

Here I am at my second life! I was going to be a explorer or something for this life cuz I don't wanna live a boring life anymore. But turns out some had other plans. As this system awakened inside me, promising thrill and adventure. I didn't hesitate to take up the offer. I don't care if I'm making a bargain with the devil. All I know is that my amazing adventure throughout the multiverse has officially begun!! [...........] [Host....why are you always taking to yourself.....] Shut up, you wouldn't understand! _________________________________________________ So first things first, English ain't my first language and you will see a lot of grammar problem.....please go easy on me So this is my first real book I'm gonna write I guess, the idea just keeps bugging me so I'm gonna try and write it down I hope this won't end like my previous ideas.....

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · Cómic
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2 Chs

Chapter-2 : The First Trial

"You know it not very nice to interrupt me while I'm speaking....." Now standing in the middle of an seemly endless void, I showed my dissatisfaction towards my system.

[ I don't have the foggiest clue about what you are saying host.] The system quickly replied. ]

[ Here, this is your status window. ] A blue transparent screen appeared in front of me.

Name: Shichiya Hiroto

Race: Human

Skill: [A deeper look]

[ This status window is designed in this way so that even idiots can understand and this [A deeper look] is a unique skill that will help you obtain skill by interacting with certain object. You can check the description of the skill by tapping on it. ]

As if reading my thoughts (well it is inside my head), System quickly answered all the questions in my head. I proceed to tap on the skill [A deeper look].

Rank: Unique

CD: 12 hours

Description: When you interact with a certain object, you can relive it's memory and obtain a random skill from it's memory.

P.S: It even works on condom, sperm and panties~

"Alright, this skill will come in handy and TF is this P.S?"

[ It's nothing important. Anyway, this skill is a precaution. Just in case you didn't trigger any skil from the trial, you can obtain at least one skill.] The system's voice sounds unfazed but really though what's with the P.S. Welp I guess I'll move on.

[ The trial is ready, teleportation in 5....4....3....]

I took a final deep breath. This is it, let's just hope we don't end up in a weird horror world.

[....2....1....] and the final number is spoken i felt the same floating feeling from my first teleportation. And the next thing I knew, I am no longer standing in a middle of the void.

I smell the salty sea and felt the sun on my skin. Then the pain came, a bunch of information started appearing in my head.

It's June 6th, 1944. Me and my platoon are on a Higgins boat just off the coast of france, near Omaha beach. I looked down and I saw my M1 rifle wrapped in a plastic cover. The M1 is a standard rifle for American infantry in 1944. The boat is shaking heavily due to the unforgiving waves.

"Oh god.." Yup that's right, it's freckin D-Day and I'm the first wave of soldiers who are going to land on that beach.

The owner of this body is called Eric Williams. I look around and recognize some familiar faces. We trained at the same camp after all. Then there was the poker faced Sergeant Rotherham. He's smoking a cigarette and looking in the direction of the beach.

Before I can process the situation, a loud explosion erupted beside us. An German artillery hit the LCVP just beside us. Bullets are starting to to hit. The German heavy caliber machine gun rip just past my side of the boat. I quickly duck down out of pure instinct. When I raised my head there was a few hole on the plywood side of the Higgins. The damage was minimal but water started to seep in, flooding the interior of the boat. The waves are merciless, rocking the boat side to side. So much that I started to feel sea sick. But it seems that I'm not the only one because someone already started to throw up and that sets off a chain reaction.

The boat is unfazed and stays on course towards the beach.

Trying my best to ignore the awful scents inside the boat, I kept my head low while bullet flew across my head. There were multiple explosion around me. Mostly caused by German artillery or water mines.

Then I heard the landing craft operator call out

"Thirty seconds to the beach!"

I heard the roaring of jet engine above my head as multiple American and British air force soar across the sky. It gave me some comfort knowing that we are not fighting alone.

I calmed down a bit and process the situation a little. I'm one of the first waves of soldiers to land on the beach. From what I learn this is going to be brutal. Since nothing is working out for the allied forces who are attacking Omaha beach. The waves was supposed to be calm that day but they weren't. The weather was not optimal that day and the aerial bombardment has largely missed it's intended target. Navy and air support were also having a hard time to hit their mark due to the heavy fog. The 64 DD amphibious tank are supposed to land with the ground troops at the beach, acting as our main cover. But most of them sank due to strong waves.

"15 seconds to the beach!" I heard the operator yell out again. This time the sound was more faint due to the constant explosion around us.

I looked around at my fellow soldiers. Some are trying at light a cigarette, some are looking at the pictures of their loved ones, some are praying, but I know most of them will end up dying on that beach. Even if I die, I'll just get sent back since this body is not even mine.

It's already extremely cramped in the boat but with a oversized backpack strapped to me just make the experience whole lot worse. The oversized sack in called M-1928 haversack. This bag is filled with all the equipment a soldier is going to need in the next days, weeks or even months. Well it better have everything we need cuz this bag weight like 65 pounds.

The smoke is getting thicker and thicker. It's thick enough for a few of us to start coughing, including me of course. This is another pain in the ass. The smoke caused by our bombardment would ideally obstruct the view of German gunners up on the higher slopes of the beach. But unfortunately the wind is blowing most of the smoke back out to the sea. I don't know how far we are from the beach and I wouldn't dare poke my head out to look.

Then I felt the Higgins boat come to a stop, hitting something hard and sending multiple soldiers tumbling into the vomit mixed sea water beneath our feet. I held on to the side of the boat and finally looked up. We were a few feet from the beach with debris and anti-landing obstacle everywhere.

There was a loud yell from the back of the boat as I heard the loud sound of the 200 pounds ramp at the front hitting the ground. Then we are greeted by waves of bullet.

I quickly ducked down with the others.

"What the fuck is this..." There is not protection from the German gunners anymore.

I'm going to die. My vision started the blur and I can hear my heart pounding in my head.

"MOVE YOUR ARSE RIGHT NOW!" Then I was forcefully pulled up. I looked up and saw sergeant Rotherham, his head is bleeding and his look stern.


He's right..... I need to move. I can't stay in the boat. If I don't move right now I'm going to die.

I stood up and with adrenaline pumping through my brain, I ran forward out of the boat with a few others towards the beach.

Yup, I'm definitely going to die.