
Golden Sacred Dragon of Douluo Dalu

THIS IS A TRANSLATION! T/N: Qin Mo, who travelled from Earth into Douluo Dalu, obtained the top Martial Spirit - Golden Sacred Dragon - that had never appeared before due to the evolution of his bloodlines. Due to systemic reasons, he has to embark on a road opposite to the protagonist, Tang San. He is training to attain the highest rank possible. ALL RIGHTS AND CREDITS GO TO THE AUTHOR: YAN YAN Patreon: www.patreon.com/allheaventhearch

AllHeavenThearch · Derivados de obras
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88 Chs

Chapter 8 I Want To Go To Spirit Hall

Currently on Chapter 22 on P.A.T.R.E.O.N


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After hearing Qin Mo's answer, Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction: "You chose well. Strength and defence are where development is important, but at the same time, speed cannot be slowed down. After all, even if you have the strength, you can't beat people you can't hit."

"There are many types of Spirit Beasts that are good at power, but in the selection process, we need to consider other aspects."

"It's like the Wind Mantis. Although its power is outstanding, its speed and defence are very poor. If you absorb such a Spirit Ring, although you can get a very good attack ability, the Spirit Ring has a significant impact on other aspects of your body. There are some shortcomings."

Qin Hao's analysis was correct. Qin Mo didn't know what to say, not expecting his father to be so informed regarding Martial Spirits.

"Father, do you have a Spirit Beast that is more suitable for me?" Qin Mo asked.

Qin Hao said: "In fact, on my way back, I've thought about it, and I think Gold Python, Ghost Tiger, Sky Star Devil Bull, these Spirit Beasts' Rings should be more suitable for you."

"In addition, the Gold Python has strong physical power, its defence is also very strong, and its speed is slightly unsatisfactory, but the good thing is that it is a Golden Spirit Beast like your Golden Sacred Dragon Martial Spirit."

"The Ghost Tiger, like the Golden python, is also a Spirit Beast at the top of the Spirit Beast world. In addition to its attack power, it also has high speed, and it is also very suitable as your first Spirit Ring."

"Compared to the Golden python and the Ghost Tiger, I prefer the Sky Star Devil Bull. The Sky Star Devil Bull is a very special existence. It, and the Titan Giant Ape, are the top of the hierarchy. They are all top-notch ones, without any shortcomings. The only bad thing is that this Spirit Beast is too rare."

Qin Mo said disapprovingly after hearing this, "Old man, it turns out that you have already thought about it, so why bother? Ask me if you want to, then when shall we go to the Spirit Beast Forest to hunt for the Spirit Ring."

Qin Hao said, "I have already arranged this. We will set off early tomorrow morning, and strive to rush to the Spirit Beast Forest where the Empire breeds Spirit Beasts within three days."

Qin Mo asked curiously: "The Empire's Spirit Beast Forest? Old man, why don't we go to the Star Dou Great Forest? Compared to the Empire's Spirit Beast Forest, aren't there more types of Spirit Beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest? We can choose from a relatively wide range, and we are in Veria, relatively speaking, isn't it closer to the Star Dou Great Forest?"

In Qin Mo's opinion, the Empire's Spirit Beast Forest is inferior to the Star Dou Great Forest. Not only are the species very different, they are scarce, and most of them are ten-year Spirit Beasts.

Qin Hao said: "Compared to the Star Dou Great Forest, the Empire's Spirit Beast Forest is indeed much worse, but the three Spirit Beasts I just mentioned are in the Empire's Spirit Beast Forest. Just take some time. You can always find it, and after obtaining the Spirit Ring, I will send you to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy for study. You can also build your relationship with Ye Lingling earlier as well."

Hearing that his old man wants to send him to study at the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, Qin Mo remembered that the second mission released two days ago was to join Spirit Hall

If he went to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy now, this second Mission would definitely not be achieved.

And after communicating with the System these days, Qin Mo also knows that as long as any of the Missions issued by the System remain incomplete, then this Mission will remain stuck here, and the next Mission will not be issued until this Mission is completed.

In contrast, he definitely couldn't go to the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy to study. On the contrary, he had to join the villain's camp.

If the previous Qin Mo only wanted to live this life peacefully, but with the System, with the top Martial Spirit and innate Spirit Power, he didn't want to spend this life in such a dull manner at this moment. He wanted to create a different ending for Douluo Dalu.

"Old man, can I not go to Heaven Dou Imperial Academy? I want to study at Spirit Hall Academy, can I?" Qin Mo asked weakly.

After all, although the Continent looks calm at the moment, and the two Empires and Spirit Hall are in peace, Qin Hao, as a Heaven Dou noble, has already known that the bottleneck at this time is only temporary. The difference between the two Empires and the Spirit Hall. There is bound to be a great battle someday in the future.

Hearing that his son wanted to join the hostile party at this moment, he couldn't help but feel a burst of anger in his heart.

"Is Heaven Dou Imperial Academy bad? Why do you want to go to Spirit Hall Academy? You have to give me a reasonable explanation."

Looking at Qin Hao, who is very serious at this moment, Qin Mo can only use the excuses he has made up long ago. "Old man, what about Heaven Dou Imperial Academy? I don't need to talk about it! You also graduated from the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, what kind of atmosphere is inside? You know better than me that in terms of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, it is indeed a bit poor compared to Spirit Hall Academy. I believe that the effect of my studies in Spirit Hall Academy will be better than that of Heaven Dou Imperial Academy, and with my talents, it must be the focus of Spirit Hall's training."

Qin Mo is right, the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy's academic standards is indeed very bad, after all, the days of fighting the Imperial Academy does not recruit civilians. Only the nobility are accepted, but generally, they are more unruly than commoners, rarely are there people who are really hardworking and studious.

As for the Spirit Hall Academy, it is no exaggeration to say that it is the best Spirit Master Academy in Douluo Continent today. It not only possesses the strongest teachers, but is also a gathering place for geniuses.

The strong competitiveness made every student in the Spirit Hall Academy feel more pressured and had to move forward courageously.

After thinking for a while, Qin Hao sighed slightly: "Forget it, this matter is up to you! It's okay if you don't go to the Spirit Hall, but you have to remember that you are a nobleman of the Heaven Dou Empire and the object of your loyalty. There is only one, and that is the Xue Imperial Clan of our Heaven Dou Empire."

Qin Mo didn't care about the Xue Imperial Clan of the Heaven Dou Empire, but at this moment he could only nod his head in order to make Qin Hao let go, and agreed.

After all, noble children like himself want to go to Spirit Hall Academy to study. Regardless of their talents, they have to pay high tuition fees. He didn't have any financial resources at the moment, and the only thing he can rely on is himself and his cheap father Qin Hao.

Currently on Chapter 22 on P.A.T.R.E.O.N


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