
.Fear reborn

I felt dizzy I wiped my dry and stiff tears from my face. I must of fallen asleep. "Damn it what time is it !?!" It was 3.46 " I've slept for 5 hours? " I think to myself in disbelief ."Oh shoot ! Uncle will be here soon and mom will probably meet him soon .! Crap ! CRAP! i have to clean up!" I rush down stairs almost tripping over on air millions of times before I get down there.

Immediately I storm to into the kitchen and slide over to the cleaning cupboard. I've always found it ironic that It's a cleaning cupboard and yet it looks like its been abandoned for thousands of years, and ugh those disgusting dusty webs make me shiver whenever I see them. I always feel worried about a big hairy spider jumping out and me. Well that thought is enough to stop me going anywhere near the cupboard.

But today is an exception I'm in a rush! As quickly as I can l grab anything and everything from the cupboard. But l was missing somthing....I put a tissue around my head to make it look like I'm Cindarela. I'm ready ,I'm ready to clean. I Started by mopping and sweeping the floors, then l wooshed around with our old big hover. Lastly l grabbed the air freshener and danced around the whole house spray it everywhere it smelt like lavanda. When l turned around l could see that cats from across the way staring at me. How humiliating. I cleaned the place until it Practically sparkled. Ive done it, or at least enough to get past my mother. I sigh.

Just like magic as soon as i had put everything away l heard the door keys rattling from the outside. I sprinted as quickly as l could to the door. In this moment I swear I was faster then Usain bolt. I got to the door just on time. Mother walked in finishing her conversation. " Ah Emi well done this place looks amazing" mom says as she turned to me. " um Emi sweetie what's that one your head?" she looks at me in a confused way. I reach up to my head and realized I'm still wearing the tissue on my head. I'm so embarrassed.

But my embarrassment came to an end as I hurd Foot steps entering the house.. The Man replied with "ahahahahaha Emi what the hell have you got on your head? You look like a old house wife." It was my uncle.. I felt my heart raise to my throat as he continued laughing. Mother joined in too.I mean I knew he would be here but still. I greet him with a stern hello and walk to the living room. I could feel my mothers gaze piercing my skull as I walked away.

When dinner time came around everyone was silent. My mom was the first to break the silence between us like a butcher." So Akuma brother how was the trip?" My mother asked. My uncle replied with great l saw a great many wonders dear sister." As the tense feeling deceased l decided to pick up my fork and start eating the amazing warm fluffy rice and curry l couldn't wait to eat it my mouth was watering. But before l could put my first mouth I was interrupted with a "You know you really shouldn't eat so much curry.. its bad for you." From my uncle the light hearted ness was completely gone and replaced with a deep cold voice and cunning stare.

I couldn't handle it anymore, I snapped. " YOU KNOW YOU SHOULDN'T BE SUCH A PRICK!" My mother stared at me in disbelief. She practiclly flung straight up and slamed her hands on the table. My uncle still unfazed with that cunning look on his face. "EMILIA SAKIN DON'T YOU DARE USE SUCH LANGUAGE IN MY HOUSE! YOYR UNCLE WAS JUST JOKING." I thought to myself if only she knew what such a terrible man my uncle was."That's it Emilia I've had enough.. go to your room." she sighes as she sits back down. Tears begin to flood my eyes.But to save myself the embarrassment I scurry to my room slamming the hard wooden door and flop onto my bed sobbing.

As l sat there I remember everything he did.

*when I was a little girl my mother would be away on trips alot for work and uncle would baby sit me alot. However whenever my mother left her stopped being so cheerful. He would constantly shout at me for every little thing l did wrong it started when I was around six. I mean I was six how was I suppose to do everything right.....*