
Golden Apple

"Uhh what do u mean?" l replied nervously.

"Give.Us.Your.Money.And maybe were help ya out." suddenly l hurd a loud clanging sound the next thing l know the guys pull out these knifes that glistened in the moon light. I began to worry. Why couldn't l just stay home.

I try backing away slowly but it felt like I just backed myself into a wall. I don't ever remember having a wall behind me.. l turned around and to my surprise a giant shadow loomed over me. I let out a horrified scream. It wasn't even hot outside and I was sweating. Thoughts clouded my mind. Was this the end? Will I die here ? Was that argument last the last I'll ever have with my mother.

My life darted acrosst my eyes. I had to think how could I get out of here ? If not what will they do you me?!?! Will they butcher me into a thousand tiny pieces????!????? My body reacted the only way I knew how. I scream at the top of my lungs 'PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME ANYO-" Before I could finish a hand cupped around my face and I felt a sharp metal rod jab into my side.

I couldn't stand anymore l fell to the ground with tears in my eyes.....

This was it...

Im going to die here...

I wont even be able to apologize to my mother..

My body felt cold and heavy.I couldn't move and I was starting to become unaware of my surroundings.. I was loosing lots of blood. But

only when I looked down at my wound with my face pressed between the cold hard floor, I saw my blood but my blood looked nothing like it looked more like gold sparkly italic paint. This looked nothing like the blood from my school text books. By now the men had already taken all my belongings.

I began to black out.

This was it..I was going to die here if all places.

Before my eyes closed I saw a hazzy silhouette of a man walking tawords me. Before I went completely unconscious I muttered "h..elp....m..e"


I felt warm ,everything was quiet and peaceful. Light beamed down on my closed eye lids. Was it morning? Was that all just a bad dream?

I open my hazzy eyes but to my astonishment, this was not my room let alone my house or view. This was like a huge modern room with big glass windows elevated nearly 200 or 300 feet in the air. The walls.were stained a eye blinking light there was a potted plant in the corner of this room. l was placed on a extravagant slate-grey chaise longue. The pale pink curtains draped over the large windows. Was this heaven?

The bleeding seemed to stop. I sat up from within a warm fluffy blanket and rubbed my lethargic eyes. Where was i ? Am I still dreaming? Just this lounge was as big as my entire house and l lived in a big house. I reluctantly flopped out of the warm fluffy blanket and waddled to the window. Man l was quite high up. Am l in a sky scraper??? Is this a rich person house !?!??! I quickly checked my side.

Bandeges.... so I wasn't dreaming... then that figure.. did they save me?.

As if on que l hurd foot steps get closer they sounded like heels on this hard ,wodden , shiny floor. Who could this be? Man everything was moving so fast just last night l ran away and then all that stuff with those people and now this? Wait a minute that's a good question how am l still feeling ok? l was literally stabbed last night l mean l was loosing a lot of blood right ? Why am l not in a hospital.

"So you're awake?" a cold sweet voice seemed to whisper.. wait did this guy just ask if l was awake??..... really.? I turned to him.

There before me was a tall muscular man about 6 feet tall with brick red hair,almond shaped hazle eyes and a tanned completion. At the moment all he was wearing was a black tank top, navy blue joggers and fancy polished shoes you wear to work? Though this guys hot his fashion sense is not geez..

Though was he the guy that saved me?
