
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter 28: Killer on the Train

"Oh... Oh God...." Jesse muttered as she slowly took her hat off her head and placed on to her chest.

Bùtóng felt his hands shaked as he saw the sobbing woman held by a man with the body of stone. Bùtóng observed the situation carefully, he was fully aware this was a murder. He stared at Jesse with a stern look on his face. Jesse stared back with a equally matched expression.

"A blessing that can turn people to stone?" Jesse whispered to Bùtóng.

Bùtóng shaked his head. "No... this aura is far too tense to be caused by a blessing."

"Than what is it?" Jesse whispered with a overly concerned expression.

"It's a curse..." Bob said bluntly.

Bùtóng nodded. "No doubt. This is the works of a curse."

Jesse shivered before returned her hat back on her head, as she hid her furious expression. Jesse clenched her fist tightly while grinding her teeth. Jesse soon felt a heavy hand placed on her shoulder. She turned her head and saw Bob staring down at Jesse.

"It takes two hours until we meet the next stop. Conclusion; the killer is still on the train." Bob said with a cold tone.

"He's right. If we know anything the killer is still here. But we shouldn't saying anything to anyone else yet, since it will cause a panic." Bùtóng explained.

Jesse nodded her head. "I'll agree on that one. We should split up to cover more ground."

Bùtóng whispered. "Right. You two go together, while me and Goldie--"

"Hydro." Jesse interrupted.

"What?" Bùtóng blurted.

"Hydro is his real name, Goldie is his fake name." Bob explained.

"What? Why wasn't I told about-- wait... where is Goldie?" Bùtóng said with dripping sweat.

As soon Bùtóng said that, the three of them ran in different directions while yelling Hydro's name.

"GOLDIE! GOLDIE!" Bùtóng yelled as he ran into the next train cart.

When he entered, Bùtóng eyes were locked onto a fluffy head of golden fur. When Bùtóng eyes shifted to the people Hydro was talking to, his blood went cold.

The two people who Hydro was speaking with had red noble uniform. One of them was man with a scar on his face. Bùtóng knew that man...

That man was a murderer.