
Golem Master

Harry was an ordinary undergraduate student at Oxford University in Britain, his dream was to graduate, find a suitable job, and then marry his childhood sweetheart, Sally. This was the dream of every university student, a peaceful life, isn't it, but the winds do not like The ships, his girlfriend rejected him, and his parents died as a result of a traffic accident, and he did not have enough money to complete his university studies, so he left the university despite being in his last year. Life became black in his eyes, no family, no money, no job, no girlfriend. He was evicted from his home by his uncle, and became homeless. After all, this was only the beginning of his troubles. When he was in an alley, he found a wounded man bleeding from every part of his body, it seemed dangerous, but what happened Harry did not expect when he wanted to help him, the mysterious man took a small dagger from his jacket and stabbed Harry's right finger, drops of blood fell on the book which The man was carrying it, and the book flashed in a magical scene and then disappeared. "We'll meet again, young man, haha." The man disappeared in a magical scene. Who is this man ? What is this flashing book? And what is the fate of Harry? --------- Follow the novel to find out the mystery.

Blue_moon15 · Fantasía
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4 Chs


Good morning, Mr. Harry, I am sorry to inform you that your parents died in a traffic accident this morning in London. Please take care of yourself, and come for their bodies in a day, I'm sorry.

The man hung up while Harry himself froze and could not answer at all. He looked at the ceiling of his rented apartment during his undergraduate studies at Oxford University, not realizing anything of what had happened.

First he was rejected by his childhood sweetheart, then now his parents died together and at the same time and in the same way.

As the saying goes, "misfortunes come together."

Harry couldn't remember the last time he saw his parents, he was still in his freshman year of college, and he was very excited to study at a prestigious university like Oxford, he was happy then, he didn't call his parents much, he never visited them during holidays, he spent most of his holidays As for Sally, he loved him, although she used him most of the time, but he did not mind, on the contrary, he was pleased with that, thinking that in this way he would get closer to her more and perhaps she would love him.

But now I left him, I loved him, and his parents died. And all this in less than two days, any heart will bear this.

He spent nearly two hours staring at the empty ceiling, after which he filled the sockets of his eyes with a salty liquid, his tears welling up, and he burst into tears and screams. All he wanted was a happy life, but there was no one left for him to love to live with these days.

Harry was crying for about an hour, until he was tired and fell asleep.

Four hours later, it was already noon, he got up and took a shower, put on relatively decent clothes, and went to London to bury the last of his love.

After performing the funeral service,

He entered his old house, where he lived with his parents, and spent most of his life there.

He started flipping through luggage and pictures and crying from one sin to another.


when evening came,

His house bell rang and he heard a familiar voice, a voice he had never liked since he was a child,

It was his uncle's voice.

His obnoxious uncle who did not even attend the funeral.

"Good evening Harry, sorry for what happened to your two sons, they were good parents, weren't they?"

Uncle laughed lightly.


Yes, Uncle Michael, they were always the best.

Harry said with a hint of anger.

Uncle Michael narrowed my eyes.

"By the way, Harry, I want you to leave this house by morning, of course with your personal belongings."

"What? How dare you?"

"Calm down, it's no use shouting, this house has been mine since your father passed away."

"What? That's not true, it's always been my parents' house and now it's my inherited home, because I'm their only son."

"That may not necessarily be true, see your parents have mortgaged this house since

Four years for the money I lent them four years ago and up until now, ops, I mean until yesterday."

"No, that's not possible."

"No, of course it's possible. Otherwise, how could your poor parents afford such a prestigious university. You don't think they have that money, do you?!"

"no "

"incorrect "

"impossible "

This paper is fake.

"You're a fraud, I'll report it to the police."

"Never mind, don't forget to leave this house by tomorrow or else, you'll know the consequences hehehehe"


The next morning, Harry left his old house, sighing and regretting, he hadn't taken many things since his parents were relatively poor, and there was nothing worth bearing the costs of travel for.

He brought with him some clothes, food, pictures of his parents, his personal pictures, and a little money left over from the inheritance.

This week was one of the worst days of his life.

But what he didn't know was that the worst was yet to come



Author's note:

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