for the Core Sciences, outfitted with the most current technology and each lab offered integrated space for both lecture and lab instruction. The student common hall was beyond a comparison. The multi- function event and lecture space provided an area for students to gather, collaborate and exhibit the outcomes of their work and projects. The student common hall also connected to the new school store which acted as the lab for the final year students and it also served as a café for grab and coffee.

It was at this café that Nimako met Jamia and they became friends. They then began discussing their future career. Jamia asked Nimako if she already had an idea as regards her future career and Nimako answered her positively. She said she had made up her mind to become a medical doctor. Jamia was happy to hear that from Nimako. She said, ‘It’s a good profession.’ She then asked Nimako the reason why she had decided to choose that profession and not any other profession. Nimako answered her she had decided to become a medical doctor because she had realized most of the people in her community had been deprived of a medical care and that she wanted to become a medical doctor so she could serve her community. Jamia admitted that indeed there were shortages of doctors in the country and as a result of that those in the smaller towns had no access to a good medical care.

Jamia asked Nimako if she was willing to go to the small towns to work if she was posted there. She said she would go to any place where her services would be needed since through the work she would earn honest money. She also asked Jamia to tell her about her future career and she said she wanted to be an agricultural officer. Nimako asked her why she did not decide to become an engineer, a medical doctor or even an administrator since that was what most students wanted.

Jamia responded: ‘Our country is an agricultural country.’

After completing her education, she would join the service of agricultural cadre where she would make a research on agriculture. ‘It’s a noble profession,’ said Nimako. Jamia’s motive for becoming an agricultural officer was to teach farmers about the modern method of cultivation so the country would have plenty of food to eat.

Both of them realized that choosing a career alone was not enough and that they had to learn very hard to fulfill their aspirations; otherwise they could neither become a medical doctor nor an agricultural officer. They shook hands and parted.

Nimako finishes the university as a medical doctor and she gets a job in France. She goes to the train station to pick a train to go and tell Jamia about her new job abroad and she meets Felix an old classmate. Felix is a bit far from Nimako and she claps her hand and calls her at the same time.

Nimako was the first person to see Felix. She called him but he did not hear. She clapped her hands to draw his attention but he did not hear her. She shouted one more time and this time Felix heard the noise and when he saw her, he run to Nimako. She hugged him and they were very happy. ‘Where have you been Felix for all this while?’ Nimako asked. ‘I’ve been around, Nimako’ answered Felix.

Felix even did not know what to say because he never expected to meet Nimako at the railway station. ‘You’ve really grown beautiful and you’ve actually taken good care of yourself’ said Felix. ‘Thank you; you look good too’ said Nimako. She was happy she met him because for about six years after school, Nimako had not set an eye on him. He admitted it was true and he asked her what she was doing at the railway station. There Nimako told her she had gotten a job in France as medical doctor and so she was going to Lagos to tell Jamia about it.

‘A job in France?’ He then believed in this proverb that, ‘No matter how narrow a road is, it can still be used.’ Nimako was grateful to God for bringing her to that far. Felix asked her when she was travelling to France and she said, ‘A month’s time.’ They exchanged phone numbers. Felix asked Nimako if she had gotten married but she smiled and said, ‘No.’ Felix said she got married four years ago and had two kids. She was happy for him and said, ‘Early bird catches the worm.’ What Felix said was, ‘And patience puts the crown on the head.’ Niamko’s train was ready and so they parted way.

Nimako is almost in Lagos. She calls Jamia on the phone and the phone rings.


Hello Jamia!


Hello, Nimako! Have you arrived at the railway station?


Not yet. In ten minutes time, I’ll.


Wonderful! I’ll be there to pick you. I cannot wait to see you Nimako?


Me too, I’m almost there.