
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter 8: The Auction Pt. 3

Hydro lifted his number plate.

"Four hundred! Anyone else want this artefact?" spoke the auction man.

The auction house was ghost quiet, but one man lifted their number plate. The man was only three rows in front of Hydro and Isaac. Both of them gave each other eye contact, Isaac nodded before Hydro lifted his number plate again. The man lifted his number plate again after, no else intervene. It was a back and forth between Hydro and Isaac, and this mystery man.

"Why is this guy being so persistent?" Isaac lowly growled.

"I guess he wants that thing as much as us?" Hydro commented.

"No, there something not right. Why is that no one else is betting for this thing? It's only us and him." Isaac implies as he gets more frustrated.

"Two thousands! Now Three thousands!" the auction man cheered as the numbers kept going up.

"This is getting ridiculous!" Isaac growls.

"Calm down, we'll be okay," Hydro said, however even he was uncertain of the outcome of this situation.

"Ten thousands! Now were up on eleven thousands!"

"This never ends..." Hydro sighed.

"Until now... fifty thousands!" Isaac yelled as he held up the seven number plate.

The whole audience gasped in shock, even the auction man was speechless. "Fifty thousands... anyone else?"

Everyone in the auction house had their eyes on the mysterious man, lower his head he left his plate upon his lap.

"No one? Very well then, for fifty thousands! Sold!" after the slam of the hammer was hit, the audience stood and applaud.

"What's happening?" Hydro asked.

"Their all congratulating us for winning the bet." Isaac explains as he waved to the crowd.

"Congratulations you two," spoke a Beast man wearing a dark red cloak.

"You really did put up a fight." Isaac replied before shaking hands with the man.

"Who is this little pup? Pup from a friend, I assuming?" the man ask, staring at Hydro's direction.

"Yes... something like that," Isaac chuckled nervously.

Hydro clinched his hood over his features, trying to conceal Cairo and Artty underneath.

"Hm? Something the matter? Sick perhaps?" the man spoke with concern in his voice.

Isaac held Hydro around his arm, to avoid any wondering eyes upon Hydro. "He is just shy, the little one isn't used being the center of attention,"

"Oh! I see, pardon me then. I did not ment to seek ill will from you. I was simply curious." spoke man before he bowed his head lightly.

"No need for such formalities, you done no harm after all," Isaac said, he gulped.

The two men continued to speak to one another before the dark red cloaked Beast man finally walked away and took his seat. "That was absolutely exhausting..."

"I've definitely know him, but I can't remember where," Hydro whispered.

"We'll deal with that soon, right after we get the item we spend a load of Euro on," Isaac whispered back.

Hydro wanted to say more, however, he made the decision to keep quiet instead.

As the auction was at it's end, Isaac and Hydro walked up to the auction man behind the stage.

"That was wonderful! What you done was truly spectacular, awe inspiring even! You made yourself quite the idle!" the auction man kept praising.

"Thank you, now where is the item I paid so much for?" Isaac asked with a intimidating tone.

"Oh! It's right sir!" the auction man said with enthusiasm, placing the item onto Isaac's hand.

"Will that cash or credit sir?" said the auction man.

Isaac reached up to his neck as he took off a necklace attached with a golden card. "Credit."

The auction man took off a similar necklace with a sliver card attached to it instead. "Thank you for the purchase."

Isaac and Hydro soon walked out of the auction house and back on Hades District's streets.

"What was that?" Hydro asked.

"What do you mean?" Isaac replied.

"That golden thing you have, what is it?" Hydro asked, eyes filled with curiosity.

Isaac place his hand to his chest, where the golden card was underneath cloak. "It's called rank card, it's one of the way to how you store your money,"


"With ancient magic, invented by humans," Isaac explained.

"Humans can do that? What other things can they do?"

"Don't know, I've never met human who could use magic before."

Before Hydro could ask another, Isaac suddenly titled forward. "What are you doing?"

"That wasn't me, something bumped into me," Isaac implies.

Both Hydro and Isaac gaze down to see a woman wearing pink, and clinging onto Isaac's leg.

The woman raise her masked face before saying something absurd. "Please marry me!"