
Golden Sacred Dragon of Douluo Dalu

THIS IS A TRANSLATION! T/N: Qin Mo, who travelled from Earth into Douluo Dalu, obtained the top Martial Spirit - Golden Sacred Dragon - that had never appeared before due to the evolution of his bloodlines. Due to systemic reasons, he has to embark on a road opposite to the protagonist, Tang San. He is training to attain the highest rank possible. ALL RIGHTS AND CREDITS GO TO THE AUTHOR: YAN YAN Patreon: www.patreon.com/allheaventhearch

AllHeavenThearch · Derivados de obras
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88 Chs

Chapter 47: Rank 20

Currently on Chapter 64 on P.A.T.R.E.O.N.


Line Break

"I finally broke through Rank 20," Qin Mo, who was sober from his cultivation state, jumped up excitedly.

In just over 2 months, his Spirit Power had already increased by 2 Ranks, reaching Rank 20.

"The Pill that Uncle Chrysanthemum gave is really useful. I didn't expect it could increase my Spirit Power by 2 Ranks in more than 2 months," Qin Mo said in shock, looking at his hands.

You must know that he is only a little over 6 years old, and there are more than 4 months left before his seventh birthday.

Compared to Qian Renxue, the only one in the entire Douluo world with an Innate Rank 20 Spirit Power, his current feats are not worse than her, maybe even greater.

And her Spirit Power is unique at Rank 20. She climbed 10 Ranks within 6 months.

Among his peers, he was indeed the most bright, but Qin Mo knew that without the Golden Behemoth Serpent's Spirit Ring, the Spirit Ascension Pills given by the system, and the Pill given by Chrysanthemum Douluo, he would definitely not continuously increase his Spirit Power by 10 Ranks to Rank 20, reaching Spirit Grandmaster in such a short period of time.

Qin Mo said to himself: "I'm Rank 20, it's time to ask for leave to go to Spirit City and ask Uncle Chrysanthemum to help me get my Second Spirit Ring."

These two months ago, Chrysanthemum Douluo delivered the Pills to Qin Mo. He had told him that when his Spirit Power exceeds Rank 20, he would go to Spirit City and take him to absorb his Second Spirit Ring.

It is still early in the morning, the sun has not risen yet, and the sky outside is still dark.

But Qin Mo didn't care, he hurried to the instructor Liu Hao's residence and quickly knocked on the door of his room.

After a while, Liu Hao, who was only wearing a pair of pants, opened the door and looked at Qin Mo who was standing outside. Liu Hao asked curiously, "Is there anything you need that you have come to me so early?"

Qin Mo said urgently: "Instructor, my Spirit Power has already broken through the Rank 20 bottleneck. I am here to ask you for leave. Elder Chrysanthemum told me before that, after I break through the Rank 20 bottleneck, I can go to Spirit City and find him to help me hunt for my Second Spirit Ring."

Liu Hao nodded and said, "Elder Chrysanthemum explained this matter. This is my warrant. You can leave the Training Camp if you hold it. Remember that you are still a member of the Training Camp. You will come back soon after you obtain your Spirit Ring."

"Yes," Qin Mo took Liu Hao's warrant and put it into his Spirit Essence Device and then ran towards the gate of the Training Camp.

The Lost Trail Grand Canyon where the Training Camp is located, although it is said to be around Spirit City, it is not close at all. It was not until the evening that he reluctantly saw the outline of Spirit City in the distance.

Compared to Spirit City that he saw during the day before, Spirit City at night is more prosperous. Like stars dotting the night sky, some entertainment activities only take place because of the night.

Although Qin Mo didn't know where Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan lived in Spirit City, Chrysanthemum Douluo was a resounding character in Spirit City, so he found out where he lives after a few inquiries.

Chrysanthemum Douluo's assistant was not next to the bustling street, but a relatively remote place. Although the service here was a bit remote from the main road, it had a special artistic conception.

The large garden outside Chrysanthemum Douluo house looks refreshing. Although it is night and tYue Guan cannot clearly see the scene in the garden, the faint fragrance of flowers can still be smelled.

"Knock, knock, knock" Qin Mo knocked on the door outside Chrysanthemum Douluo Yue Guan's residence, and shouted inside: "Uncle Chrysanthemum, I'm coming! Open the door."

However, it was not Chrysanthemum Douluo who opened the door but a man in a huge black cloak that Qin Mo had never seen before.

The black cloak on that person almost completely concealed his body. Apart from the fact that he was a male from his body's features, he could not get any more information.

In addition, the moment the man appeared, the surrounding temperature seemed to have dropped a lot, and what was even more peculiar was that there seemed to be a hint of black smoke looming around the man's body.

Coupled with the fact that it is night again, under the shining of the Yue Guan, the man in black looks even more gloomy.

His appearance also instantly shocked Qin Mo, and he couldn't help but step back a few steps.

Although this person looks a bit gloomy, but after all, this is Spirit City, and they have nothing to do with each other, so Qin Mo became bold and bowed and asked: "Hello, senior, may I ask if this is senior Chrysanthemum Douluo's residence? I'm here to find Senior Chrysanthemum Douluo."

The man said in an extremely low and hoarse voice: "So you are looking for him, eh? You should be the Qin Mo that he often mentions!"

The man said in a deep and hoarse voice. Although he did not answer Qin Mo's question head-on, Qin Mo had guessed that the man in black must be Ghost Douluo who partners up with Chrysanthemum Douluo.

No other person in Spirit Hall except for Ghost Douluo can be found near Chrysanthemum Douluo's residence at this time.

Qin Mo nodded, and continued to maintain the posture of saluting just now: "Yes, Senior Ghost Douluo, I am Qin Mo, don't you know that Uncle Chrysanthemum is at home now?"

Ghost Douluo said, "I am afraid that it will take a while before he comes back from Supreme Pontiff Hall. Since you are here, come in and sit for a while!"

Although he knows that Ghost Douluo will not harm him, there is a bitter cold aura around him. It made Qin Mo feel very uncomfortable.

Standing next to each other, Qin Mo felt very uncomfortable and declined.

Qin Mo shook his head and said, "Senior Ghost Douluo, since Uncle Chrysanthemum hasn't returned yet, I'll still go shopping outside. After all, I haven't seen this Spirit City well. I will come back in a while."

Just when Qin Mo just wanted to turn around and leave to explore Spirit City, Chrysanthemum Douluo's voice suddenly came from behind him, "Xiao Mo, why are you here? Could it be that you broke through Rank 20 so quickly? "

Currently on Chapter 64 on P.A.T.R.E.O.N.


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