
A hidden secret.

After dinner l go back to my floor. I slouched to each room blocking the glinting moon light from seeping through my crystal windows.....Oh ya my room...

I creep over to my room. My drowsy eyes struggle to see in front of me.

Like a snail l slip into my pajamas, a white baggy T-shirt and dark purple shorts. I climb into my cozy bed for the first time. But... all l could think about was..... what happened. Girl?

I can tell , these boys aren't telling me everything. Of course they look to perfect l didn't realize it at first but there really is something strange about them. Those were my last thoughts as l began to forget where l was.

Half asleep l feel something on my bed. I don't turn , l pretend to still be sleeping.. All of a sudden a cold hand glided over my body..l was petrified. Who was this .. what should l do?!?. My eyes were cracked open like a clam. My palms were like a 8th ocean.I tried to force my body not to gravle in fear..

The unknown hand slide its way up and down my arm. I could feel the looming figure now inches from my face. Warm quiet breathes whistled in my ear.They were so warm yet my body was frozen. l didn't dare move and tad.

The figure placed a melting sweet kiss on my forehead. I could feel the warmth minutes after it had been placed. Who's soft tender lips were these...Moments after footsteps left the room.

Still frozen in fear to the morning l layed there laying in my cold sweat.

Finally l can get up now. Stiff as a door nail l march over to my luxurious walk in dresser. For the day l slip into a baby blue dress with tapered frazzles. This will do.Should l ask the boys about last night? No there probably think im crazy. I draw open all my curtains before going down to eat. The boys told me that we usually switch floors to whoever feels comfortable cooking that day.

I took the lift to Ken's floor.

"Ah Emi good morning, what do u fancy for breakfast darling." Ken seemed very happy today.

"Oh nothing much maybe just some toast?" l replied.

"Of course." He replied.

He pickes out the butter and bread and plops the bread in the fancy toaster. I took a seat at his prestine bar table as his back was turned to me. Then the thought of last night dwindeled in my mind.. should l ask ken about it...

"H-ey um Ke-n..?" I stuttered without giving him time to reply l continue on.. "ken um the other night at dinner what did June mean. Its been bothering me.."

For a moment Ken was setting up the plates in silence. Pharaps contemplating whether to say something or not...

Though his Scarlet lips replied, "Well you see Emi like we said the other night there was once another one of us, she was kind loving everywhere she went the people loved her. She charmed everyone she ever met everyone adored her. But one day the people that once loved her turned on her , turned on by the people she loved and trusted .....all because they found out that she had golden blood!." He slams a plate down on the counter and continues..he seems so mad.

"We were all helpless to help her..we watched as tears filled her sunken eyes. her screams.. Jun felt the worst about it... they were so close... he blamd himself for not being able to save her.. we all cope with it in our own way..." He says getting quieter and quieter maybe he realizes how bad he got.

We were interrupted with a ping . l almost jumped out of my chair. Moments later Ken handed me a plate with toast on. He looked like nothing happened at all yet seemed so mad a second ago..

I finished up my breakfast and made my way to the elevator. Before entering l thought l saw something.. a shadow? Little did i know someone was listening into mine and Ken's congratulation.

Well l have nothing to do should l go speak to

