
Gods Slayer

Damin_Typie · Fantasía
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31 Chs


Vera changed her nails into demonic claws and then started attacking Dakiro, the teenager tried to avoid her attacks, Vera's claws hit the boy several times, cutting his clothes and skin.

"What's the matter, can you just run away?"

"No, but you know, I'm never used to fighting with a girl" he replied

"You little..."

Dakiro dodged Vera's attack, then grabbed her hand and threw it over him, sending her back several meters, Vera did a somersault and, bouncing off the ground with her hands, moved at the boy again, Dakiro jumped over her, to her irritation he bounced off her back, landing where she had just been standing.

"It's a pity that you have to stand on the opposite side, I think that if it weren't for it, we could have become friends"

The words spoken by Dakiro caused Vera to flinch for a moment, although she didn't want to show it, the purple-haired girl jumped up, Dakiro, wanting to end the fight as quickly as possible, decided to use one of his best attacks.

"Kazenuri!" the beam shot out

The attack was about to hit the girl, suddenly a mirror appeared in front of Vera which absorbed the attack and then released it back at Dakiro, the teenager had no time to react before the attack hit him, when he opened his eyes he saw that the attack hit next to him.

"She could have easily killed me with my attack, but it looks like she missed on purpose" he thought, looking at the girl

"Thanks to my ability, I can absorb an opponent's attack and use it against him. I'm in a good mood today so I won't kill you, now leave here" Vera explained as she left

As she was walking, Vera felt a hand on her shoulder and turned her head to see Dakiro's blue eyes

"I know you're not bad at all, you just can't find your true self"

"What the hell are you talking about!" she growled irritably

"I see it in your eyes, firstly, secondly, I saw how you reacted when I said that we could become friends, thirdly, by using my attack you could have easily killed me and you missed on purpose"

"What do you know about me, you have no idea what it's like to be saved by a demonic power! This is my curse that I have to face for the rest of my life. On the day I was born, the doctor said that I was too weak to continue living and would die within the next few hours, my parents were so desperate that they were willing to sell part of my soul to demons just to save me, and as a result I became half-demon. Some time later, when I was trying to control my demonic powers, I unintentionally killed my parents, when the village found out about it, they despised me and tried to kill me many times. I was forced to leave my family home and find a new place, I was on my own until I met the master, he is the only person who accepted me" Vera explained sadly

Dakiro was surprised by the girl's story, and upon hearing it, he decided to help her.

"How about destroying your demonic worship?" Dakiro suggested

"What, how to destroy it?"

"I am a God Slayer, I was trained by the God of Light, I can free you from this stigma" Dakiro explained

"Could you really, what should I do?"

Dakiro blushed slightly before answering - "I...would have to have contact with your breasts" he said shyly

"Pervert!" she said with a blush on her face

"Hey, it's not like I'm doing it for my own pleasure, it's the only way to destroy your demon soul"

Vera thought about it for a moment, finally agreed and lifted her shirt, taking off her bra, Dakiro grabbed her breasts, they released energy from his hands, causing Vera to moan.


Dakiro's energy began to reach inside the girl, soon it reached the place where the demon's soul is located, after clashing with each other, the demon's soul began to disintegrate and finally disappeared.

"Okay, it's done, I got rid of the demon's soul from you"

Vera didn't say anything, she just threw herself at Dakiro, hugging him with all her strength, tears appearing in her eyes. "Thank you, thank you, no one else has done something like this for me" she said, sobbing into his sweatshirt

"I'm glad I could help, but can you take me to your master?"

"Of course, this is the least I can do to repay you"