
Our first dinner together.

"Ah Fuji you found Emi nice job." Ken said with joy.

Meanwhile the other sat there and just stared at me. I wish l could speak to them more but they would never let me. How disappointing..

They all sat in their seats. There was one seat left at the end of the sizaable table fit for royalty.They all stared at me as l gawked at the size of the table.

"Well aren't you gonna sit?." Replied a stern voice. Of course it was Jun-

why am l not surprised..

"Oh yeah sorry." l replied trying to stay humble. I sat down. At the other end of the table was Aito.

Was that a small smirk on his face. I didn't want to stare too much although it was hard to escape his lilac gaze.

"Well Emi are you not going to eat?" Ai questioned. "You know you really need to eat if you want to stay healthy." He grins.

"Ya of course thank you very much." Was my only response.

On my golden encrusted porcelain plate layed a tender jucy steak. With a side of green peas and seasoned with garlic and source. I stuck my knife and fork into the tender meat.It was so amazing how did they know steak was my favorite! Its so good...

"Who cooked this." I asked eagerly.

"That would be me.." Jun practically shouted he was sitting 3 seats to my left.

Him of all people ?!? I'D BE SURPRISED IF HE DIDN'T POISON MINE!!!!! I spat out a piece of my steak.

"Oh dear," Takashi gasped as he sat next to Jun.

"My apologies it's just so good." I anxiously whisper. Please don't let him kill meeeeee Is all I could think. Now there all staring jeez what am l ? Have they all never seen a girl before ?

Well after a few seconds they all went back to eating so l decided to as well.

It was more silent then on rememberence day at 11:11.Not even a fork or knife to be heard.

Fortunately Aito broke the silence. "When l was little l loved nothing more then to play with my friends and then go for dinner. Usually l requested for steak as did one of my friends, they truly loved steak the most; They would ask for it every day. Do you enjoy eating steak Emi?"

Aito said lifting his gaze from his plate to my face grinning.

"Yes steak is one of my favorite foods." I smiled.

"Good I'm glad." Aito said.

I glanced over to Jun and the others. They looked so discouraged. Ai was the only one smiling awkwardly. Even ken looked down. It was silent.

"Dumbass why would you talk about that here." A growling voice exclaimed under a whisper.

"J-un calm down" Fuji said. He must of been worried because his face was more anxious then usual.

Jun sat there gritting his teath and stared down at his steak.

Man what is happening here.Whatever they all do sad and angry about?


Jun plummeted his glass of water and his porcelain plate and cutlery. He jumped out of his seat staring at the floor


Who's her?

"Jun that is enough leave!" Ken exclaimed un a stern voice.

Before leaving Jun rose his eyes up to me. He looked so hurt. My face contorted in fear and sadness.Jun closed his eyes and stormed to the elevator punching the keys ferociously. I couldn't help but jump.... I think the others noticed...because Fuji, Ai , Aito Ken ,Sozoshi,Takeshi and Itchiro rose from the chairs gently and walked over to me. I had not yet spoken to Takeshi or sozoshi since they first introduced them selves earlier.

"It will be fine he just needs to calm down. "Sozoshi whisper softly. I stared at the elevator as it went up.

"He just needs some time to heal..."Sozoshi said. Laying a weightless hand on my shoulder.I was a but surprised but l didn't react.

Heal from what ? Girl?
