
Gods Slayer

Damin_Typie · Fantasía
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31 Chs


In a certain city called Shiruko, everyone lived a peaceful, carefree life, at least until they were attacked by the Tsunako Empire, the inhabitants resisted but in vain, they died one by one, somewhere hidden there was a married couple with a small child, a few months old

  "Honey, we have to take Dakiro somewhere far away from here"

"We can't do this"

  "What, why the three of us can't escape together"

  "It's too risky, if all three of us move, we'll be too easy a target and they'll probably spot us easily"

  "You can entrust me with your son"

  A glowing figure appeared in front of the trio


"Who are you?" The man asked


"I am the God who lights up this dark world, you can call me Kami-sama"


"Kami-sama why do you want to take our son?" the woman asked


"Because the fate of the worlds will depend on this child" he explained causing the couple's eyes to widen


The couple looked at each other for a moment and then reluctantly agreed

  "Okay, we'll leave our son in your care"


"Make him safe"


Kami just nodded, grabbing the child, after saying goodbye to his parents, they both disappeared in a blaze of light, shortly after their disappearance, the knights found the couple and killed them within a few seconds.

  *Several years later

Kami looked at the little boy practicing hand-to-hand combat on the manikins, but soon decided to talk to him

  "Dakiro, allow me a moment"

  The boy obediently followed the god's command

  "What is it, father?" When Dakiro began to develop his senses and instincts, he also began to treat Kami as an adoptive father


"I will send you to a certain planet called earth, I want you to start developing there"

Dakiro had a sad look on his face thinking about being separated from his father


"Alone, why do I have to go to an alien planet?


"This is not an alien planet, this is the planet you were born on"

Now listen carefully, your home planet may be in danger, I want you to go there and protect it, think you will be some kind of hero

Hearing this sentence, Dakiro screamed with excitement, jumping up, Kami touched his stomach, putting him to sleep.


"I have given you half of my power, the fate of the Earth will depend on you"

Kami picked up the boy and then carried him to the planet and carried him to the person responsible for his training.

In a certain small wooden house lived an elderly man, he was not just any old man, he was a legend of world fighting tournaments which he had won over 25 times, he was about 50 years old, short gray hair, hair of the same color, wearing a green shirt and dark pants,  Kami suddenly appeared in front of him.

  "Who are you and what brings you to me?"

  "Hello Yuyiro-san.  I am the God of Light and I have come to you to entrust this kid to you, I want to train him to be a warrior, this kid is the hope of this world"

Yuyiro was initially unable to believe what he was saying and hearing, but seeing the aura surrounding Kami, he decided to believe and agree.

  "Okay, I'll take care of him"

  "Thank you, oh, and one more thing, remember that when Dakiro turns fifteen, he has to go to high school, here is his address"

  "You can count on me"

  The god smiled and then disappeared in a blaze of light