
Golden Fate

Read the story of God resetting the world, and rebuilding a new world filled with humans, fantasy races and Golden Blessings. While also indulging in yourself with tales and adventures about Hydro the Beast kid.

Sora_Gemini · Fantasía
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33 Chs

Chapter 14: Carriage Ride Pt. 2


On the country road, a carriage with a broken wheel. Sitting on the side of the road was a group of people of different races and a old man fixing the carriage wheel. The people were suddenly startled when heard a loud rustling sound from the bushes.

"What's that?" said one of the people within the group.

The people prepare themselves for an attack, they were instead encountered something else or someone.

"Are you sure this is the right way? We've been wondering around for hours. This better be not a prank!" spoke a child like voice, along with the sounds of a squawking bird.

Soon a little Beast kid with golden fur appeared out of the bushes. The people rested their guard down before confronting the Beast kid.

"What are you doing in a place such as this, little one?" spoke a woman with pointed ears, wearing a soft green dress.

"Uh... sorry! But is it possible that you all are going to Bulgaria?" said the Beast kid sheepishly.

The woman turned to group standing behind her and said. "Should we?"

The rest of group gave each other some glances before focusing their attention to the Beast kid. "Do you have anything to compensate for the trip?"

The Beast kid nodded his head, fully aware of what the group of people exactly wanted. He reached for his bag as he pulled out a pocket of at least fifty euros.

"Hold it," the woman spoke, leaving the Beast kid and group confused.

"Child, is this all the money you currently possessed?" the woman asked with a tender voice.

"Yes..." the Beast kid lower his head, as his hid between his legs.

The Beast kid presented the pocket of euros, the woman took it. When she did, presented her palm towards the Beast kid. He stares at the woman's palm curiously, the Beast kid placed his paw on the woman delicate hand.

"My name is Iris Monteverde, and what is your name?" the woman said.

"Uh..." the Beast kid hesitated, he gulped nervously before a small red bird caw and the Beast kid expression immediately changed.

"Goldie! My name is Goldie," said Beast kid with a smile on his face.

He's lying. Iris narrowed her eyes slightly before smiling sweetly.

"Nice to meet you Goldie, I hope we become good friends through this trip," Iris said before walking Goldie to the old fashioned carriage.

Why are you lying? Iris gaze down upon Goldie was coldly yet filled with curiousity. However, Goldie didn't noticed.

"Goldie?" Iris called.

"Yeah?" Goldie immediately responded.

He adapts quickly. Iris smiled before lifted Goldie and placed him side the carriage.

"Tell me something. You are a Beast kid, are you not?" Iris questioned.

"Yeah! I hope that won't be a problem..." Goldie said nervously.

"No, not at all. You are docile Beast kid correct?"

"A docile Beast kid? What does that term mean?" Goldie asked.

He not aware of that term meaning? How long has this child been traveling? This boy has only lied about his name, but nothing else so far.

"It's a term that identifies one of the two categories between Beast men. You are a docile Beast kid. One of the greatest difference between you and a hostile Beast kid would be your name," Iris explained.

"My name?"

"Yes, it's because you only have one name. A hostile Beast kid would have a second name, and that name would be the name of their pack,"

"Their pack?"

"That's right, a pack is a Beast men term for clan or tribe. Do you understand?"

"I think so?" Goldie said before reaching out for his bag to bring out a old book and a ink bottle.

He didn't lied, but he's hiding something.

"What's that you got there?" Iris said with a cheerful voice.

"It's my journal, I write important this in it,"

Goldie reached out to the red small bird settling on his shoulder before plucking one it's feathers. The bird squawked loudly but Goldie expression did not change.

"I know it hurts, but this isn't any different from you pick out fur while I'm sleeping. It's fair," Goldie said calm as he wrote down on his journal while the bird began to quiet itself.

Can he communicate with animals? I never heard of Beast men possessing such a ability. Forget who he is, finding out what he is far more interesting.

Sorry for the long update

Sora_Geminicreators' thoughts